Evolutionary ecology Department "EcoEvo" - iEES Paris

The three research teams of the Department of Evolutionary ecology study the ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of individual phenotypic variability. Studies focus on behaviour, physiology, morphology, and life history traits.

The teams undertake experimental and theoretical studies using a variety of animal models (birds, lizards, social insects, springtails, etc.).

The researches carried out at the Department of Evolutionary ecology focus on phenotypic and evolutionary adaptations to global changes and the physiological processes involved (ecophysiology), including the developmental processes that constrain the range of possible phenotypes (eco-evo-devo).

Works investigate the epigenetic bases of phenotypic variation and of ageing in an evolutionary perspective, dispersal, evolutionary mechanisms maintaining colour polymorphism (effects of melanin in immune defences), maternal effects, sexual selection, and social interactions (cooperation and social conflicts).

The research teams of the Department of Evolutionary ecology are particularly involved in some transversal research axes within the Institute (Urban ecology and Evolution and systems functioning).

An important part of the experimental works of the Department is carried out at CEREEP field station near Paris.

Department news

Teams of "EcoEvo" department

Evolutionary Eco-Physiology


Social Species in their Environments : Adaptation and Evolution


Phenotypic variability and adaptation


Department Publications

Only applies to publications from 2017 to present. To see all the publications go to the Publications page.

RéférenceLiensJournalEquipes et départements
Chatelain M.^, Nold F., Mathieu J.*, (2023) Metal pollution drives earthworm biodiversity in urban lawns, Science of the Total Environment, 2024,914

