Équipe Variabilité Phénotypique et Adaptation "VPA" - iEES Paris

Notre recherche vise à mieux comprendre les causes écologiques et évolutives de la variabilité phénotypique.

Nous étudions les conséquences pour les processus démographiques qui dépendent des conditions environnementales.

Nous effectuons des recherches empiriques sur différents systèmes modèles (le lézard commun, les poissons annuels, les collemboles), en laboratoire, dans les mésocosmes et sur le terrain.

Nous privilégions une écologie prédictive et développons donc des modèles qualitatifs et quantitatifs liés aux nombreux organismes que nous étudions.

Grands axes de recherche

Mécanismes × Environnements

Nous nous intéresserons plus particulièrement aux traits qui peuvent changer au cours de la vie – comme la taille corporelle, la fécondité, la mortalité – et qui sont aussi souvent fortement influencés par l’environnement.

Héritabilité génétique × non-génétique

Les histoires vécues par chaque individu dans une population peuvent laisser des empreintes dans le génome, l’épigénome et beaucoup de traits phénotypiques, par plusieurs mécanismes. La sélection pourrait favoriser l’utilisation de ces effets différés comme une mémoire informative pour produire des individus pré-adaptés à des conditions environnementales futures.

Adaptation et évolution rapide

Le cadre théorique actuel pour la gestion du devenir des populations naturelles face au changement climatique fait systématiquement l’impasse sur les concepts biologiques cruciaux de (1) l’adaptation, (2) l’état adapté et (3) des décalages adaptatifs. Nous développons le concept du “décalage adaptatif” au changement climatique et travaillons sur la modélisation et l’estimation de ces décalages. 

Actualités de l'équipe

Membres de l'équipe

Nom PrénomCorpsEmployeurDépartement et ÉquipeAdresseTéléphoneMél
BAKKER SouleymanDoctorantS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
(+33) 01-44-27-47-30souleyman.bakker@sorbonne-universite.fr
DENIZE-PROUST NicolasDoctorantS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
GAMOT TristanDoctorantS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
GUETON ESTRADE EricTCNRSÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 206
LALOI DavidMCS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 3e étage – bureau : 316
(+33) 01-44-27-27-35david.laloi@sorbonne-universite.fr
LE GALLIARD Jean-FrançoisDRCNRSÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 214
THIBEAU-SUTRE NilsDoctorantAMUÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
TULLY ThomasMCS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 216
(+33) 01-44-27-26-68thomas.tully@sorbonne-universite.fr
VAN DOOREN TomCRCNRSÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 216
(+33) 01-44-27-26-68tom.van_dooren@sorbonne-universite.fr

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Publications de l'équipe

Ne concerne que les publications de 2017 à aujourd’hui. Pour voir toutes les publications dirigez-vous vers la page Publications.

