Bodies of iEES Paris - iEES Paris


Direction meets on a weekly basis, manages current affairs and prepares the meetings of the Management Committee and the Laboratory Council. It is made of :

  • the director ;
  • three General Assistant Directors :  CNRS, IRD, UPEC ;
  • a Deputy Director in charge of the technical aspects of the technological platform ;
  • and the General administrator.
Direction is helped by an assistant.

Direction is supported by a Management Committee, the decision-making body.

iEES Paris has a Laboratory Council, established in accordance with current standards, which meets at least twice a year.

The Management Committee

The development of policies and decisions, particularly with regard to the allocation of resources, is a collegial process, carried out by the Management Committee. The iEES Paris Management Committee is therefore the management body of the UMR.

It meets monthly.

Il comprend :

  • the Director ;
  • the Assistant Directors ;
  • the heads of the Scientific Departments ;
  • the Director of Studies ;
  • the General administrator ;

The laboratory council

The Laboratory Council has an advisory role. It expresses opinions on the policies carried out in the UMR and produces a strategic reflection on the inflections to be given. The director of the unit meets the members of the council at least twice a year to discuss mainly:

  • the policy pursued by the unit at various levels in matters of research and teaching, and in particular, the Council will be consulted on the strategic and scientific orientations of the unit;
  • the budgetary resources to be requested by the unit and the distribution of those allocated to it;
  • research contracts policy for the unit;
  • technology transfer policy and dissemination of scientific information of the unit;
  • Human resources management ;
  • research training policy;
  • the consequences to be drawn from the opinion formulated by the scientific evaluation bodies responsible for the unit;
  • the training program in progress and for the coming year;
  • all measures relating to the organization and functioning of the unit which are likely to have an impact on the staff’s situation and working conditions.

The Laboratory Council includes:

  • ex officio members: the director of the unit, the deputy directors, the Secretary General and the heads of Department;
  • the elected members: of the college of researchers, teacher-researchers and post-doctoral students (known as college A); the college of engineers, technicians and administrative staff (known as college T); of the doctoral students college (called college U).
  • 2 members appointed by the unit director.

The department council

The Department Council has an advisory role. He is consulted by the Head of Department on questions relating to the functioning of his Department. These Councils are involved in scientific coordination and develop requests for financial, technical and personnel resources, which will be discussed and arbitrated by the Management Committee. It meets at least four times a year.


Each Department Council includes:

  • The head of the Department
  • Department team leaders
  • Elected members: from the college of researchers, teacher-researchers and post-doctoral students; the college of engineers and technicians per site; of the doctoral college.
  • Invited members: prevention assistants (PAs), quality managers, site secretaries, any other member of the institute for their expertise on a particular agenda item.

The general Assembly

The General Assembly meets once a year. A financial and human resources report is presented, as well as the scientific reports of the Departments. Debates around the general policy of the laboratory are proposed.