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Science ot the Total EnvironmentEERIDCFE ; EPEEcoEvo
​​Billen J, Monnin T* (2024) Functional morphology of the Dufour gland in the queenless ant Dinoponera quadriceps. Insectes Soc
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Insectes sociauxESEAEEcoEvo
García Ibarra F~, Jouquet P*, Bottinelli N*, Bultelle A*, Monnin T* (2023). Experimental evidence that increased surface temperature affects bioturbation by ants. Journal of Animal Ecologyhttps://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.14040​
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Journal of Animal EcologyESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
Rutschmann A., Perry C., Le Galliard J.-F.*, Dupoué A.^, Lourdais O., Guillon M., Brusch G. A.,Cote J., Richard M., Clobert J. and Miles D. B. (2023). Ecological responses of squamate reptiles
to nocturnal warming. Biological Reviews
https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.13037Biological ReviewsEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Finand B~, Loeuille N*, Bocquet C^, Fédérici P*, Ledamoisel J°, Monnin T* (2023) Habitat fragmentation through urbanization selects for low dispersal in an ant species. Oikos e10325​https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.10325OikosEERIDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Tully, T*. (2023). Diversity, plasticity and asynchrony of actuarial and reproductive senescence in the Collembola Folsomia candida (Willem, 1902). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 1112045https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1112045 Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Sinotte V., Renelies-Hamilton J., Andreu-Sanchez S., Vasseur-Cognet M.*, Poulsen M. (2023) Selective enrichment of founding reproductive microbiomes allows extensive vertical transmission in a fungus-farming termite. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 290: 20231559https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2023.1559​Proceedings of the Royal SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
​​Finand B~, Monnin T*, Loeuille N* (2023) Evolution of dispersal and the maintenance of fragmented metapopulations. Oikos e10490
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Oldenbeuving A., Gómez‐Zúniga A., Florez‐Buitrago X., Gutiérrez‐Zuluaga A. M., Machado C. A., Van Dooren T. J.M.*, van Alphen J., Biesmeijer J. C., Herre E. A. 2023. Field sampling of fig pollinator wasps across host species and host developmental phase: Implications for host recognition and specificity. Ecology and Evolution, 13(9), e10501
https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10501Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
​Chabaud C.~, Brusch G. A., Pellerin A.°, Lourdais O., Le Galliard J.-F.* (2023) Prey consumption does not restore hydration state but mitigates the energetic costs of water deprivation in an insectivorous lizard. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226(17): jeb.246129
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Journal of Experimental BiologyVPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.* (2023) A model-based assessment of adaptation in embryonic life histories of annual killifish​. bioRxiv
​Chabaud C.~, Lourdais O., Decencière B., Le Galliard J.-F.* (2023). Behavioural response to predation risks depends on experimental change in dehydration state in a lizard Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77(7): 90https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-023-03362-2
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyVPAEcoEvo
​Fortuna, R., M. Paquet, C. Biard*, L. Élard*, A. C. Ferreira, M. Leroux-Coyau*, C. Parenteau, L.R. Silva, F. Théron, R. Covas et C. Doutrelant. 2023. Egg components and offspring survival vary with group size and laying order in a cooperative breeder. Oecologia 202:129–142https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-023-05379-w
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Galenza A., Moreno-Roman P., Su YH., Acosta-Alvarez L., Debec A., et al. Basal stem cell progeny establish their apical surface in a junctional niche during turnover of an adult barrier epithelium. Nat Cell Biol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-023-01116-w​​
10.1038/s41556-023-01116-wNature Cell BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
DioufM.*, Hervé V., Fréchault S.*, Josie Lambourdière J.,NdiayeA.B.`, Miambi E*., Bourceret B., Jusselme M.D.^,
Selosse M.-A.,Corinne Rouland-Lefèvre C*. (2023)Succession of the microbiota in the gut of reproductives of
Macrotermes subhyalinus (Termitidae) at colony foundation gives insights into symbionts transmission.Frontiers inEcology and Evolution
10.3389/fevo.2022.1055382Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionESEAEEcoEvo
Eyer P-A, Finand B~, Mona S, Khimoun A, d’Ettorre P, Fédérici P*, Leroy C, Cornette R, Chifflet-Belle P, Monnin T*, Doums C (2022) Integrative characterisation of genetic and phenotypic differentiation in an ant species complex with strong hierarchical population structure and low dispersal abilities. Heredity10.1038/s41437-022-00590-6
​Erktan, A., Coq, S., Blanchart, E., Chevallier, T., Trap, J., Bernard, L., Nahmani, J., Hartmann, C., Hedde, M., Ganault, P., Barot, S., Cortet, J. and, 2022. Biodiversité et structure physique des sols : une vision spatialisée du fonctionnement des sols. Etude et Gestion des Sols 29, 153–167. ​
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Etude et Gestion des SolsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; EPEEcoEvo ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Dezetter M.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Lourdais O. (2022) Behavioural hydroregulation protects against acute effects of drought in a dry-skin ectotherm​. Oecologia OecologiaVPAEcoEvo
Dezetter M.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Lourdais O. (2022) Behavioural hydroregulation protects against acute effects of drought in a dry-skin ectotherm​. Oecologia
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Planas-Sitjà I., Monnin T.*, Loeuille N.*, Cronin A.L. (2022) To disperse or compete? Coevolution of traits leads to a limited number of reproductive strategies. Oikos 9:e09972​10.1111/oik.09972
​Monniez° E., F. Jiguet, C. Vignal*, and C. Biard*. 2022. Differential effects of anthropogenic noise and vegetation cover on the breeding phenology and success of two urban passerines. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Section Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology, Research Topic “Behavioral Ecological Insights into Organismal Responses to Anthropogenic Environmental Change: A Multi-Stress Perspective”10.3389/fevo.2022.1058584
frontiers in ecology and evolutionEPEEcoEvo
​Galis F., Van Dooren T.J.M.*, van der Geer A. (2022) Breaking the constraint on the number of cervical vertebrae in mammals: On homeotic transformations in lorises and pottos. Evolution & Development10.1111/ede.12424
Evolution & DevelopmentVPAEcoEvo
​Post F., Bornberg-Bauer E., Vasseur-Cognet M*, Harrison M.C (2022) More effective transposon regulation in fertile, long-lived termite queens than in sterile workers. Molecular Ecology, 1-2210.1111/mec.16753Molecular EcologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Brusch G. A., Le Galliard J.-F.*, Viton, R., Gavira R. S. B., Clobert J., Lourdais, O. (2022) Reproducing in a Changing World: Combined Effects of Thermal Conditions by Day and Night and of Water Constraints during Pregnancy in a Cold-Adapted Ectotherm. Oikos 2022, e09536 10.1111/oik.09536
Chabaud, C.~, Berroneau, M., Berroneau, M., Dupoué, A.^, Guillon, M., Viton, R., Gavira, R.S.B., Clobert, J., Lourdais, O. & Le Galliard, J.-F.* (2022) Climate aridity and habitat drive geographical variation in morphology and thermo-hydroregulation strategies of a widespread lizard species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 10.1093/biolinnean/blac114
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyVPAEcoEvo
Jouanneau, William, Manrico Sebastiano, David Rozen-Rechels*, Stephanie M. Harris, Pierre Blévin, Frédéric Angelier, François Brischoux, et al. Blood Mercury Concentrations in Four Sympatric Gull Species from South Western France: Insights from Stable Isotopes and Biologging. Environmental Pollution 308 (septembre 2022): 119619.10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119619
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Environmental PollutionEPEEcoEvo
Turak N.°, Monnier-Corbel A.°, Gouret M.°, Frantz A.* (2022) Urbanization shapes the relation between density and melanin-based colouration in bird communities. Oikos10.1111/oik.09313
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Badiane, A.^, Dupoué, A.^, Blaimont, P., Miles, D. B., Gilbert, A. L., Leroux-Coyau, M.*, Kawamoto, A., Rozen-Rechels, D.*, Meylan, S.*, Clobert, J., & Le Galliard, J.-F.* (2022). Environmental conditions and male quality traits simultaneously explain variation of multiple colour signals in male lizards. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(9):1906-191710.1111/1365-2656.13773
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Journal of Animal EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Voituron, Y., Roussel, D., Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Dupoué, A.^, Romestaing, C., & Meylan, S.* (2022). Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation response overrides glucocorticoid-induced stress in a reptile. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 192:765-774.10.1007/s00360-022-01454-5
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Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systems and Environmental PhysiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Harrison M. C., Dohmen E., George S., Sillam-Dussès D., Séité S^., Vasseur-Cognet M.* (2022) Complex regulatory role of DNA methylation in caste- and age-specific expression of a termite. Open Biology, 12: 220047, 10.1098/rsob.220047Open BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Jouquet P.*, Bultelle A.*, Djouraev I.*, Caquineau S.*, Hervé V.*, Vasseur-Cognet M.* (2022) Termite graveyards. Hidden geochemical patches? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 170: 1-7, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108678
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Reinke, B.A., Cayuela, H., Janzen, F.J., Lemaître, J.-F., Gaillard, J.-M., Lawing, A.M., Iverson, J.B., Christiansen, D.G., Martínez-Solano, I., Sánchez-Montes, G., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, J., Rose, F.L., Nelson, N., Keall, S., Crivelli, A.J., Nazirides, T., Grimm-Seyfarth, A., Henle, K., Mori, E., Guiller, G., Homan, R., Olivier, A., Muths, E., Hossack, B.R., Bonnet, X., Pilliod, D.S., Lettink, M., Whitaker, T., Schmidt, B.R., Gardner, M.G., Cheylan, M., Poitevin, F., Golubović, A., Tomović, L., Arsovski, D., Griffiths, R.A., Arntzen, J.W., Baron, J.-P., Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Tully, T.*, Luiselli, L., Capula, M., Rugiero, L., McCaffery, R., Eby, L.A., Briggs-Gonzalez, V., Mazzotti, F., Pearson, D., Lambert, B.A., Green, D.M., Jreidini, N., Angelini, C., Pyke, G., Thirion, J.-M., Joly, P., Léna, J.-P., Tucker, A.D., Limpus, C., Priol, P., Besnard, A., Bernard, P., Stanford, K., King, R., Garwood, J., Bosch, J., Souza, F.L., Bertoluci, J., Famelli, S., Grossenbacher, K., Lenzi, O., Matthews, K., Boitaud, S., Olson, D.H., Jessop, T.S., Gillespie, G.R., Clobert, J., Richard, M., Valenzuela-Sánchez, A., Fellers, G.M., Kleeman, P.M., Halstead, B.J., Grant, E.H.C., Byrne, P.G., Frétey, T., Le Garff, B., Levionnois, P., Maerz, J.C., Pichenot, J., Olgun, K., Üzüm, N., Avcı, A., Miaud, C., Elmberg, J., Brown, G.P., Shine, R., Bendik, N.F., O’Donnell, L., Davis, C.L., Lannoo, M.J., Stiles, R.M., Cox, R.M., Reedy, A.M., Warner, D.A., Bonnaire, E., Grayson, K., Ramos-Targarona, R., Baskale, E., Muñoz, D., Measey, J., de Villiers, F.A., Selman, W., Ronget, V., Bronikowski, A.M. & Miller, D.A.W. (2022) Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity. Science, 376, 1459–1466.10.1126/science.abm0151
Khalife A.~, Peeters C.*, Economo E.P. (2021) Minute workers and large soldiers in the subterranean ant Carebara perpusilla: Musculoskeletal consequences of Haller’s rule in the thorax. Arthropod Structure & Development, 69:10118810.1016/j.asd.2022.101188Arthropod Structure & DevelopmentESEAEEcoEvo
Finand B.~, Monnin T.*, Loeuille​ N.* (2022) Evolution of dispersal and the maintenance of fragmented metapopulations. bioRxiv10.1101/2022.06.08.495260
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López-Sepulcre A*, Bruneaux M.P.^, Collins S.M., El-Sabaawi R.W., Flecker A.S., Thomas S.A. (2020) A new method to reconstruct quantitative food webs and nutrient flows from isotope tracer addition experiments. American Naturalist, 195: 964-985​10.1086/708546The American NaturalistVPAEcoEvo
​Csősz S., Báthori F., Molet M.*, Rádai Z. (2022) What would a parasitized ant look like if it were healthy: morphological reconstruction using algorithmic processing. Life, 12: 625,10.3390/life12050625LifeESEAEEcoEvo