RéférenceLiensJournalEquipes et départements
Rutschmann A., Perry C., Le Galliard J.-F.*, Dupoué A.^, Lourdais O., Guillon M., Brusch G. A.,Cote J., Richard M., Clobert J. and Miles D. B. (2023). Ecological responses of squamate reptiles
to nocturnal warming. Biological Reviews
https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.13037Biological ReviewsEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Tully, T*. (2023). Diversity, plasticity and asynchrony of actuarial and reproductive senescence in the Collembola Folsomia candida (Willem, 1902). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 1112045https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1112045 Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Oldenbeuving A., Gómez‐Zúniga A., Florez‐Buitrago X., Gutiérrez‐Zuluaga A. M., Machado C. A., Van Dooren T. J.M.*, van Alphen J., Biesmeijer J. C., Herre E. A. 2023. Field sampling of fig pollinator wasps across host species and host developmental phase: Implications for host recognition and specificity. Ecology and Evolution, 13(9), e10501
https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10501Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
​Chabaud C.~, Brusch G. A., Pellerin A.°, Lourdais O., Le Galliard J.-F.* (2023) Prey consumption does not restore hydration state but mitigates the energetic costs of water deprivation in an insectivorous lizard. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226(17): jeb.246129
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Journal of Experimental BiologyVPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.* (2023) A model-based assessment of adaptation in embryonic life histories of annual killifish​. bioRxiv
​Chabaud C.~, Lourdais O., Decencière B., Le Galliard J.-F.* (2023). Behavioural response to predation risks depends on experimental change in dehydration state in a lizard Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77(7): 90https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-023-03362-2
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyVPAEcoEvo
Dezetter M.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Lourdais O. (2022) Behavioural hydroregulation protects against acute effects of drought in a dry-skin ectotherm​. Oecologia OecologiaVPAEcoEvo
Dezetter M.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Lourdais O. (2022) Behavioural hydroregulation protects against acute effects of drought in a dry-skin ectotherm​. Oecologia
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​Galis F., Van Dooren T.J.M.*, van der Geer A. (2022) Breaking the constraint on the number of cervical vertebrae in mammals: On homeotic transformations in lorises and pottos. Evolution & Development10.1111/ede.12424
Evolution & DevelopmentVPAEcoEvo
​Brusch G. A., Le Galliard J.-F.*, Viton, R., Gavira R. S. B., Clobert J., Lourdais, O. (2022) Reproducing in a Changing World: Combined Effects of Thermal Conditions by Day and Night and of Water Constraints during Pregnancy in a Cold-Adapted Ectotherm. Oikos 2022, e09536 10.1111/oik.09536
Chabaud, C.~, Berroneau, M., Berroneau, M., Dupoué, A.^, Guillon, M., Viton, R., Gavira, R.S.B., Clobert, J., Lourdais, O. & Le Galliard, J.-F.* (2022) Climate aridity and habitat drive geographical variation in morphology and thermo-hydroregulation strategies of a widespread lizard species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 10.1093/biolinnean/blac114
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyVPAEcoEvo
Badiane, A.^, Dupoué, A.^, Blaimont, P., Miles, D. B., Gilbert, A. L., Leroux-Coyau, M.*, Kawamoto, A., Rozen-Rechels, D.*, Meylan, S.*, Clobert, J., & Le Galliard, J.-F.* (2022). Environmental conditions and male quality traits simultaneously explain variation of multiple colour signals in male lizards. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(9):1906-191710.1111/1365-2656.13773
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Journal of Animal EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Voituron, Y., Roussel, D., Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Dupoué, A.^, Romestaing, C., & Meylan, S.* (2022). Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation response overrides glucocorticoid-induced stress in a reptile. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 192:765-774.10.1007/s00360-022-01454-5
