Microbial Communities in Continental ecosystems "CoMIC" Team - iEES Paris

The CoMiC team studies microbial communities in continental terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in an interdisciplinary framework that combines microbiology, comparative genomics, metagenomics, chemistry, ecology, health, environmental sciences and social sciences.

More specifically, our research focuses on (i) the vulnerability of microbial communities to disturbances and pollutants induced by human activity (ii) the flows and diversity of pathogens (human or plant) in the environment, (iii) the development of new tools for monitoring aquatic ecosystems and new approaches to ensure sustainable management of these ecosystems.

Our work, structured around the “one health/ecohealth” concept, is developed along two main lines:

Structural and functional biodiversity of microbial communities, their interactions and their roles in the function of the ecosystems where we are studying :

Prolifération de cyanobactéries
Caption:Cyanobacterial blooms potentially toxic in Aghien lagoon (Ivory Cost) – J.-F. HUMBERT
  1. The relationship between the structure and composition of microbial communities and the fluxes of organic carbon and nitrogen or pollutants in ecosystems.
  2. The impact of local and global changes on the dynamics and structure of microbial communities and on the microbial processes involved in the dynamics of the C and N cycles.
  3. The consequences of these changes in microbial communities on the ecosystem services provided by ecosystems and on the uses made of them.

Ecological quality of continental ecosystems and (dys)-functioning of microbial communities and associated risks for human health and plant pro

duction where we study :

Eaux de surface non traitées
Caption:Domestic use of untreated surface water – O. RIBOLZI
  1. The relationship between the ecological quality of continental ecosystems (organic matter, trophic level, structure and composition of microbial communities, …) and the survival and/or development of bacteria pathogenic to plants or humans.
  2. The proliferation of cyanobacteria in continental aquatic ecosystems and the production of toxins, from understanding the processes (implementation, synergy with heterotrophic microorganisms, etc.) to the development of tools for monitoring these proliferations and the development of new approaches for the management of aquatic ecosystems.
  3. The risks of human exposure to bacterial pathogens and cyanobacterial toxins in relation to the uses of soils and aquatic environments.
  4. The adaptation of pathogens to the environment through comparative genomics approaches.

In a context of local and global change, present and future, CoMiC researchers are committed to :

  • place our work within a solid theoretical and conceptual framework ;
  • provide targeted answers to specific societal and stakeholder needs in developed, emerging and developing countries.

Team members are all heavily involved in teaching activities, particularly at Sorbonne University, but also in other Universities (UPEC, University of Paris) or in agronomic schools (Agroparistech, ISARA in Lyon) as well as in Southern countries (Ivory Coast, Uganda, Laos, Niger, Senegal, Vietnam, Thailand) and in the continuing education of researchers and scientific staff in Southern countries.

Team news

Team publications

Only applies to publications from 2017 to present. To see all the publications go to the Publications page.