​Dezetter, M.~, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Leroux-Coyau, M.*, Brischoux, F., Angelier, F., & Lourdais, O. (2022). Two stressors are worse than one: Combined heatwave and drought affect hydration state and glucocorticoid levels in a temperate ectotherm. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(7), jeb243777.10.1242/jeb.243777
Journal of Experimental BiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Aupanun S., Jaitrong W., Suttiprapan P., Peeters C.*, Ito F. (2022) Nest architecture, worker reproduction, and polygyny in the ponerine ant Harpegnathos venator. Insectes Sociaux,  69:185-195 10.1007/s00040-022-00857-5Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
​Van Dooren T.J.M.* (2022) Adaptational lags during periods of environmental change. bioRxiv preprint: 74291610.1101/742916
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Bruneaux M.P.^ and López-Sepulcre A* (2022) isotracer: an R package for the analysis of tracer addition experiments, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13: 1119-1134​ 10.1111/2041-210X.13822Methods in Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
​Jacquier L.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2022) Spring colonies of the ant Temnothorax nylanderi tolerate cadmium better than winter colonies, in both a city and a forest habitat. Ecotoxycology 31: 324-334, 10.1007/s10646-021-02515-1
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​Dezetter, M.~, Dupoué, A.^, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, & Lourdais, O. (2022). Additive effects of developmental acclimation and physiological syndromes on lifetime metabolic and water loss rates of a dry-skinned ectotherm. Functional Ecology, 36(2), 432–445.10.1111/1365-2435.13951
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Functional EcologyVPAEcoEvo
​Séité S.^, Harrison M.C., Sillam-Dussès D., Lupoli R., Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Robert A., Poissonnier L-A., Lemainque A., Renault D., Acket S., Andrieu M., Viscarra J., Sul H.S., de Beer Z.W., Bornberg-Bauer E. and Vasseur-Cognet M* (2022) Lifespan prolonging mechanisms and insulin upregulation without fat accumulation in long-lived reproductives of a higher termite. Communications Biology, Jan 13; Vol.5 (1): 44, 10.1038/s42003-021-02974-6
Communications BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Mizuno R., Likhitrakarn N., Suttiprapan P., Aupanun S., JaitrongW. Peeters C.* (2022) Field observations on nestmate recruitment to millipedes in the chainassembling ponerine ant Leptogenys cyanicatena (Formicidae: Ponerinae) in northern Thailand. Asian Myrmecology, 15:e01500310.20362/am.015003Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
DOLLION A., MEYLAN S., MARQUIS O., LEROUX-COYAU M., HERREL A. (2022). Do male panther chameleons use different aspects of color change to settle disputes?. The Science of Nature Naturwissenschaften, 109 (1), 13https://doi.org/10.1007/s00114-022-01784-y
The Science of Nature NaturwissenschaftenEcoEvo
SEITE S., HARRISON M., SILLAM-DUSSES D., LUPOLI R., VAN DOOREN T., ROBERT A., POISSONNIER L.-A., LEMAINQUE A., RENAULT D., ACKET S., ANDRIEU M., VISCARRA J., SUL H. S., DE BEER Z. W., BORNBERG-BAUER E., VASSEUR-COGNET M. (2022-01-13). Lifespan prolonging mechanisms and insulin upregulation without fat accumulation in long-lived reproductives of a higher termite. Communications Biology, (5), 44https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.10.443390
Communications BiologyEcoEvo
​Biard, C.*, K. Monceau, M. Teixeira, S. Motreuil, S. Bettencourt-Amarante, L. Develay and J. Moreau (2021). Coccidial oocyst release: once a day or all day long? Tropical bird hosts shed new light on the adaptive significance of diurnal periodicity in parasite output. Parasitology: 1-37 10.1017/S003118202100202X
​Yong G. Jaitrong W. Peeters C.* (2021) Nest structure of the bark-digging ant Rhopalomastix (Formicidae, Myrmicinae) and notes on its mutualistic associations with diaspidids in a Thai mango plantation. Asian Myrmecology, 13:e013005 10.20362/am.013005Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Iry Andrianjara~, Marianne Bordenave-Jacquemin*, Virginie Roy*, Cécile Cabassa*, Pierre Federici*, David Carmignac*, Yoan Marcangeli*, Germinal Rouhan, Mathilde Renard, François Nold, Jean-Christophe Lata*, Patricia Genet*, Séverine Planchais* (2021) Urban tree management: diversity of Tilia genus in streets and parks of Paris based on morphological and genetic characteristics, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127382
​Lavallée F, Chérel G, Monnin T* (2021) No coordination required for resources allocation during colony fission in a social insect? An individual-based model reproduces empirical patterns. Animal Cognition10.1007/s10071-021-01561-w
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Animal CognitionESEAEEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Jacquier L.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2021). Disentangling the roles of social and individual effects on cadmium tolerance in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1–12 10.1093/biolinnean/blab116
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
​Molbert, N., S. Agostini, F. Alliot, F. Angelier, C. Biard*, B. Decencière, M. Leroux-Coyau*, A. Millot, C. Ribout and A. Goutte (2021). “Parasitism reduces oxidative stress of fish host experimentally exposed to PAHs.” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 219: 112322.10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112322
​Le Galliard J.-F.*, Chabaud C.~, Andrade D. O. V., Brischoux F., Carretero M. A., Dupoué A.^, Gavira, R. S. B., Lourdais O., Sannolo M., Dooren T. J. M*. (2021) A Worldwide and Annotated Database of Evaporative Water Loss Rates in Squamate Reptiles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2021, 30 (10), 1938–1950. 10.1111/geb.13355
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Global Ecology and BiogeographyVPAEcoEvo
Milles P., De Filippo G., Maurey H., Tully T.*, Deiva K. (2021) Obesity in pediatric onset multiple sclerosis: A French cohort study. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation.10.1212/NXI.0000000000001044Neurology-Neuroimmunology & NeuroinflammationVPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels,D. ~, Rutschmann A., Dupoue A.,Blaimont P., Chauveau V., Miles D., Guillon M., Richard M., Badiane A., Meylan S.*, ClobertJ. , Le Galliard JF * (2021). Interaction of hydric and thermal conditions drive geographic variation in thermoregulation in a widespread lizard. ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, vol 91. 10.1002/ecm.1440
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Ecological MonographsEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Khalife A~, Peeters C* (2021) Food storage and morphological divergence between worker and soldier castes in a subterranean myrmicine ant, Carebara perpusilla. Journal of Natural History 54 (47-48):3131-3148 10.1080/00222933.2021.1890851JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORYESEAEEcoEvo
General D.E.M., Buenavente P.A.C., Peeters C.* (2021) The twists and turns of biological research: first record of an ergatoid queen in the ant genus Pheidole Westwood, 1839, and implications for dispersal and life history. Asian Myrmecology 12:e013002 ​10.20362/am.013002Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Salmón, P., A. Jacobs, D. Ahrén, C. Biard*, N. J. Dingemanse, D. M. Dominoni, B. Helm, M. Lundberg, J. C. Senar, P. Sprau, M. E. Visser and C. Isaksson (2021). “Continent-wide genomic signatures of adaptation to urbanisation in a songbird across Europe.” Nature Communications 12(1): 2983.10.1038/s41467-021-23027-w
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Nature CommunicationsEPEEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2021) Worker Size Diversity Has No Effect on Overwintering Success under Natural Conditions in the Ant Temnothorax nylanderi Insects,  1210.3390/insects12050379
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Roy, J., Rineau, F., De Boeck, H.J., Nijs, I., Pütz, T., Abiven, S., Arnone, J.A., III, Barton, C.V.M., Beenaerts, N., Brüggemann, N., Dainese, M., Domisch, T., Eisenhauer, N., Garré, S., Gebler, A., Ghirardo, A., Jasoni, R.L., Kowalchuk, G., Landais, D., Larsen, S.H., Leemans, V., Le Galliard, J.-F., Longdoz, B., Massol, F., Mikkelsen, T.N., Niedrist, G., Piel, C., Ravel, O., Sauze, J., Schmidt, A., Schnitzler, J.-P., Teixeira, L.H., Tjoelker, M.G., Weisser, W.W., Winkler, B. and Milcu, A. (2021), Ecotrons: Powerful and versatile ecosystem analysers for ecology, agronomy and environmental science. Glob. Change Biol., 27: 1387-140710.1111/gcb.15471​
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Global Change BiologyVPAEcoEvo
Jacquier L.~, Molet M.*, Bocquet C.^, Doums C. (2021) Hibernation conditions contribute to the differential resistance to cadmium between urban and forest ant colonies. Animals 11 : 105010.3390/ani11041050
Leduc AO.C., Thomas S.A., Bassar R.D., López-Sepulcre A.*, MacNeil K., El-Sabaawi R.W., Reznick D.N., Flecker A.S., Travis J. (2021) The experimental range extension of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) alters the metabolic activity of tropical streams. Oecologia, 195: 1053–1069 10.1007/s00442-021-04884-0OecologiaVPAEcoEvo
Borne F., Prigent S.R., Molet M.*, Courtier-Orgogozo V. (2021) Drosophila glue protects from predation. Proceedings of the royal society B: Biological sciences, 288: 2021008810.1098/rspb.2021.0088PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B – BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESESEAEEcoEvo
Eyer PA, Vargo EL, Peeters C* (2021) One tree, many colonies: colony structure, breeding system and colonization events of host trees in tunnelling Melissotarsus ants. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133 (1):237-248​ 10.1093/biolinnean/blab026
Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
Picot A~, Monnin T, Loeuille N (2021) Implications of (co)evolution of agriculture and resource foraging for the maintenance of species diversity and community structure. bioRxiv 10.1101/2021.03.02.433551
​Couic E., Alphonse V., Livet A., Giusti-Miller S.*, Bousserrhine N. Influence of Ecological Restoration on Mercury Mobility and Microbial Activities on Former Guyanese Mining Sites. in Applied Sciences. 2021, 11, 223110.3390/app11052231Applied SciencesESEAEEcoEvo
​Le Galliard J.-F.*, Rozen-Rechels D.~, Lecomte A., Demay C., Dupoué A., Meylan S*. Short-Term Changes in Air Humidity and Water Availability Weakly Constrain Thermoregulation in a Dry-Skinned Ectotherm. PLOS ONE 2021, 16 (2), e0247514. 10.1371/journal.pone.0247514
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Kawamoto, A., Le Galliard, J.-F., & Badiane, A. (2021). The role of social costs as a mechanism enforcing the honesty of ultraviolet-reflecting signals in a lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133(4), 1126–1138.10.1093/biolinnean/blab008
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyVPAEcoEvo
Rutschmann, A, Dupoué, A, Miles, DB, et al. Intense nocturnal warming alters growth strategies, colouration and parasite load in a diurnal lizard. J Anim Ecol. 2021; 00: 1– 14.10.1111/1365-2656.13502
Journal of Animal EcologyVPAEcoEvo
​Dezetter M.~, Le Galliard J. F.*, Guiller G., Guillon M., Leroux-Coyau M.*, Meylan S.*, Brischoux F., Angelier F., Lourdais O. (2021) Water Deprivation Compromises Maternal Physiology and Reproductive Success in a Cold and Wet Adapted Snake Vipera Berus. Conservation Physiology 9 (1). 10.1093/conphys/coab071
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Conservation PhysiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
DUPOUE A., TROCHET A., RICHARD M., SORLIN M. V., GUILLON M., TEULIERES-QUILLET J., VALLE C., RAULT C., BERRONEAU M., BERRONEAU M., LOURDAIS O., BLAIMONT P., BERTRAND R., POTTIER G., CALVEZ O., GUILLAUME O., LE CHEVALIER H., LE GALLIARD J.-F., CLOBERT J., AUBRET F. (2021). Genetic and demographic trends from rear to leading edge are explained by climate and forest cover in a cold adapted ectotherm. Diversity and Distributions, 27 (2), 267-281https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.13202
Diversity and DistributionsEcoEvo
​Rozen-Rechels, David~, Hugo Valls-Fox, Cheryl Tinashe Mabika, et Simon Chamaillé-Jammes. Temperature as a constraint on the timing and duration of African elephant foraging trips. Journal of Mammalogy 101, no 6 (2020): 1670‑7910.1093/jmammal/gyaa129
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Journal of MammalogyVPAEcoEvo
​Billen J, Peeters C* (2020)Glandular innovations for a tunnelling life: silk and associated leg glands in Melissotarsus and Rhopalomastix queen and worker ants. Arthropod Structure & Development 59:100979 10.1016/j.asd.2020.100979Arthropod Structure & DevelopmentESEAEEcoEvo
Rumpel, C.*, Ann, V.`, Bahri, H.`, Calabi Floody, M.`, Cheik, S.`, Doan, T.T.`, Harit, A.`,Janeau, J.L.*, Jouquet, P.*,Mora, M.L.`, Podwojewski, P.*, Minh, T.T.`, Ngo, Q.A.`, Rossi, P.L., Sanaullah, M.`, 2020. Research for development in the 21st century. Geoderma. 378 (15): 114558.10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114558GeodermaESEAEEcoEvo ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Vrtílek M., Van Dooren  T.J.M.*, Mégane Beaudard M.° (2020) Egg size does not universally predict embryonic resources and hatchling size across annual killifish species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 249: 110769. 10.1016/j.cbpa.2020.110769