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Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systems and Environmental PhysiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Reinke, B.A., Cayuela, H., Janzen, F.J., Lemaître, J.-F., Gaillard, J.-M., Lawing, A.M., Iverson, J.B., Christiansen, D.G., Martínez-Solano, I., Sánchez-Montes, G., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, J., Rose, F.L., Nelson, N., Keall, S., Crivelli, A.J., Nazirides, T., Grimm-Seyfarth, A., Henle, K., Mori, E., Guiller, G., Homan, R., Olivier, A., Muths, E., Hossack, B.R., Bonnet, X., Pilliod, D.S., Lettink, M., Whitaker, T., Schmidt, B.R., Gardner, M.G., Cheylan, M., Poitevin, F., Golubović, A., Tomović, L., Arsovski, D., Griffiths, R.A., Arntzen, J.W., Baron, J.-P., Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Tully, T.*, Luiselli, L., Capula, M., Rugiero, L., McCaffery, R., Eby, L.A., Briggs-Gonzalez, V., Mazzotti, F., Pearson, D., Lambert, B.A., Green, D.M., Jreidini, N., Angelini, C., Pyke, G., Thirion, J.-M., Joly, P., Léna, J.-P., Tucker, A.D., Limpus, C., Priol, P., Besnard, A., Bernard, P., Stanford, K., King, R., Garwood, J., Bosch, J., Souza, F.L., Bertoluci, J., Famelli, S., Grossenbacher, K., Lenzi, O., Matthews, K., Boitaud, S., Olson, D.H., Jessop, T.S., Gillespie, G.R., Clobert, J., Richard, M., Valenzuela-Sánchez, A., Fellers, G.M., Kleeman, P.M., Halstead, B.J., Grant, E.H.C., Byrne, P.G., Frétey, T., Le Garff, B., Levionnois, P., Maerz, J.C., Pichenot, J., Olgun, K., Üzüm, N., Avcı, A., Miaud, C., Elmberg, J., Brown, G.P., Shine, R., Bendik, N.F., O’Donnell, L., Davis, C.L., Lannoo, M.J., Stiles, R.M., Cox, R.M., Reedy, A.M., Warner, D.A., Bonnaire, E., Grayson, K., Ramos-Targarona, R., Baskale, E., Muñoz, D., Measey, J., de Villiers, F.A., Selman, W., Ronget, V., Bronikowski, A.M. & Miller, D.A.W. (2022) Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity. Science, 376, 1459–1466.10.1126/science.abm0151
López-Sepulcre A*, Bruneaux M.P.^, Collins S.M., El-Sabaawi R.W., Flecker A.S., Thomas S.A. (2020) A new method to reconstruct quantitative food webs and nutrient flows from isotope tracer addition experiments. American Naturalist, 195: 964-985​10.1086/708546The American NaturalistVPAEcoEvo
​Dezetter, M.~, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Leroux-Coyau, M.*, Brischoux, F., Angelier, F., & Lourdais, O. (2022). Two stressors are worse than one: Combined heatwave and drought affect hydration state and glucocorticoid levels in a temperate ectotherm. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(7), jeb243777.10.1242/jeb.243777
Journal of Experimental BiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Van Dooren T.J.M.* (2022) Adaptational lags during periods of environmental change. bioRxiv preprint: 74291610.1101/742916
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Bruneaux M.P.^ and López-Sepulcre A* (2022) isotracer: an R package for the analysis of tracer addition experiments, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13: 1119-1134​ 10.1111/2041-210X.13822Methods in Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
​Dezetter, M.~, Dupoué, A.^, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, & Lourdais, O. (2022). Additive effects of developmental acclimation and physiological syndromes on lifetime metabolic and water loss rates of a dry-skinned ectotherm. Functional Ecology, 36(2), 432–445.10.1111/1365-2435.13951
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Functional EcologyVPAEcoEvo
​Le Galliard J.-F.*, Chabaud C.~, Andrade D. O. V., Brischoux F., Carretero M. A., Dupoué A.^, Gavira, R. S. B., Lourdais O., Sannolo M., Dooren T. J. M*. (2021) A Worldwide and Annotated Database of Evaporative Water Loss Rates in Squamate Reptiles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2021, 30 (10), 1938–1950. 10.1111/geb.13355
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Global Ecology and BiogeographyVPAEcoEvo
Milles P., De Filippo G., Maurey H., Tully T.*, Deiva K. (2021) Obesity in pediatric onset multiple sclerosis: A French cohort study. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation.10.1212/NXI.0000000000001044Neurology-Neuroimmunology & NeuroinflammationVPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels,D. ~, Rutschmann A., Dupoue A.,Blaimont P., Chauveau V., Miles D., Guillon M., Richard M., Badiane A., Meylan S.*, ClobertJ. , Le Galliard JF * (2021). Interaction of hydric and thermal conditions drive geographic variation in thermoregulation in a widespread lizard. ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, vol 91. 10.1002/ecm.1440
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Ecological MonographsEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Roy, J., Rineau, F., De Boeck, H.J., Nijs, I., Pütz, T., Abiven, S., Arnone, J.A., III, Barton, C.V.M., Beenaerts, N., Brüggemann, N., Dainese, M., Domisch, T., Eisenhauer, N., Garré, S., Gebler, A., Ghirardo, A., Jasoni, R.L., Kowalchuk, G., Landais, D., Larsen, S.H., Leemans, V., Le Galliard, J.-F., Longdoz, B., Massol, F., Mikkelsen, T.N., Niedrist, G., Piel, C., Ravel, O., Sauze, J., Schmidt, A., Schnitzler, J.-P., Teixeira, L.H., Tjoelker, M.G., Weisser, W.W., Winkler, B. and Milcu, A. (2021), Ecotrons: Powerful and versatile ecosystem analysers for ecology, agronomy and environmental science. Glob. Change Biol., 27: 1387-140710.1111/gcb.15471​