RéférenceLiensJournalEquipes et départements
​​​​​​​Colombini G., Rumpel C*., Houot S., Biron P*., Dignac M.–F*. (2022) A long-term field experiment reveals the accumulation of high amounts of microplastics in soils amended with composted waste residues. Environmental Pollution​, 315:12036910.1016/j.envpol.2022.120369
Environmental PollutionCoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Souliyavongsa, X., Pierret, A., Trelo-ges, V., Ayutthaya, S.I.N., Sayavong, S., Hartmann, C., 2022. Does forest conversion to tree plantations affect properties of subsoil horizons? Findings from mainland Southeast Asia (Lao PDR, Yunnan-China). Geoderma Regional 28, e0045710.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00457Geoderma RegionalBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; EERIDCFE ; EMSDCFE
​Erktan, A., Coq, S., Blanchart, E., Chevallier, T., Trap, J., Bernard, L., Nahmani, J., Hartmann, C., Hedde, M., Ganault, P., Barot, S., Cortet, J. and, 2022. Biodiversité et structure physique des sols : une vision spatialisée du fonctionnement des sols. Etude et Gestion des Sols 29, 153–167. ​
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Etude et Gestion des SolsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; EPEEcoEvo ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Le Mer G~​, Bottinelli N*, Dignac M-F*, Capowiez Y, Bouquet P, Mazurier A, Baudin F, Caner L, Rumpel C* 2022. Exploring the control of earthworm cast macro- and micro-scale features on soil organic carbon mineralization across species and ecological categories. Geoderma​, 427:116151 10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116151
GeodermaCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Védère C, Lebrun M, Honvault N, Aubertin M-L, Girardin C, Garnier P, Dignac M-F*, Houben D, Rumpel C* 2022. How does soil water status influence the fate of soil organic matter? A review of processes across scales. Earth Science Reviews​, 234:104214 10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104214
Earth Science Reviews​CoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Dignac M.-F*., Maurin C. (2022) La construction d’un collectif scientifique créatif et bienveillant par la mobilisation des émotions et des sens à travers les liens sciences-art : le Réseau Matières Organiques. Etude et Gestion des sols 30, 19-31.
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Etude et Gestion des solsCoMiCDCFE
Javati S, Guernier-Cambert V*, Jonduo M, Robby S, Kimopa J, Maure T, McBryde ES, Pomat W, Aplin K, Helgen KM, Abdad MY, Horwood PF.  Diversity of Leptospira spp. in bats and rodents from Papua New Guinea. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2022 Oct 5.10.1111/tbed.14725
Transboundary and Emerging DiseasesCoMiCDCFE
Gallet A. Yao E.K., Foucault P., Bernard C., Quiblier C., Humbert J.F., Coulibaly J.K., Troussellier M., Marie M., Duperron S. (2022) Fish gut-associated bacterial communities in a tropical lagoon (Aghien lagoon, Ivory Coast). Frontiers in Microbiology13, 963456 10.3389/fmicb.2022.963456
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Frontiers in MicrobiologyCoMiCDCFE
​​​​​Coq S, Ganault P, Le Mer G~, Nahmani J, Capowiez Y, Dignac M-F*, Rumpel C*, Joly F-X 2022. Faeces traits as unifying predictors of detritivore effects on organic matter turnover. Geoderma 422, 115940.​10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.115940
GeodermaCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
C.E. Morris, C. Lacroix, C. Chandeysson, C. Guilbaud, C. Monteil, S. Piry, E. Rochelle Newall*, S. Fiorini, F. Van Gijsegem*, M.A. Barny*, O. Berge. ​Comparative seasonal abundance and diversity of populations of the Pseudomonas syringae and Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae species complexes throughout the Durance River catchment from its French Alps sources to its delta 10.1101/2022.09.06.506731
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​Ben Moussa H*, Bertrand C^, Rochelle-Newall E*, Fiorini S, Pédron J*, Barny MA* (2022) The Diversity and Abundance of Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae Along the Durance River Stream in the Southeast of France Revealed by Multiple Seasonal Surveys. Phytopathology, 112(8):1676-1685.10.1094/phyto-12-21-0515-r
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Olokotum M., Humbert J.F.*, Quiblier C., Okello W., Semyalo R., Troussellier M., Marie B., Baumann K., Kurmayer R., Bernard C. (2022) Characterization of Potential Threats from CyanobacterialToxins in Lake Victoria Embayments and during Water Treatment. Toxins 14, 66410.3390/toxins14100664