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​Du pont, S.°, Baudry, E. & Gasparini J.* 2020. Eumelanic coloration and age interact to influence breath rate following a boldness test in urban pigeons. Global Journal of Ecology.  5: 115-11910.17352/gje.000029Global Journal of EcologyEPEEcoEvo
Peeters C*, Keller RA, Khalife A~, Fischer G, Katzke J, Blanke A, Economo EP (2020)The loss of flight in ant workers enabled an evolutionary redesign of the thorax for ground labour. Frontiers in zoology 17 (1):1-13​10.1186/s12983-020-00375-9
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Frontiers in ZoologyESEAEEcoEvo
Marynowska M., Goux X., Sillam-Dusses D.,Rouland-Lefevre C., Halder R., Wilmes P., Gawron P., Roisin Y., Delfosse P. (2020) – Compositional and functional characterisation of biomass-degrading microbial communities in guts of plant fibre- and soil-feeding higher termites. BMC Microbiome, 08,96​10.1186/s40168-020-00872-3MicrobiomeESEAEEcoEvo
​Jacquier L.~, Doums C., Four-Chaboussant A.°, Peronnet R.*, Tirard C.*, Molet M.* (2020), Urban colonies are more resistant to a trace metal than their forest counterparts in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Urban Ecosystems10.1007/s11252-020-01060-9
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Urban EcosystemsESEAEEcoEvo
Tully, T.*, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, & Baron, J.-P. (2020). Micro-geographic shift between negligible and actuarial senescence in a wild snake. Journal of Animal Ecology.10.1111/1365-2656.13317
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Journal of Animal EcologyVPAEcoEvo
Jusselme MD.*, Cézard L.*, Pion F., Baumberger S., Robert A.*, Lapierre C., Diouf M.*, Mora P.,* Miambi E.* (2020) Changes in the Phenolic Fraction of Protobind 1000 and Bacterial Microbiota in the Gut of a Higher Termite, Nasutitermes Ephratae Open Access Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 5 ​10.23880/oajmb-16000169Open Access Journal of Microbiology & BiotechnologyESEAEEcoEvo
Møller, A. P., J. Balbontín, A. A. Dhondt, F. Adriaensen, A. Artemyev, J. Bańbura, E. Barba, C. Biard*, J. Blondel, J.-C. Bouvier, J. Camprodon, F. Cecere, M. Charter, M. Cichoń, C. Cusimano, A. Dubiec, M. Eens, T. Eeva, P. N. Ferns, J. T. Forsman, A. Goldshtein, A. E. Goodenough, A. G. Gosler, L. Gustafsson, I. Harnist, I. R. Hartley, P. Heeb, S. A. Hinsley, S. Jacob, A. Järvinen, R. Juškaitis, E. Korpimäki, I. Krams, T. Laaksonen, B. Leclercq, E. Lehikoinen, O. Loukola, M. C. Mainwaring, R. Mänd, B. Massa, E. Matthysen, T. D. Mazgajski, S. Merino, C. Mitrus, M. Mönkkönen, R. G. Nager, J.-Å. Nilsson, S. G. Nilsson, A. C. Norte, M. von Numers, M. Orell, C. S. Pimentel, R. Pinxten, I. Priedniece, V. Remeš, H. Richner, H. Robles, S. Rytkönen, J. C. Senar, J. T. Seppänen, L. P. da Silva, T. Slagsvold, T. Solonen, A. Sorace, M. J. Stenning, J. Török, P. Tryjanowski, A. J. van Noordwijk, W. Walankiewicz and M. M. Lambrechts (2020). “Interaction of climate change with effects of conspecific and heterospecific density on reproduction.” Oikos 129(12): 1807–1819.​10.1111/oik.07305
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Schut, P.C., Brosens, E., Van Dooren, T.J.M.*, Galis, F., Ten Broek, C.M., Baijens, I.M., Dremmen, M.H., Tibboel, D., Schol, M.P., de Klein, A. and Eggink, A.J. (2020) Exploring copy number variants in deceased fetuses and neonates with abnormal vertebral patterns and cervical ribs. Birth Defects Research.​10.1002/bdr2.1786
Birth Defects ResearchVPAEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2020) Manipulation of worker size diversity does not affect colony fitness under natural conditions in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 10410.1007/s00265-020-02885-2
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels~ , Dupoué A^, Meylan S*, Qitout K, Decencière B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) Acclimation to water restriction implies different paces for behavioral and physiological responses in a lizard. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 10.1086/707409
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Physiological and Biochemical ZoologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels D ~, Farigoule P, , Agostini S,  Badiane A^, Meylan S* and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) . Short‐term change in water availability influences thermoregulation behaviours in a dry‐skinned ectotherm.  Journal of Animal Ecology 10.1111/1365-2656.13279
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Journal of Animal EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
S.Helaoui, M. Mkhinini, I. Boughattas, V. Alphonse, S. Giusti-Miller*, A. Livet, M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine, Assessment of Changes on Rhizospheric Soil Microbial Biomass, Enzymes Activities and Bacterial Functional Diversity under Nickel Stress in Presence of Alfafa Plants. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal Volume 29, 2020 – Issue 810.1080/15320383.2020.1771276Soil & Sediment ContaminationESEAEEcoEvo
Célini L.*, Roy V.*, Delabie J., Frechault S.*, Mora P.* (2020). Présence de Solenopsis globularia (F. Smith, 1858) et Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, 1881 (Formicidae : Myrmicinae) dans l’île de Saint Barthélemy aux Antilles Françaises. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 125 (2) : 145 162.​10.32475/bsef_2061Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de FranceBioDISDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.* (2020) Stasis and the phenotypic gambit. Peer Community in Ecology (2020): 100053.​10.24072/pci.ecology.100053
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Peer Community in EcologyVPAEcoEvo
M. Mkhinini, I. Boughattas, V. Alphonse, A. Livet, S. Giusti-Miller*, M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine, Heavy metal accumulation and changes in soil enzymes activities and bacterial functional diversity under long-term treated wastewater irrigation in East Central region of Tunisia (Monastir governorate) – Agricultural Water Management – Volume 235, 31 May 2020, 10615010.1016/j.agwat.2020.106150Agricultural Water ManagementESEAEEcoEvo
Badiane A.^, Martin M.~, Meylan S*., Richard M., Decencière Ferrandière B., Le Galliard J-F* (2020). Male ultraviolet reflectance and female mating history influence female mate choice and male mating success in a polyandrous lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 130 (3) 586–598 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa061
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Schut, P. C., Eggink A.J., Cohen-Overbeek T.E., Van Dooren T.J.M.*, de Borst G.J., Galis F. (2020) Miscarriage is associated with cervical ribs in thoracic outlet syndrome patients. Early Human Development 144 (220): 105027.​10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2020.105027
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Early Human DevelopmentVPAEcoEvo
ReznickD.N., De Bona S., López-Sepulcre A., Torres M., Bassar R.D., Benzen P., Travis J. (2020) Experimental study of species invasion: early population dynamics and role of disturbance in invasion success. Ecological Monographs, e01413​10.1002/ecm.1413Ecological MonographsVPAEcoEvo
​Pick, J.L., Hatakeyama, M., Ihle, K.E., Gasparini, J.*, Haussy, C.*, Ishishita,S.,  Matsuda, Y., Yoshimura, T., Kanaoka, M.M., Shimizu‐Inatsugi, R., Shimizu  K.K., Tschirren, B. 2020. Artificial selection reveals the role of transcriptional constraints in the maintenance of life history variation. Evolution Letters, 4: 200-211.10.1002/evl3.166Evolution LettersEPEEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Angelier F, Ribout C, Meylan S*, Rozen-Rechels D~, Decencière B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F* (2020)  Chronic water restriction triggers sex-specific oxidative stress and telomere shortening in lizards. Biology Letters​10.1098/rsbl.2019.0889
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Biology LettersEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Molbert N., Alliot F., Leroux-Coyau M., Médoc V., Biard C.*, Meylan S.*, Jacquin L., Santos R. et Goutte A. (2020).Potential Benefits of Acanthocephalan Parasites for Chub Hosts in Polluted Environments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54, 9, 5540–5549​10.1021/acs.est.0c00177
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Environmental Science & TechnologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Andréaz Dupoué, Mahaut Sorlin, Murielle Richard, Jean François Le Galliard, Olivier Lourdais, Jean Clobert, Fabien Aubret, Mother-offspring conflict for water and its mitigation in the oviparous form of the reproductively bimodal lizard, Zootoca vivipara, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 129, Issue 4, April 2020, Pages 888–900.10.1093/biolinnean/blaa012
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyVPAEcoEvo
​Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Silveira A. B., Gilbault E., Jiménez-Gómez J.M., Martin A., Bach L., Tisné S., Quadrana L., Loudet O., Colot V. (2020) Mild drought in the vegetative stage induces phenotypic, gene expression and DNA methylation plasticity in Arabidopsis but no transgenerational effects. Journal of Experimental Botany 71: 3588–3602.10.1093/jxb/eraa132
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Journal of Experimental BotanyVPAEcoEvo
Dusza, Y., Sanchez-Cañete, E.P., Le Galliard, J.-F., Ferrière, R., Chollet, S., Massol, F., Hansart, A., Juarez, S., Dontsova, K., van Haren, J., Troch, P., Pavao-Zuckerman, M. A., Hamerlynck, E. and G. A. Barron-Gafford. 2020. Biotic soil-plant interaction processes explain most of hysteric soil CO2 efflux response to temperature in cross-factorial mesocosm experiment. Scientific Reports 10:905 (2020). 10.1038/s41598-019-55390-6
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Scientific ReportsVPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels D~, Badiane A^, Agostini S, Meylan S* and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) Water restriction induces behavioral fight strategies but impairs thermoregulation in a dry-skinned ectotherm. Oikos.10.1111/oik.06910
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OikosEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Blaimont P, Rozen-Rechels R~, Richard M, Meylan S*, Clobert J, Miles D.B, Martin R, Decencière B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F* (2020) Water availability and temperature induce changes in oxidative status during pregnancy in a viviparous lizard (Zootoca vivipara). Functional Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2435.13481
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Functional EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Josserand R~, Haussy C, Agostini S, Decencière B, Le Galliard* J-F and Meylan S* (2020) Chronic elevation of glucorticoids late in life generates long lasting changes in physiological state without a life history switch. General and Comparative Endocrinology 285, 113288.​10.1016/j.ygcen.2019.113288
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General and Comparative EndocrinologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Khimoun A., Doums C., Molet M.*, Kaufmann B., Péronnet R.*, Eyer P.A., Mona S. (2020) Urbanization without isolation: unexpected absence of genetic structure among cities and forests in the tiny acorn ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Biology Letters, 16.10.1098/rsbl.2019.0741
Biology LettersESEAEEcoEvo
Doums C, Monnin T* (2020) To have and not to have sex: when multiple evolutions of conditional use of sex elegantly solve the question in the ant genus Cataglyphis. Molecular Ecology 29:445-44710.1111/mec.15352
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Molecular EcologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Sinotte V. M., Renelies-Hamilton J., Taylor B. A., Ellegaard K. M., Sapountzis P., Vasseur-Cognet M*.  and Poulsen M. (2020) Synergies between division of labor and gut microbiomes of social insects. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 503:1-910.3389/fevo.2019.00503
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Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionESEAEEcoEvo
​Partecke, J., Hegyi, G., Fitze, P., Gasparini, J.* & Schwabl, H. 2020. Maternal effects and urbanization: Variation of yolk androgens and immunoglobulin in city and forest blackbirds. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 2213-2224.10.1002/ece3.6058Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo
JUST P.-A., CHARAWI S., DENIS R., SAVALL M., TRAORE M., FORETZ M., BASTU S., MAGASSA S., SENNI N., SOHIER P., WURSMER M., VASSEUR-COGNET M., SCHMITT A., LE GALL M., LEDUC M., GUILLONNEAU F., DE BANDT J.-P., MAYEUX P., ROMAGNOLO B., LUQUET S., BOSSARD P., PERRET C. (2020). Lkb1 suppresses amino acid-driven gluconeogenesis in the liver. Nature Communications, 11, 6127https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19490-6
Nature CommunicationsEcoEvo
Helmstetter A. J., Van Dooren T. J. M. * (2019) Determinants of growth and body size in Austrolebias South-American annual killifish. bioRxiv.​10.1101/2019.12.31.891648