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Global Change BiologyVPAEcoEvo
Leduc AO.C., Thomas S.A., Bassar R.D., López-Sepulcre A.*, MacNeil K., El-Sabaawi R.W., Reznick D.N., Flecker A.S., Travis J. (2021) The experimental range extension of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) alters the metabolic activity of tropical streams. Oecologia, 195: 1053–1069 10.1007/s00442-021-04884-0OecologiaVPAEcoEvo
​Le Galliard J.-F.*, Rozen-Rechels D.~, Lecomte A., Demay C., Dupoué A., Meylan S*. Short-Term Changes in Air Humidity and Water Availability Weakly Constrain Thermoregulation in a Dry-Skinned Ectotherm. PLOS ONE 2021, 16 (2), e0247514. 10.1371/journal.pone.0247514
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Kawamoto, A., Le Galliard, J.-F., & Badiane, A. (2021). The role of social costs as a mechanism enforcing the honesty of ultraviolet-reflecting signals in a lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133(4), 1126–1138.10.1093/biolinnean/blab008
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyVPAEcoEvo
Rutschmann, A, Dupoué, A, Miles, DB, et al. Intense nocturnal warming alters growth strategies, colouration and parasite load in a diurnal lizard. J Anim Ecol. 2021; 00: 1– 14.10.1111/1365-2656.13502
Journal of Animal EcologyVPAEcoEvo
​Dezetter M.~, Le Galliard J. F.*, Guiller G., Guillon M., Leroux-Coyau M.*, Meylan S.*, Brischoux F., Angelier F., Lourdais O. (2021) Water Deprivation Compromises Maternal Physiology and Reproductive Success in a Cold and Wet Adapted Snake Vipera Berus. Conservation Physiology 9 (1). 10.1093/conphys/coab071
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Conservation PhysiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Rozen-Rechels, David~, Hugo Valls-Fox, Cheryl Tinashe Mabika, et Simon Chamaillé-Jammes. Temperature as a constraint on the timing and duration of African elephant foraging trips. Journal of Mammalogy 101, no 6 (2020): 1670‑7910.1093/jmammal/gyaa129
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Journal of MammalogyVPAEcoEvo
​Vrtílek M., Van Dooren  T.J.M.*, Mégane Beaudard M.° (2020) Egg size does not universally predict embryonic resources and hatchling size across annual killifish species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 249: 110769. 10.1016/j.cbpa.2020.110769
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Tully, T.*, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, & Baron, J.-P. (2020). Micro-geographic shift between negligible and actuarial senescence in a wild snake. Journal of Animal Ecology.10.1111/1365-2656.13317
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Journal of Animal EcologyVPAEcoEvo
Schut, P.C., Brosens, E., Van Dooren, T.J.M.*, Galis, F., Ten Broek, C.M., Baijens, I.M., Dremmen, M.H., Tibboel, D., Schol, M.P., de Klein, A. and Eggink, A.J. (2020) Exploring copy number variants in deceased fetuses and neonates with abnormal vertebral patterns and cervical ribs. Birth Defects Research.​10.1002/bdr2.1786
Birth Defects ResearchVPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels~ , Dupoué A^, Meylan S*, Qitout K, Decencière B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) Acclimation to water restriction implies different paces for behavioral and physiological responses in a lizard. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 10.1086/707409
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Physiological and Biochemical ZoologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels D ~, Farigoule P, , Agostini S,  Badiane A^, Meylan S* and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) . Short‐term change in water availability influences thermoregulation behaviours in a dry‐skinned ectotherm.  Journal of Animal Ecology 10.1111/1365-2656.13279
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Journal of Animal EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.* (2020) Stasis and the phenotypic gambit. Peer Community in Ecology (2020): 100053.​10.24072/pci.ecology.100053
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Peer Community in EcologyVPAEcoEvo
Badiane A.^, Martin M.~, Meylan S*., Richard M., Decencière Ferrandière B., Le Galliard J-F* (2020). Male ultraviolet reflectance and female mating history influence female mate choice and male mating success in a polyandrous lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 130 (3) 586–598 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa061