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Suvannang N`​, Hartmann C*, Iwai Chuleemas B`, Jaiarree S`, Daungkamol K`, Polsrakhu P`, Sukchan S`, Sapet A`​, Pierret A*, Brauman A, Hammecker C, Robain H​* (2022) Soil priorities: Opportunities and challenges in Thailand.  Geoderma Regional, 30 (2022) : e00536 ​10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00536
Geoderma RegionalBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Boithias, L.; Ribolzi, O.; Rochelle-Newall, E.*; Thammahacksa, C.; Nakhle, P.; Soulileuth, B.; Pando-Bahuchon, A.*; Latsachack, K.; Silvera, N.*; Sounyafong, P.; Xayyathip, K.; Zimmermann, R.; Rattanavong, S.; Oliva, P.; Pommier, T.; Evrard, O.; Huon, S.*; Causse, J.; Henry-des-Tureaux, T.*; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Sipaseuth, N.; Pierret, A.* (2022) Escherichia coli concentration, multiscale monitoring over the decade 2011-2021 in the Mekong River basin, Lao PDR. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 14(6), 2883-289410.5194/essd-14-2883-2022
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​Royer G., Dixit Z., Pédron J.*, Pierrat G., Demontant V., Berçot B., Rodriguez C., Barny MA.*, Jacquier H, Woerther PL (2022) Genetic and Phenotypic Study of the Pectobacterium versatile Beta-Lactamase, the Enzyme Most Similar to the Plasmid-Encoded TEM-1. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88(11):e0022022.10.1128/aem.00220-22APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL
Ahoutou M.A., Yao E.K., Djeha R., Kone M., Tambosco K., Duval C., Hamlaoui S., Bernard C., Bouvy M., Marie B., Montuelle B., Troussellier M., Konan F.K., Coulibaly J.C., Dosso M., Humbert J.F.*, Quiblier C. (2021) Impacts of nutrient loading and fish grazing on the phytoplankton community and cyanotoxin production in a shallow tropical lake: Results from mesocosm experiments. MicrobiologyOpen 1, e127810.1002/mbo3.1278
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Mitroi V.^, Deroubaix J.F., Tall Y., Ahi K.C., Humbert J.F.* (2022) Rendre compte de la dégradation des milieux aquatiques. Le rôle des savoirs dans la mise en place des politiques de protection des ressources en eau en Afrique subsaharienne. Geocarrefour 96, 110.4000/geocarrefour.19353
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​Le, N. D.`, T. T. H. Hoang`, V. P. Phung`, T. L. Nguyen`, E. Rochelle-Newall*, T. T. Duong`, T. M. H. Pham`, T. X. B. Phung`, T. D. Nguyen`, P. T. Le`, L. A. Pham`, T. A. H. Nguyen` and T. P. Q. Le` (2022). “Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in the coastal aquaculture zone of the Red River Delta (Vietnam).” Chemosphere 303: 13495210.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134952ChemosphereCoMiCDCFE
​Pongmala, K.~, A. Pierret*, P. Oliva, A. Pando*, V. Davong`, S. Rattanavong`, N. Silvera*, M. Luangraj`, L. Boithias, K. Xayyathip` L. Menjot, M. Macouin, E. Rochelle-Newall*, H. Robain*, A. Vongvixay`, A. J. H. Simpson, D. A. B. Dance and O. Ribolzi (2022). “Distribution of Burkholderia pseudomallei within a 300-cm deep soil profile: implications for environmental sampling.” Scientific Reports 12(1): 8674.10.1038/s41598-022-12795-0Scientific ReportsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Boubacar Moussa, M., A. Abdourhamane Touré`, L. Kergoat, B. Lartiges, E. Rochelle-Newall*, E. Robert, M. Gosset, B. Alkali Tanimoun` and M. Grippa (2022). “Spatio-temporal dynamics of suspended particulate matter in the middle Niger River using in-situ and satellite radiometric measurements.” Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 41: 101106.10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101106
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Pédron J*, van der Wolf JM, Portier P, Caullireau E, Van Gijsegem F* (2022) The Broad Host Range Plant Pathogen Dickeya dianthicola Shows a High Genetic Diversity. Microorganisms, 10(5):1024.10.3390/microorganisms10051024
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​Trévisan D.*, Janin C., Taillandier P., Sarrazin B. (2022). PSDR4 TIP TOP – Un outil sur les paysages agricoles, l’eau et la transition agroécologique. Innovations Agronomiques 86(2022), 123-135.
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Innovations AgronomiquesCoMiCDCFE