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Mallard, F.,^ Le Bourlot, V., Le Coeur, C.°, Avnaim, M.*, Péronnet, R.*, Claessen, D., & Tully, T.* (2019). From individuals to populations: How intraspecific competition shapes thermal reaction norms. Functional Ecology.10.1111/1365-2435.13516
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Functional EcologyESEAEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren TJM* (2019) Assessing species richness trends: Declines of bees and bumblebees in the Netherlands since 1945. Ecology and Evolution 9(23): 13056-13068.​10.1002/ece3.5717
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Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Diouf M.*, Sillam-DussesD.*,Alphonse V., FrechaultS.*, MiambiE.*, MoraP.* (2019) Mercury species in the nests and bodies of soil-feeding termites, Silvestritermes spp. (Termitidae, Syntermitinae), in French Guiana. Environmental Pollution 254 (2019) 11306410.1016/j.envpol.2019.113064
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Environmental PollutionESEAEEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Châline N., Chameron S (2019). Pre-existing differences in putative fertility signals give workers the upper hand in ant reproductive hierarchies. Animal Behaviour, 157:129-14010.1016/j.anbehav.2019.09.007
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Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
Dupoue A^, Lourdais O, Meylan S*, Brischoux F, Angelier F, Rozen-Rechels D~, Marcangeli Y, Decenciere B, Agostini S and Le Galliard J-F *(2019) Some like it dry: Water restriction overrides heterogametic sex determination in two reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 9, 6524-6533.​10.1002/ece3.5229
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Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Names, G., Martin, M., Badiane, A. and J.-F. Le Galliard. 2019. The relative importance of body size and UV coloration in influencing male-male competition in a Lacertid lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 98.10.1007/s00265-019-2710-z
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Jusselme, M.D., Pruvost, C., Motard, E. Giusti-Miller, S., Frechault, S., Alphonse, V., Dajoz, I. & Mora, P. 2019. Increasing the ability of a green roof to provide ecosystem services by adding organic matter and earthworms. Applied Soil Ecology 143: 61-69.10.1016/j.apsoil.2019.05.028
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Applied Soil EcologyEERIDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Picot A~, Monnin T*, Loeuille N* (2019) From apparent competition to facilitation: impacts of consumer niche construction on the coexistence and stability of consumer-resource communities. Functional Ecology 33:1746-175710.1111/1365-2435.13378
Functional EcologyEERIDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
​Bleu^, J., S. Agostini, F. Angelier and C. Biard* (2019). “Experimental increase in temperature affects eggshell thickness, and not egg mass, eggshell spottiness or egg composition in the great tit (Parus major).” General and Comparative Endocrinology 275: 73-81.10.1016/j.ygcen.2019.02.004
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General and Comparative EndocrinologyEPEEcoEvo
Bertucci M., Calusinska M., Goux X.,Rouland-Lefevre C., Untereiner B., Ferrer P., Gerin P.A., Delfosse P. (2019) – Carbohydrate Hydrolytic Potential and Redundancy of an Anaerobic digestion Microbiome Exposed to Acidosis, as Uncovered by Metagenomics. App. Env. microbiol., 85:e00895-19​10.1128/aem.00895-19
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Rozen-Rechels D.~, Dupoué A.^, Lourdais O., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Meylan S.*, Clobert J., Le Galliard J.-F. *(2019). When water interacts with temperature: ecological and evolutionary implications of thermo-hydroregulation in terrestrial ectotherms. Ecology and Evolution 9: 10029-10043​10.1002/ece3.5440
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Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
De Bona S.D~, Bruneaux M.P.^, Lee A.E.G.P., Reznick D.N., Bentzen P., López-Sepulcre A.* (2019) Spatio-temporal dynamics of density-dependent dispersal during a population colonisation. Ecology Letters. 22: 634-644 10.1111/ele.13205
Ecology LettersVPAEcoEvo
C. Balland-Bolou-Bi,  E. Bolou-Bi, V. Alphonse, S. Giusti-Miller*,  MD Jusselme^, A. Livet, M. Grimaldi*,N. Bousserhine, Impact of microbial activity on the mobility of metallic elements (Fe, Al and Hg) in tropical soils – Geoderma – Volume 334, 15 January 2019, Pages 146-15410.1016/j.geoderma.2018.07.044
GeodermaESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
I. Boughattas, S.Hattab, V. Alphonse, A. Livet, S. Giusti-Miller*, H. Boussetta,  M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine – Use of earthworms Eisenia andrei on the bioremediationof contaminated area in north of Tunisia and microbial soil enzymes as bioindicator of change on heavy metals speciation – Journal of Soils and Sediments – January 2019, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp 296–309.10.1007/s11368-018-2038-8Journal of Soils and SedimentsESEAEEcoEvo
Leclaire S.^, Chatelain M.~, Pessato A., Buatois B., FRANTZ A.* & Gasparini J.* (2019) Pigeon odor varies with experimental exposure to trace metal pollution. Ecotoxicology, 28: 76–85. 10.1007/s10646-018-2001-x
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Yong G, Matile-Ferrero D, Peeters C* (2019)Rhopalomastix is only the second ant genus known to live with armoured scale insects (Diaspididae). Insectes Sociaux 66:273-282​10.1007/s00040-019-00686-z
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Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
Van Dooren Tom JM, Varela‐Lasheras I (2018) Embryonal life histories: Desiccation plasticity and diapause in the Argentinean pearlfish Austrolebias bellottii. Ecol Evol. 2018;00:1–15.10.1002/ece3.4599
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Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Chatelain M.~, Gasparini J.*, Frantz A.* & Angelier F. (2018) Reproduction impairments in metal-polluted environments and parental hormones: no evidence for a causal association in an experimental study in breeding feral pigeons. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 161: 746-75410.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.06.043
Helmstetter A. J., Van Dooren T. J. M. *, Papadopulos, A. S., Igea, J., Leroi, A. M., Savolainen, V. (2018) Trait evolution and historical biogeography shape assemblages of annual killifish. J Biogeogr. 2020; 47: 1955– 196510.1111/jbi.13912
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Journal of BiogeographyVPAEcoEvo
Brom T.~, Massot M.*, Laloi D.* (2018)The sex chromosome system can influence the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31: 1377-1385 10.1111/jeb.13340
Journal of Evolutionary BiologyCReAEcoSens ; VPAEcoEvo
​Khalife A~, Keller RA, Billen J, Garcia FH, Economo EP, Peeters C* (2018)Skeletomuscular adaptations of head and legs of Melissotarsus ants for tunnelling through living wood. Frontiers in Zoology 15 (1):30 10.1186/s12983-018-0277-6
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Frontiers in ZoologyESEAEEcoEvo
Chatelain M.^ & Mathieu J.* (2017)How good are epigeic earthworms at dispersing? An investigation to compare epigeic to endogeic and anecic groups. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 111, 115-12310.1016/j.soilbio.2017.04.004
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Soil Biology & BiochemistryEERIDCFE ; EPEEcoEvo
Moutou-Tchitoula DP., Nguimbi E., Giusti-Miller S E.*, Mora P.*, Kobawila S C., Miambi E.* (2018) Assessment of dominant bacterial strains isolated from Ntoba mbodi, an indigenous African alkaline-fermented food, and their potential enzyme activitiesAfrican Journal of Microbiology Research, 12:779-787 10.5897/AJMR2018.8875African Journal of Microbiology ResearchESEAEEcoEvo
Møller, A. P., J. Balbontín, A. A. Dhondt, V. Remeš, F. Adriaensen, C. Biard*, J. Camprodon, M. Cichoń, B. Doligez, A. Dubiec, M. Eens, T. Eeva, A. E. Goodenough, A. G. Gosler, L. Gustafsson, P. Heeb, S. A. Hinsley, S. Jacob, R. Juškaitis, T. Laaksonen, B. Leclercq, B. Massa, T. D. Mazgajski, R. G. Nager, J.-Å. Nilsson, S. G. Nilsson, A. C. Norte, R. Pinxten, H. Robles, T. Solonen, A. Sorace, A. J. van Noordwijk and M. M. Lambrechts (2018). “Effects of interspecific coexistence on laying date and clutch size in two closely related species of hole-nesting birds.” Journal of Animal Ecology 87: 1738–1748.​10.1111/1365-2656.12896
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Journal of Animal EcologyEPEEcoEvo
F. Lanouar, I. Boughattas, M. Mkhinini, V. Alphonse, S. Giusti-Miller*, A. Livet, M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine – Effect of Aloe Vera wastes on physico-chemical properties and microbiological activity in soils. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, Vol-3, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 201810.22161/ijeab/3.4.21International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and BiotechnologyESEAEEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Silveira A., Gilbaut E., Jimenez-Gomez J.M., Martin A., Bach L., Tisne S., Quadrana L., Loudet O., Colot, V. (2018) Mild drought induces phenotypic and DNA methylation plasticity but no transgenerational effects in Arabidopsis. bioRxiv, 370320.​10.1101/370320
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​Valkonen J, Makela A.M., Mappes J., López-Sepulcre A.* (2018) Evaluating the potential for evolutionary mismatch in Batesian mimics: a case study in the endangered Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca). Evolutionary Applications10.1111/eva.12679Evolutionary ApplicationsVPAEcoEvo
​Lindstedt C, Miettinen A., Freitak D., Ketola T., López-Sepulcre A.*, Mäntylä E., Pakkanen H. (2018) Ecological conditions alter cooperative behaviour and its costs in a chemically defended sawfly. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 285: 2018046610.1098/rspb.2018.0466
Bonnaffe W °, Martin M~, Mugabo M~, Meylan S* and Le Galliard J-F*(2018) Ontogenetic trajectories of body coloration reveal its function as a multicomponent nonsenescent signal. Ecology and Evolution 8, 12299-12307​10.1002/ece3.4369
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Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Rutschmann A, Le Galliard J-F*, Clobert J, Blaimont P, Sinervo B, Miles D B and Meylan S *(2018) Reduction in baseline corticosterone secretion correlates with climate warming and drying across wild lizard populations. Journal of Animal Ecology 87(5):1331-1341.​10.1111/1365-2656.12843
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Journal of Animal EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Van Dooren T. J. M. *, Allen C. E., Beldade P. (2018) Predicting and Analyzing the Response to Selection on Correlated Characters. bioRxiv, 348896.10.1101/348896BioRxivVPAEcoEvo
Clobert, J., Chanzy, A., Le Galliard, J.-F., Chabbi, A., Greiveldinger, L., Caquet, T., Loreau, M., Mougin, C., Pichot, C., Roy, J. and L. Saint-André. 2018. How to integrate experimental research approaches in ecological and environmental studies: AnaEE France as an example. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6:43. (2018).​10.3389/fevo.2018.00043
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Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionVPAEcoEvo
Ringot G.~, Gasparini J.*, Wagner M.°, Cheikh Albassatneh M.~ & Frantz A.* (2018) More and smaller resting-eggs along a gradient for pollution by metals: dispersal, dormancy, detoxification strategies in Daphnia? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 124: 11-20​10.1093/biolinnean/bly026
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyEPEEcoEvo
E. Couic, M. Grimaldi*, V. Alphonse, C. Balland-Bolou-Bi, A. Livet,  S. Giusti-Miller*, M. Sarrazin, N. Bousserrhine, Mercury behaviour and C, N, and P biogeochemical cycles during ecological restoration processes of old mining sites in French Guiana – Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry – 2018 Apr 25;20(4):657-672.10.1039/C8EM00016F
Environmental Science-Processes & ImpactsESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
​Diouf M.*, Miambi E.*, Mora P.*, Frechault S.*, Robert A.*, Rouland-Lefèvre C.*, Hervé V. (2018) Variations in the relative abundance of Wolbachia in the gut of Nasutitermes arborum across life stages and castes, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Volume 365, Issue 7, April, fny04610.1093/femsle/fny046
FEMS Microbiology LettersESEAEEcoEvo
​Bleu J., Meylan S.*, Clobert J., Massot M.* (2022) Grandmaternal age at reproduction affects grandoffspring body condition, reproduction and survival in a wild population of lizards. Functional Ecology, 36: 826-83610.1111/1365-2435.13996
Functional EcologyCReAEcoSens ; EPEEcoEvo
Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Thomassen H.A., Smit F., Helmstetter A.J., & Savolainen V. (2018) Scope for sympatric giant-dwarf speciation driven by cannibalism in South-American annual killifish (Austrolebias). bioRxiv, 121806.10.1101/121806BioRxivVPAEcoEvo