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Schut, P. C., Eggink A.J., Cohen-Overbeek T.E., Van Dooren T.J.M.*, de Borst G.J., Galis F. (2020) Miscarriage is associated with cervical ribs in thoracic outlet syndrome patients. Early Human Development 144 (220): 105027.​10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2020.105027
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Early Human DevelopmentVPAEcoEvo
ReznickD.N., De Bona S., López-Sepulcre A., Torres M., Bassar R.D., Benzen P., Travis J. (2020) Experimental study of species invasion: early population dynamics and role of disturbance in invasion success. Ecological Monographs, e01413​10.1002/ecm.1413Ecological MonographsVPAEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Angelier F, Ribout C, Meylan S*, Rozen-Rechels D~, Decencière B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F* (2020)  Chronic water restriction triggers sex-specific oxidative stress and telomere shortening in lizards. Biology Letters​10.1098/rsbl.2019.0889
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Biology LettersEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Molbert N., Alliot F., Leroux-Coyau M., Médoc V., Biard C.*, Meylan S.*, Jacquin L., Santos R. et Goutte A. (2020).Potential Benefits of Acanthocephalan Parasites for Chub Hosts in Polluted Environments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54, 9, 5540–5549​10.1021/acs.est.0c00177
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Environmental Science & TechnologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Andréaz Dupoué, Mahaut Sorlin, Murielle Richard, Jean François Le Galliard, Olivier Lourdais, Jean Clobert, Fabien Aubret, Mother-offspring conflict for water and its mitigation in the oviparous form of the reproductively bimodal lizard, Zootoca vivipara, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 129, Issue 4, April 2020, Pages 888–900.10.1093/biolinnean/blaa012
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyVPAEcoEvo
​Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Silveira A. B., Gilbault E., Jiménez-Gómez J.M., Martin A., Bach L., Tisné S., Quadrana L., Loudet O., Colot V. (2020) Mild drought in the vegetative stage induces phenotypic, gene expression and DNA methylation plasticity in Arabidopsis but no transgenerational effects. Journal of Experimental Botany 71: 3588–3602.10.1093/jxb/eraa132
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Journal of Experimental BotanyVPAEcoEvo
Dusza, Y., Sanchez-Cañete, E.P., Le Galliard, J.-F., Ferrière, R., Chollet, S., Massol, F., Hansart, A., Juarez, S., Dontsova, K., van Haren, J., Troch, P., Pavao-Zuckerman, M. A., Hamerlynck, E. and G. A. Barron-Gafford. 2020. Biotic soil-plant interaction processes explain most of hysteric soil CO2 efflux response to temperature in cross-factorial mesocosm experiment. Scientific Reports 10:905 (2020). 10.1038/s41598-019-55390-6
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Scientific ReportsVPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels D~, Badiane A^, Agostini S, Meylan S* and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) Water restriction induces behavioral fight strategies but impairs thermoregulation in a dry-skinned ectotherm. Oikos.10.1111/oik.06910
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OikosEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Blaimont P, Rozen-Rechels R~, Richard M, Meylan S*, Clobert J, Miles D.B, Martin R, Decencière B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) Water availability and temperature induce changes in oxidative status during pregnancy in a viviparous lizard (Zootoca vivipara). Functional Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2435.13481
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Functional EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Josserand R~, Haussy C, Agostini S, Decencière B, Le Galliard* J-F and Meylan S* (2020) Chronic elevation of glucorticoids late in life generates long lasting changes in physiological state without a life history switch. General and Comparative Endocrinology 285, 113288.​10.1016/j.ygcen.2019.113288
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General and Comparative EndocrinologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Helmstetter A. J., Van Dooren T. J. M. * (2019) Determinants of growth and body size in Austrolebias South-American annual killifish. bioRxiv.​10.1101/2019.12.31.891648
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Mallard, F.,^ Le Bourlot, V., Le Coeur, C.°, Avnaim, M.*, Péronnet, R.*, Claessen, D., & Tully, T.* (2019). From individuals to populations: How intraspecific competition shapes thermal reaction norms. Functional Ecology.10.1111/1365-2435.13516
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Functional EcologyESEAEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren TJM* (2019) Assessing species richness trends: Declines of bees and bumblebees in the Netherlands since 1945. Ecology and Evolution 9(23): 13056-13068.​10.1002/ece3.5717
