
Papillon de la noctuelle coton Spodoptera littoralis_Michel RENOU_original_0

Pheromone-mediated command from the female to male clock induces and synchronizes circadian rhythms of the moth Spodoptera littoralis

To extract any adaptive benefit, the circadian clock needs to be synchronized to the 24-h day-night cycles. We have investigated if it is a general property of the brain’s circadian clock to recognize social interactions as external time givers. Sociosexual interactions with the opposite sex are universal, prevalent even in the lives of solitary animals. […]

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How to live in the city when you are an ant? (Live City of Paris)

As part of a partnership with the City of Paris, several members of the laboratory (Basile Finand, Céline Bocquet, Pierre Federici, Thibaud Monnin et Nicolas Loeuille (“EERI” Team of “DCFE” Department and “ESEAE” Team of “EcoEvo” Department) sample the soil fauna and in particular the ants in the Parisian green spaces. To popularize and explain this […]

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Worker size diversity does not improve colony success in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi

Social groups consist of individuals that differ from one another, and many studies show that this diversity improves group efficiency. In social insects, size diversity can, for example, improve the efficiency of foraging, nest building, brood rearing and production of young queens. Thus, colonies that re more diverse are generally also more efficient. Romain Honorio […]

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