Dupoué A^, Le Galliard J-F*, Josserand R”, DeNardo D, Decencière B, Agostini S and Meylan S* (2018) Water restriction causes an intergenerational trade-off and delayed mother-offspring conflict in a viviparous lizard. Functional Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2435.13009Functional EcologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Rozen-Rechels D”, Dupoué A^, Meylan S*, Decencière B, Guingand S, and Le Galliard J-F* (2018) Water restriction in viviparous lizards causes trans-generational effects on behavioral anxiety and immediate effects on exploration behavior. Behavioral Ecology and Sociology. 72(2): 1-1410.1007/s00265-018-2443-4
Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Béhague J.^, Fisher B. L., Péronnet R.*, Rajakumar R., Abouheif E., Molet M.* (2018) Lack of interruption of the gene network underlying wing polyphenism in an early-branching ant genus, Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 10.1002/jez.b.22794JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY PART
​Côte, J., Boniface, A., Blanchet, S., Hendry, A.P., Gasparini, J.* & Jacquin L. 2018. Melanin-based coloration and host-parasite interactions under global change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 20180285.10.1098/rspb.2018.0285
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M. MKinini, I. Boughattas, S Hattab, H Boussetta, V Alphonse, A Livet, S Giusti-Miller*, M Banni, N Bousserrhine, Bacterial Functional Diversity and Enzymatic Activities in the Presence of Earthworms Eisenia Andrei Short Term Treated Wastewater Reuse Impact on Soil Microbial Biomass, In book: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions – 201810.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_96Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding RegionsESEAEEcoEvo
Fougeyrollas R.~, Dolejšová K., Křivánek J., Sillam-Dussès D.*, Roisin Y., Hanus R., Roy V. *(2018) Dispersal and mating strategies in two neotropical soil-feeding termites, Embiratermes neotenicus and Silvestritermes minutus (Termitidae, Syntermitinae). Insectes Sociaux, 65, 251-262.10.1007/s00040-018-0606-y
Insectes SociauxBioDISDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Monnin T*, Helft F, Leroy C, d’Ettorre P, Doums C (2018) Chemical characterization of young virgin queens and mated egg-laying queens in the ant Cataglyphis cursor: random forest classification analysis for multivariate datasets. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44:127-136​10.1007/s10886-018-0923-7
Journal of Chemical EcologyESEAEEcoEvo
Lardy S., Gasparini J.*, Corbel H.^, Frantz A.*, Perret S., Zahn S., Criscuolo F. & Jacquin L.~ (2018) Telomere erosion varies with sex and age at immune challenge but not with maternal antibodies in pigeons. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 327: 562-56910.1002/jez.2142
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Ecological
and Integrative Physiology
Milcu A.; Puga-Freitas R*.; Ellison A.M., Blouin M., Scheu S., Girin T., Freschet G.T., Rose L., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Barot S*., Lata J-C*., Cesarz S., Eisenhauer N., Gigon A*.,Weigelt A., Hansart A., Greiner A., Pando A*., Gessler A.,  Grignani C., Assandri D., Gleixner G., Le Galliard J-F*., Urban-Mead K., Laura Zavattaro L., MüllerM.E.H., LangeM., Martin Lukac M., Bonkowski M., Mannerheim N., Buchmann N.,  Butenschoen O., Rotter P., Seyhun R., Devidal S., Kayler Z., and J Roy J.(2018).Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study.  Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2, p279–28710.1038/s41559-017-0434-x
Nature Ecology & EvolutionBioDISDCFE ; EcoPhySIPE ; EMSDCFE ; VPAEcoEvo
Doums C, Fédérici P*, Schiffet-Belle P, Monnin T* (2018) Worker thelytoky allows requeening of orphaned colonies but increases susceptibility to reproductive cheating in an ant. Animal Behaviour 135:109-11910.1016/j.anbehav.2017.11.013
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Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
ABITBOL S., DAHMANI R., COULOUARN C., RAGAZZON B., MLECNIK B., SENNI N., SAVALL M., BOSSARD P., SOHIER P., DROUET V., TOURNIER E., DUMONT F., SANSON R., CALDERARO J., ZUCMAN-ROSSI J., VASSEUR-COGNET M., JUST P.-A., TERRIS B., PERRET C., GILGENKRANTZ H. (2018). AXIN deficiency in human and mouse hepatocytes induces hepatocellular carcinoma in the absence of β-catenin activation. Journal of Hepatology, 68 (6), 1203-1213https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2017.12.018
Journal of HepatologyEcoEvo
SEPULVEDA D., ROJAS-RIVERA D., RODRIGUEZ D. A., GROENENDYK J., KOHLER A., LEBEAUPIN C., ITO S., URRA H., CARRERAS-SUREDA A., HAZARI Y., VASSEUR-COGNET M., ALI M. M. U., CHEVET E., CAMPOS G., GODOY P., VAISAR T., BAILLY-MAITRE B., NAGATA K., MICHALAK M., SIERRALTA J., HETZ C. (2018-01). Interactome Screening Identifies the ER Luminal Chaperone Hsp47 as a Regulator of the Unfolded Protein Response Transducer IRE1 alpha. Molecular Cell, 69 (2), 238-252.e7https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2017.12.028
Molecular CellEcoEvo
PALMA-ONETTO V., HOKOVA K., Kř’IžKOVA B., KREJč’IřOVA R., PFLEGEROVA J., BUBEN’IčKOVA F., PLARRE R., DAHLSJO C. A. L., SYNEK J., BOURGUIGNON T., SILLAM-DUSSES D., OBOTNIK J. (2018). The Labral Gland in Termite Soldiers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 123 (3), 535–544https://doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blx162
Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyEcoEvo
SCHEFFRAHN R. H., BOURGUIGNON T., AKAMA P. D., SILLAM-DUSSES D., OBOTN’IK J. (2018). Roisinitermes Ebogoensis Gen. & Sp. n., an Outstanding Drywood Termite with Snapping Soldiers from Cameroon (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae). Zookeys, 787, 91–105https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.787.28195
​Peeters C* (2017)Independent colony foundation in Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): First workers lay trophic eggs to feed queen’s larvae. Sociobiology 64 (4):417-422 10.13102/sociobiology.v64i4.2092SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
Auer L., Lazuka A., Sillam-Dussès D., Miambi E.*, O’Donohue M., Hernandez-Raquet G. (2017) Uncovering the potential of termite gut microbiome for lignocellulose bioconversion in anaerobic batch bioreactors. Frontiers in microbiology, 8:262310.3389/fmicb.2017.02623
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Frontiers in MicrobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
Majeed MZ., Miambi E.*, Barois I., Bernoux M., Brauman A. (2018) Characterization of N2O emissions and associated microbial communities from the ant mounds in soils of a humid tropical rainforest Folia microbiologica, 63: 381-389. ​10.1007/s12223-017-0575-yFolia microbiologicaESEAEEcoEvo
Senar, J. C., L. Z. Garamszegi, V. Tilgar, C. Biard*, G. Moreno-Rueda, P. Salmón, J. M. Rivas, P. Sprau, N. J. Dingemanse, A. Charmantier, V. Demeyrier^, H. Navalpotro and C. Isaksson (2017). “Urban Great Tits (Parus major) Show Higher Distress Calling and Pecking Rates than Rural Birds across Europe.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5(18 December 2017): 16310.3389/fevo.2017.00163Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo
Peeters C.*, Ito F., Wiwatwitaya D., Keller RA., Hashim R., Molet M.* (2017) Striking polymorphism among infertile helpers in the arboreal ant Gesomyrmex. Asian Myrmecology, 9: 1-1510.20362/am.009015Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
Voituron Y, Josserand R~, Le Galliard J-F*, Haussy C, Roussel D, Romestaing C and Meylan S* (2017) Chronic stress, energy transduction and free radical production in a reptile. Oecologia 185(2):195-203.  ​10.1007/s00442-017-3933-1
OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Diouf M.*, Hervé V., Mora P.*, Robert A.*, Frechault S.*, Rouland-Lefèvre C.*, Miambi E.* (2018) Evidence from the gut microbiota of swarming alates of a vertical transmission of the bacterial symbionts in Nasutitermes arborum (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 111: 573-587 ​10.1007/s10482-017-0978-4
Marynowska M, Goux x., Sillam-Dusses D.,Rouland-Lefevre C., Roisin Y., Delfosse P., Calusinska M. (2017).Optimization of a metatranscriptomic approach to study the lignocellulolytic potential of the higher termite gut microbiome. Bmc genomics10.1186/s12864-017-4076-9BMC GenomicsESEAEEcoEvo
Meylan S*, Lallemand F°, Haussy C, Bleu J~ and Miles D (2017). Arginin vasotocine inhibits social interactions and enhances essential activities in male common lizards (Zootoca vivipara). General and comparative endocrinology 43:10-14.​10.1016/j.ygcen.2016.08.012
General and Comparative EndocrinologyEPEEcoEvo
Massot M*., Legendre S., Fédérici P*., Clobert J. 2017. Climate warming: a loss of variation in populations can accompany reproductive shifts. Ecol lett. 20: 1140-4710.1111/ele.12811
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Ecology LettersCReAEcoSens ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Gasparini J.*, Dauphin L.°, Favreliere J., Frantz A.*, Jacquin L.~, Recapet C.°, Prevot A.C. (2017) Effects of confinement on body mass and site fidelity of feral pigeons during the setting-up of pigeon houses. bioRxiv 19404310.1101/194043BioRxivEPEEcoEvo
Diouf M.,Rouland-Lefevre C. (2017). Chapter 1 :The Fungus-Growing Termites (Termitidae–Macrotermitinae): Biology, Damages on Tropical Crops and Specific Management. In : Termites and Sustainable Management, Vol. 2, Springer Ed., ISBN978-3-319-68725-4​10.1007/978-3-319-68726-1_1Termites and Sustainable ManagementESEAEEcoEvo
Biard*, C., F. Brischoux, A. Meillère, B. Michaud, M. Nivière°, S. Ruault, M. Vaugoyeau~ and F. Angelier (2017). “Growing in cities: an urban penalty for wild birds? A study of phenotypic differences between urban and rural great tit chicks (Parus major).” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5(18 July 2017): 7910.3389/fevo.2017.00079​
Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionEPEEcoEvo
​Peeters C*, Foldi I, Matile-Ferrero D, Fisher BL (2017)A mutualism without honeydew: what benefits for Melissotarsus emeryi ants and armored scale insects (Diaspididae)? PeerJ 5, e3599 10.7717/peerj.3599PeerJESEAEEcoEvo
​Molet M.*, Péronnet R.*, Couette S., Canovas C.°, Doums C. (2017) Effect of temperature and social environment on worker size in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Journal of Thermal Biology, 67: 22-2910.1016/j.jtherbio.2017.04.013
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Journal of Thermal BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Dupoué A.^; Rutschmann A., Le Galliard, J.-F.*, Clobert J., Angelier F., Marciau C., Ruault S., Miles D.B., Meylan S*. (2017) Shorter Telomeres Precede Population Extinction in Wild Lizards. Scientific Reports 7 (1), 16976. 10.1038/s41598-017-17323-z
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Scientific ReportsEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Vaugoyeau M~, Meylan S* and Biard C* (2017). How does an increase in minimum daily temperatures during incubation influence reproduction in the great tit Parus major? Journal of Avian Biology 488(5): 714-725​10.1111/jav.01208
Journal of Avian BiologyEPEEcoEvo
​Peeters C*, Aron S (2017)Evolutionary reduction of female dispersal in Cataglyphis desert ants. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122 (1):58-70 10.1093/biolinnean/blx052Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
​Josserand R.~, Dupoué A.^, Agostini S.*, Haussy C.*, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Meylan S*. (2017) Habitat Degradation Increases Stress-Hormone Levels during the Breeding Season and Decreases Survival and Reproduction in Adult Common Lizards. Oecologia 184 (1), 75–86. 10.1007/s00442-017-3841-4
OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
​Mugabo M.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Perret S., Decencière B., Haussy C.*, Meylan S.* (2017) Sex-Specific Density-Dependent Secretion of Glucocorticoids in Lizards: Insights from Laboratory and Field Experiments. Oikos 2017, 126 (7), 1051–1061. 10.1111/oik.03701OikosEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Voituron Y., Josserand R.~, Le Galliard J.-F.*, Haussy C.*, Roussel D., Romestaing C., Meylan S.* (2017) Chronic Stress, Energy Transduction, and Free-Radical Production in a Reptile. Oecologia 2017, 185 (2), 195–203. 10.1007\s00442-017-3933-1
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OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Colin T.°, Doums C., Péronnet R.*, Molet M.* (2017) Decreasing worker size diversity does not affect colony performance during laboratory challenges in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71: 9210.1007/s00265-017-2322-4
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
Bleu^, J., S. Agostini and C. Biard* (2017). “Nestbox temperature during egg-laying affects clutch size, incubation and nestlings in great tits.” Behavioral Ecology 48(4): 489-50110.1093/beheco/arx039
Behavioral EcologyEPEEcoEvo
Chatelain M.~, Pessato A.°, Frantz A.*, Gasparini J.* & Leclaire S.^ (2017) Do trace metals influence visual signals? Effects of trace metals on iridescent and melanic feather colouration in the feral pigeon. Oikos, 126: 1542-155310.1111/oik.04262