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Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Dupoue A^, Lourdais O, Meylan S*, Brischoux F, Angelier F, Rozen-Rechels D~, Marcangeli Y, Decenciere B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F *(2019) Some like it dry: Water restriction overrides heterogametic sex determination in two reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 9, 6524-6533.​10.1002/ece3.5229
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Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Names, G., Martin, M., Badiane, A. and J.-F. Le Galliard. 2019. The relative importance of body size and UV coloration in influencing male-male competition in a Lacertid lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 98.10.1007/s00265-019-2710-z
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels D.~, Dupoué A.^, Lourdais O., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Meylan S.*, Clobert J., Le Galliard J.-F. *(2019). When water interacts with temperature: ecological and evolutionary implications of thermo-hydroregulation in terrestrial ectotherms. Ecology and Evolution 9: 10029-10043​10.1002/ece3.5440
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Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
De Bona S.D~, Bruneaux M.P.^, Lee A.E.G.P., Reznick D.N., Bentzen P., López-Sepulcre A.* (2019) Spatio-temporal dynamics of density-dependent dispersal during a population colonisation. Ecology Letters. 22: 634-644 10.1111/ele.13205
Ecology LettersVPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren Tom JM, Varela‐Lasheras I (2018) Embryonal life histories: Desiccation plasticity and diapause in the Argentinean pearlfish Austrolebias bellottii. Ecol Evol. 2018;00:1–15.10.1002/ece3.4599
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Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Helmstetter A. J., Van Dooren T. J. M. *, Papadopulos, A. S., Igea, J., Leroi, A. M., Savolainen, V. (2018) Trait evolution and historical biogeography shape assemblages of annual killifish. J Biogeogr. 2020; 47: 1955– 196510.1111/jbi.13912
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Journal of BiogeographyVPAEcoEvo
Brom T.~, Massot M.*, Laloi D.* (2018)The sex chromosome system can influence the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31: 1377-1385 10.1111/jeb.13340
Journal of Evolutionary BiologyCReAEcoSens ; VPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Silveira A., Gilbaut E., Jimenez-Gomez J.M., Martin A., Bach L., Tisne S., Quadrana L., Loudet O., Colot, V. (2018) Mild drought induces phenotypic and DNA methylation plasticity but no transgenerational effects in Arabidopsis. bioRxiv, 370320.​10.1101/370320
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​Valkonen J, Makela A.M., Mappes J., López-Sepulcre A.* (2018) Evaluating the potential for evolutionary mismatch in Batesian mimics: a case study in the endangered Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca). Evolutionary Applications10.1111/eva.12679Evolutionary ApplicationsVPAEcoEvo
​Lindstedt C, Miettinen A., Freitak D., Ketola T., López-Sepulcre A.*, Mäntylä E., Pakkanen H. (2018) Ecological conditions alter cooperative behaviour and its costs in a chemically defended sawfly. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 285: 2018046610.1098/rspb.2018.0466
Bonnaffe W °, Martin M~, Mugabo M~, Meylan S* and Le Galliard J-F*(2018) Ontogenetic trajectories of body coloration reveal its function as a multicomponent nonsenescent signal. Ecology and Evolution 8, 12299-12307​10.1002/ece3.4369
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Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Rutschmann A, Le Galliard J-F*, Clobert J, Blaimont P, Sinervo B, Miles D B and Meylan S *(2018) Reduction in baseline corticosterone secretion correlates with climate warming and drying across wild lizard populations. Journal of Animal Ecology 87(5):1331-1341.​10.1111/1365-2656.12843
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Journal of Animal EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren T. J. M. *, Allen C. E., Beldade P. (2018) Predicting and Analyzing the Response to Selection on Correlated Characters. bioRxiv, 348896.10.1101/348896BioRxivVPAEcoEvo
Clobert, J., Chanzy, A., Le Galliard, J.-F., Chabbi, A., Greiveldinger, L., Caquet, T., Loreau, M., Mougin, C., Pichot, C., Roy, J. and L. Saint-André. 2018. How to integrate experimental research approaches in ecological and environmental studies: AnaEE France as an example. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:43. (2018).​10.3389/fevo.2018.00043