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​Peeters C*, Yong G (2017) Synchronized group retrieval of honeydew by Prenolepis ants in Singapore. Asian Myrmecology 9:e009009 10.20362/am.009009Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Aouissi, H.A., Gasparini, J.*, Belabed, A.I. & Bouslama, Z. 2017. Impact of greenspaces in city on avian species richness and abundance in Northern Africa. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 340: 394-400. 10.1016/j.crvi.2017.07.002
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Comptes Rendus BiologiesEPEEcoEvo
​Dupoué A.^, Rutschmann A.; Le Galliard J.-F.*, Miles D. B., Clobert J., DeNardo D. F., Brusch G. A., Meylan S*. (2017) Water Availability and Environmental Temperature Correlate with Geographic Variation in Water Balance in Common Lizards. Oecologia 185 (4), 561–571. 10.1007/s00442-017-3973-6
OecologiaEPEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Peeters C*, Molet M*, Lin C-C, Billen J (2017) Evolution of cheaper workers in ants: comparative study of exoskeleton thickness. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121 (3):556-563​10.1093/biolinnean/blx011Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
​Fougeyrollas R.~, Křivánek J., Roy V.*, Dolejšová K., Frechault S.*, Roisin Y., Hanus R., Sillam-Dussès D. (2017). Asexual queen succession mediates an accelerated colony life cycle in the termite Silvestritermes minutus. Molecular Ecology, 26, 3295–330810.1111/mec.14095
Molecular EcologyBioDISDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Akhtar Abbasi N., Arukwe A., Jaspers V.L.B., Eulaers I., Mennilo E., Ibor O.R., Frantz A.*, Covaci A., Malik R.N. (2017) Oxidative stress responses in relationship to persistent organic pollutant levels in feathers and blood of two predatory bird species from Pakistan. Science of the Total Environment, 580: 26-3310.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.197
Science of the Total EnvironmentEPEEcoEvo
​Gordon S.P., López-Sepulcre A.*, Rumbo D., Reznick D.N. (2017) Rapid changes in the sex linkage of male coloration in introduced guppy populations. American Naturalist, 189: 196-20010.1086/689864The American NaturalistVPAEcoEvo
Akhtar Abbasi N., Eulaers I., Jaspers V.L.B., Chaudhry M.J.I., Frantz A.*, Ambus P.L., Covaci A., Malik R.N. (2017) The first exposure assessment of legacy and unrestricted brominated flame retardants in predatory birds of Pakistan. Environmental Pollution, 220: 1208-121910.1016/j.envpol.2016.11.013
Environmental PollutionEPEEcoEvo
​Artacho, P., Saravia, J., Perret, S., Bartheld, J. L., & Le Galliard, J. F. (2017). Geographic variation and acclimation effects on thermoregulation behavior in the widespread lizard Liolaemus pictus. Journal of Thermal Biology, 63, 78-87.10.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.11.001Journal of Thermal BiologyVPAEcoEvo
​Skandrani, Z., Bovet, D., Gasparini, J.*, Baldaccini, N. E. & Prévot, A.-C. 2017 Sociality enhances birds’ capacity to deal with anthropogenic ecosystems. Urban Ecosystems, 20: 609-615.10.1007/s11252-016-0618-1
Urban EcosystemsEPEEcoEvo
​Scriba, M.F., Gasparini, J.*, Jacquin, L.~, Mettke-Hofmann, C., Rattenborg, N.C. & Roulin, A. 2017. The effect of food quality during growth on spatial memory consolidation in adult pigeons. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220: 573-581.10.1242/jeb.152454
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Journal of Experimental BiologyEPEEcoEvo
Gallardo Ruiz, M.~, Le Galliard, J.-F.*, & Tully, T.* (2017). Genetic variation in light vision and light-dependent movement behaviour in the eyeless Collembola Folsomia candida. Pedobiologia, 61, 33-41.10.1016/j.pedobi.2016.12.001
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Boulay R, Aron S, Cerdá X, Doums C, Graham P, Hefetz A, Monnin T* (2017) Social life in arid environments: the case study of Cataglyphis ants. Annual Review of Entomology. 62:305-32110.1146/annurev-ento-031616-034941
Annual Review of EntomologyESEAEEcoEvo
Akhtar Abbasi N., Eulaers I., Jaspers V.L.B., Chaudhry M.J.I., rantz A.*, Ambus P.L., Covaci A., Mali k R.N. (2016) Use of feathers to assess polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide exposure in top predatory bird species of Pakistan. Science of the Total Environment, 569-570: 1408-141710.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.224
Science of the Total EnvironmentEPEEcoEvo
​Yéo K, Delsinne T, Konaté S, Alonso L, Aïdara D, Peeters C* (2017) Diversity and distribution of ant assemblages above and below ground in a West African forest-savannah mosaic (Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire). Insectes Sociaux 64:155-164 10.1007/s00040-016-0527-6Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
Londe S~, Molet M*, Fisher BL, Monnin T* (2016) Reproductive and aggressive behaviours of queen-worker intercastes in the ant Mystrium rogeriand caste evolution.Animal Behaviour120:67-7610.1016/j.anbehav.2016.07.026
Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
Cronin AL, Monnin T*, Sillam-Dussès D*, Aubrun F~., Fédérici P*, Doums C (2016) Qualitative bias in offspring investment in a superorganism is linked to dispersal and nest inheritance. Animal Behaviour119:1-910.1016/j.anbehav.2016.06.018
Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
Cronin AL, Loeuille N*, Monnin T* (2016) Strategies of offspring investment and dispersal in a spatially structured environment: a theoretical study using ants. BMC Ecology 16:410.1186/s12898-016-0058-z
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Cronin A.L., Chifflet-Belle P., Fédérici P*., Doums C. 2016. High inter-colonial variation in worker nestmate relatedness and diverse social structure in a desert ant from Mongolia. Insectes Sociaux. 63:87–9810.1007/s00040-015-0439-xInsectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
Chatelain M.~, Gasparini J.*, Haussy C.* & Frantz A.* (2016). Trace metals affect early maternal transfer of immune components in the feral pigeon. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 89: 206-21210.1086/685511
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Physiological and Biochemical ZoologyEPEEcoEvo
Corbel H.^, Legros A.°, Haussy C.*, Jacquin L.~, Gasparini J.*, Karimi B.° & Frantz A.* (2016) Stress response varies with plumage colour and local habitat in feral pigeons. Journal of Ornithology, 157: 825-83710.1007/s10336-016-1331-9
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Journal of OrnithologyEPEEcoEvo
Frantz A*., Fédérici P*., Legoupi J*., Jacquin L., Gasparini G*. 2016. Sex-associated differences in trace metals concentrations in and on the plumage of a common urban bird species. Ecotoxicology. 25: 22–29 10.1007/s10646-015-1562-1
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EcotoxicologyEPEEcoEvo ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Chatelain M.~, Gasparini J.* & Frantz A.* (2016) Trace metals, melanin-based pigmentation and their interaction influence immune parameters in feral pigeons (Columba livia). Ecotoxicology, 25: 521-52910.1007/s10646-016-1610-5
Akhtar Abbasi N., Malik R.N., Frantz A.* & Jaspers V.L.B. (2016) A review on current knowledge and future prospects of Organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) in Asian birds. Science of the Total Environment, 542: 411–426​10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.088
Science of the Total EnvironmentEPEEcoEvo
Helft F,~ Doums C, Monnin T* (2016) No evidence of pre-copulatory mate choice by gynes in the facultatively parthenogenetic ant Cataglyphis cursor. Insectes sociaux 63:199-20110.1007/s00040-015-0444-0
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Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
Chatelain M.~, Frantz A.*, Gasparini J.* & Leclaire S. (2016) Experimental exposure to trace metals affects plumage bacterial community in the feral pigeon. Journal of Avian Biology, 47: 521-52910.1111/jav.00857
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Journal of Avian BiologyEPEEcoEvo
Chatelain M.~, Gasparini J. & Frantz A.* (2016) Do trace metals select for darker birds in urban areas? An experimental exposure to lead and zinc. Global Change Biology, 22: 2380-239110.1111/gcb.13170
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Global Change BiologyEPEEcoEvo
​Diouf M.*, Roy V.*, Mora P.*, Frechault S.*, Lefebvre T., Hervé V., Rouland-Lefèvre C.*, Miambi E.* (2015) Profiling the Succession of Bacterial Communities throughout the Life Stages of a Higher Termite Nasutitermes arborum (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) Using 16S rRNA Gene Pyrosequencing. PLOS ONE 10(10): e014001410.1371/journal.pone.0140014
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Chatelain M.~, Gasparini J.*, Jacquin L.~ & Frantz A.* (2014) The adaptive function of melanin-based plumage coloration to trace metals. Biology Letters, 10: 2014016410.1098/rsbl.2014.0164
Biology LettersEPEEcoEvo
Gasparini J.*, Jacquin L.~, Laroucau K., Vorimore F., Aubry E., Castrec-Rouelle M. & Frantz A.* (2014) Relationships between metals exposure and epidemiological parameters of two pathogens in urban pigeons. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 92: 208-21210.1007/s00128-013-1172-7
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyEPEEcoEvo
Derelle R., Kondrashov F.A., Arkhipov V.Y., Corbel H.^, Frantz A.*, Gasparini J.*, Jacquin L.~, Jacob G., Thibault S. & Baudry E. (2013) Color differences among feral pigeons (Columba livia) are not attributable to sequence variation in the coding region of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R). BMC Research Notes, 6: 31010.1186/1756-0500-6-310BMC Research NotesEPEEcoEvo
Doums C., Ruel C., Clémencet J., Fédérici P*., Cournault L., Aron S. 2013. Fertile diploid males in the ant Cataglyphis cursor: a potential cost of thelytoky? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 67: 1983-199310.1007/s00265-013-1606-6
Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
Jacquin L.~, Récapet C.°, Prévot-Julliard A.C., Leboucher G., Lenouvel P.^, Erin N., Frantz A.*, Corbel H.^ & Gasparini J.* (2013) A potential role for parasites in the maintenance of melanin-based coloration polymorphism in urban feral pigeons. Oecologia, 173: 1089-109910.1007/s00442-013-2663-2
Frantz A.*,​ Pottier M.A.°, Karimi B.°, Corbel H.^, Aubry E., Haussy C., Gasparini J. * & Castrec-Rouelle M. (2012) Contrasting levels of heavy metals in the feathers of urban pigeons from close habitats suggest limited movements at a restricted scale. Environmental Pollution, 168: 23-2810.1016/j.envpol.2012.04.003
Environmental PollutionEPEEcoEvo
Macke E., Magalhães S., Do H.T.K., Frantz A.*, Facon B. & Olivieri I. (2012) Mating modifies female life-history in a haplodiploid spider mite. The American Naturalist, 179: E147-16210.1086/665002
The American NaturalistEPEEcoEvo
Gasparini J.*, Erin N.°, Bertin C., Jacquin L.~, Vorimore F., Frantz A.*, Lenouvel P.^ & Laroucau K. (2011) Impact of urban environment and host phenotype on the epidemiology of Chlamydiaceae in feral pigeons (Columba livia). Environmental Microbiology, 13: 3186-319310.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02575.xEnvironmental MicrobiologyEPEEcoEvo
Simon J.-C., Boutin S., Tsuchida T., Koga R., Le Gallic J.-F., rantz A.*, Outreman Y. & Fukatsu T. (2011) Facultative symbiont infections affect aphid reproduction. PLoS ONE 6(7): e2183110.1371/journal.pone.0021831
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Macke E., Magalhães S., Do H.T.K., Luciano A., Frantz A.*, Facon B. & Olivieri I. (2011) Sex allocation in haplodiploids is mediated by egg size: evidence in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 278: 1054-1063​10.1098/rspb.2010.1706
Frantz A.*, Calcagno V., Mieuzet L., Plantegenest M. & Simon J.C. (2009) Complex trait differentiation between host-populations of the pea aphid: implications for the evolution of ecological specialisation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 97: 718-72710.1111/j.1095-8312.2009.01221.x
Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyEPEEcoEvo
Frantz A.*, Plantegenest M., & Simon J.C. (2010) Host races of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum differ in male wing phenotypes. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 100: 59-6610.1017/S0007485309006750
Bulletin of Entomological ResearchEPEEcoEvo
Frantz A., Plantegenest M., & Simon J.C. (2006) Temporal habitat variability and the maintenance of sex in host populations of the pea aphid. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273: 2887-289110.1098/rspb.2006.3665
Frantz A.Plantegenest M., Mieuzet L. & Simon J.C. (2006) Ecological specialization correlates with genotypic differentiation in sympatric host-populations of the pea aphid. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19: 392-40110.1111/j.1420-9101.2005.01025.x
Journal of Evolutionary BiologyEPEEcoEvo
Frantz A., Plantegenest M., Bonhomme J., Prunier-Leterme N. & Simon J.C. (2005) Strong biases in the transmission of sex chromosomes in the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi. Genetical Research, 85: 111-11710.1017/S0016672305007482
Genetical ResearchEPEEcoEvo
Caillaud M.C., Mondor-Genson G., Levine-Wilkinson S., Mieuzet L., Frantz A., Simon J.C. & Coeur d’Acier A. (2004) Microsatellite DNA markers for the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. Molecular Ecology Notes, 4: 446-448​10.1111/j.1471-8286.2004.00676.xMolecular Ecology NotesEPEEcoEvo

🔗 All publications  of iEES Paris

Members of department

Nom PrénomCorpsEmployeurDépartement et ÉquipeAdresseTéléphoneMél
BAKKER SouleymanDoctorantS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
(+33) 01-44-27-47-30souleyman.bakker@sorbonne-universite.fr
BEKKA NicolasDoctorantS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 802
BIARD ClotildeMCS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 508
(+33) 01-44-27-25-94clotilde.biard@sorbonne-universite.fr
BODINEAU ThéoDoctorantS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 508
(+33) 01-44-27-42-55theo.bodineau@sorbonne-universite.fr
BULTELLE AngéliqueTIRDÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 516
(+33) 01-44-27-70-58angelique.bultelle@ird.fr
DEFOSSEUX CATTEAU IsabelleDoctoranteS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 520
DENIZE-PROUST NicolasDoctorantS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
DIOUF MichelMCUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : P4 222
(+33) 01-45-17-15-06michel.diouf@u-pec.fr
DUCANCEL JoshuaDoctorantEPHEÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 504
DÉBARRE FlorenceDRCNRSÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 522
(+33) 01-44-27-56-71florence.debarre@sorbonne-universite.fr
ELARD LoïcMCS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 512
(+33) 01-44-27-27-33loic.elard@sorbonne-universite.fr
FEDERICI PierreIECNRSÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 414
(+33) 06-25-35-33-81pierre.federici@sorbonne-universite.fr
FRANTZ AdrienMCS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 513
(+33) 01-44-27-38-23adrien.frantz@sorbonne-universite.fr
FRECHAULT SophieIEUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : 224
(+33) 01-45-17-19-93frechault@u-pec.fr
FUENTES AnnabelleTS-UPôle technique du Département EcoSens ; Services communs du Département EcoSens ; Services communs du Département DCFE ; Services communs du Département ECOEVOCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 3e étage – bureau : 308
(+33) 01-44-27-38-25anabelle.fuentes@sorbonne-universite.fr
GAMOT TristanDoctorantS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
GASPARINI JulienPUS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 506
(+33) 01-44-27-38-23julien.gasparini@sorbonne-universite.fr
GIUSTI-MILLER StéphanieIEUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P4 – 2e étage – bureau : 224
(+33) 01-45-17-19-93giusti@u-pec.fr
GRESSLER MarieDoctoranteS-UÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 413
(+33) 01-44-27-32-49marie.gressler@sorbonne-universite.fr
GUETON ESTRADE EricTCNRSÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 206
JEANTET AurélieDoctoranteS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 508
(+33) 01-44-27-42-55aurelie.jeantet@sorbonne-universite.fr
LALOI DavidMCS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 3e étage – bureau : 316
(+33) 01-44-27-27-35david.laloi@sorbonne-universite.fr
LE GALLIARD Jean-FrançoisDRCNRSÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 214
LEMAIRE BaptisteAICNRSÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvo ; Plateau techniqueCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 516
MAZURAS NicolasIEUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P4 – 2e étage – bureau : 224
(+33) 01-45-17-19-93nicolas.mazuras@u-pec.fr
MEYLAN SandrinePUS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 508
(+33) 01-44-27-25-94sandrine.meylan@sorbonne-universite.fr
MIAMBI EdouardMCUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : 220
(+33) 01-45-17-15-07miambi@u-pec.fr
MOLET MathieuPUS-UÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 510
(+33) 01-44-27-26-94mathieu.molet@sorbonne-universite.fr
MONNIN ThibaudDRCNRSÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvo ; Équipe de Communication du Pôle AdministratifCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 504
(+33) 01-44-27-36-10thibaud.monnin@cnrs.fr
MORA PhilippePUUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : 214
(+33) 01-45-17-15-09mora@u-pec.fr
ROZEN-RECHELS DavidMCS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 512
(+33) 01-44-27-27-33david.rozen-rechels@sorbonne-universite.fr
TAUPENOT AntoineDoctorantS-UÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 508
(+33) 01-44-27-36-10antoine.taupenot@sorbonne-universite.fr
THIBEAU-SUTRE NilsDoctorantAMUÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 218
TIRARD ClaireMCS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 510
(+33) 01-44-27-26-94claire.tirard@sorbonne-universite.fr
TULLY ThomasMCS-UÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 216
(+33) 01-44-27-26-68thomas.tully@sorbonne-universite.fr
VAN DOOREN TomCRCNRSÉquipe VPA du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 2e étage – bureau : 216
(+33) 01-44-27-26-68tom.van_dooren@sorbonne-universite.fr
VASSEUR-COGNET MireilleCRINSERMÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P4 – 2e étage – bureau : 222
(+33) 01-45-17-15-06mireille.vasseur@inserm.fr
VIGNAL ClémentinePUS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : x
(+33) 01-44-27-25-69clementine.vignal@sorbonne-universite.fr
VOEDTS IsaureDoctoranteS-UÉquipe EPE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 1
(+33) 01-40-93-56-29isaure.voedts@paris.fr

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