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Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Thomassen H.A., Smit F., Helmstetter A.J., & Savolainen V. (2018) Scope for sympatric giant-dwarf speciation driven by cannibalism in South-American annual killifish (Austrolebias). bioRxiv, 121806.10.1101/121806BioRxivVPAEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Le Galliard J-F*, Josserand R”, DeNardo D, Decencière B, Agostini S and Meylan S* (2018) Water restriction causes an intergenerational trade-off and delayed mother-offspring conflict in a viviparous lizard. Functional Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2435.13009Functional EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels D”, Dupoué A^, Meylan S*, Decencière B, Guingand S, and Le Galliard J-F* (2018) Water restriction in viviparous lizards causes trans-generational effects on behavioral anxiety and immediate effects on exploration behavior. Behavioral Ecology and Sociology. 72(2): 1-1410.1007/s00265-018-2443-4
Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Milcu A.; Puga-Freitas R*.; Ellison A.M., Blouin M., Scheu S., Girin T., Freschet G.T., Rose L., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Barot S*., Lata J-C*., Cesarz S., Eisenhauer N., Gigon A*.,Weigelt A., Hansart A., Greiner A., Pando A*., Gessler A.,  Grignani C., Assandri D., Gleixner G., Le Galliard J-F*., Urban-Mead K., Laura Zavattaro L., MüllerM.E.H., LangeM., Martin Lukac M., Bonkowski M., Mannerheim N., Buchmann N.,  Butenschoen O., Rotter P., Seyhun R., Devidal S., Kayler Z., and J Roy J.(2018).Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study.  Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2, p279–28710.1038/s41559-017-0434-x
Nature Ecology & EvolutionBioDISDCFE ; EcoPhySIPE ; EMSDCFE ; VPAEcoEvo
Voituron Y, Josserand R~, Le Galliard J-F*, Haussy C, Roussel D, Romestaing C and Meylan S* (2017) Chronic stress, energy transduction and free radical production in a reptile. Oecologia 185(2):195-203.  ​10.1007/s00442-017-3933-1
OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Dupoué A.^; Rutschmann A., Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Clobert J., Angelier F., Marciau C., Ruault S., Miles D.B., Meylan S*. (2017) Shorter Telomeres Precede Population Extinction in Wild Lizards. Scientific Reports 7 (1), 16976. 10.1038/s41598-017-17323-z
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Scientific ReportsEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Josserand R.~, Dupoué A.^, Agostini S.*, Haussy C.*, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Meylan S*. (2017) Habitat Degradation Increases Stress-Hormone Levels during the Breeding Season and Decreases Survival and Reproduction in Adult Common Lizards. Oecologia 184 (1), 75–86. 10.1007/s00442-017-3841-4
OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Mugabo M.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Perret S., Decencière B., Haussy C.*, Meylan S.* (2017) Sex-Specific Density-Dependent Secretion of Glucocorticoids in Lizards: Insights from Laboratory and Field Experiments. Oikos 2017, 126 (7), 1051–1061. 10.1111/oik.03701OikosEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Voituron Y., Josserand R.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Haussy C.*, Roussel D., Romestaing C., Meylan S.* (2017) Chronic Stress, Energy Transduction, and Free-Radical Production in a Reptile. Oecologia 2017, 185 (2), 195–203. 10.1007\s00442-017-3933-1
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OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Dupoué A.^, Rutschmann A.; Le Galliard J.-F.*, Miles D. B., Clobert J., DeNardo D. F., Brusch G. A., Meylan S*. (2017) Water Availability and Environmental Temperature Correlate with Geographic Variation in Water Balance in Common Lizards. Oecologia 185 (4), 561–571. 10.1007/s00442-017-3973-6
OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Gordon S.P., López-Sepulcre A.*, Rumbo D., Reznick D.N. (2017) Rapid changes in the sex linkage of male coloration in introduced guppy populations. American Naturalist, 189: 196-20010.1086/689864The American NaturalistVPAEcoEvo
​Artacho, P., Saravia, J., Perret, S., Bartheld, J. L., & Le Galliard, J. F. (2017). Geographic variation and acclimation effects on thermoregulation behavior in the widespread lizard Liolaemus pictus. Journal of Thermal Biology, 63, 78-87.10.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.11.001Journal of Thermal BiologyVPAEcoEvo
Gallardo Ruiz, M.~, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, & Tully, T.* (2017). Genetic variation in light vision and light-dependent movement behaviour in the eyeless Collembola Folsomia candida. Pedobiologia, 61, 33-41.10.1016/j.pedobi.2016.12.001
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