Fiard M., Cuny P., Hubas C., Jézéquel R., Lamy D.*, Walcker R., El Houssainy A., Heimbürger-Boavida L-E., Robinet T., Bihannic I., Gilbert F., Michaud E., Dirberg G., Militon C. (2022) Mangrove microbiota along the urban-to-rural gradient of the Cayenne estuary (French Guiana, SOuth America) : Drivers and potential bioindicators​. Science of The Total Environment, 807, 150667 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150667Science of the Total EnvironmentCoMiCDCFE
​Le, T. P. Q.`, N. D. Le`, T. T. H. Hoang`, E. Rochelle-Newall*, T. A. H. Nguyen`, L. M. Dinh`, T. T. Duong`, T. M. H. Pham`, T. D. Nguyen`, T. X. B. Phung`, T. Q. T. Nguyen`, T. H. Vu`, P. T. Le` and V. P. Phung` (2022). “Surface sediment quality of the Red River (Vietnam): impacted by anthropogenic and natural factors. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology10.1007/s13762-022-03936-zInternational Journal of Environmental Science and
Le H. T.~, Pommier T., Ribolzi O., Soulileuth B.`, Huon S.*, Silvera N.* and Rochelle-Newall E.* (2022) Overland flow during a storm event strongly affects stream water chemistry and bacterial community structure. Aquatic Sciences. 84 :00 110.1007/s00027-021-00839-y
Aquatic SciencesCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Trévisan D.*, Taillandier P., Sarrazin B., Etienne D., Ayari N., Petiqueux C., Quétin P., Janin C. (2022). OPALE: Operational assessment of landscape water ecofunctionnalitities. Environmental Modelling and Software, 148, 105276.10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105276
Environmental Modelling & SoftwareCoMiCDCFE
​Hajar Ben Moussa~, Jacques Pédron*, Claire Bertrand°, Amandine Hecquet° and Marie-Anne Barny* (2022) Pectobacterium quasiaquaticum sp. nov., isolated from waterways. International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 10.1099/ijsem.0.005042
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International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiologyCoMiCDCFE
Mitroi V.^, Maleval V., Deroubaix J.F., Vinçon-Leite B., Humbert J.F.* (2021) What urban lakes and ponds quality is about? Conciliating water quality and ecological indicators with users’ perceptions and expectations about urban lakes and ponds quality in urban areas. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 10.1080/1523908X.2022.2037413
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Journal of Environmental Policy & PlanningCoMiCDCFE
Bedell R, Hassan A, Tinet A-J, Arrieta-Escobar J, Derrien D, Dignac M-F*, Boly V, Ouvrard S, Pearce JM 2021. Open-Source script for design and 3D Printing of porous structures for soil science. Technologies, 9:67.  10.3390/technologies9030067
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​Barthod J~​, Dignac M-F,* Rumpel C* 2021. Effect of decomposition products produced in the presence or absence of epigeic earthworms and minerals on soil carbon stabilization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160:108308.  10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108308
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Soil Biology & BiochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Robert E, Grippa M, Nikiema DE` , Kergoat L, Koudougou H`, Auda Y, Rochelle-Newall, E*. (2021) Environmental determinants of E. coli, link with the diarrheal diseases, and indication of vulnerability criteria in tropical West Africa (Kapore, Burkina Faso). PLoS Negl Trop Dis 15(8): e0009634.10.1371/journal.pntd.0009634
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PloS Neglected Tropical DiseasesCoMiCDCFE
​Bettarel Y, Boudin E, Halary S, Auguet J, Péronnin J, Bouvier T, Rochelle-Newall E*, Bui V` and Desnues C (2021) The Hungry Snail, the Fragile Coral, and the Friendly Microbe. Front. Young Minds. 9:57385610.3389/frym.2021.573856
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Frontiers for Young MindsCoMiCDCFE
​Nakhle, P.; Boithias, L.; Pando-Bahuon, A*.; Thammahacksa,C.`; Gallion, N.; Sounyafong, P`.; Silvera, N*.; Latsachack, K.`; Soulileuth,B.`; Rochelle-Newall, E.J*.; Marcangeli, Y;* Pierret, A*; Ribolzi, O*. Decay Rate of Escherichia coli in a Mountainous Tropical Headwater Wetland. Water 2021, 13, 2068.10.3390/w13152068
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​Srikanthasamy T.~,Barot S.*,Koffi F.`,Tambosco K^,Marcangeli Y*,Carmignac D.*,N’Dri A. B.`,Gervaix J.,Le Roux X.,Lata J-C.* (2021) Short-term impact of fire on the total soil microbial and nitrifier communities in a wet savanna, Ecology and Evolution 10.1002/ece3.7661
Ecology and EvolutionCoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE
Tall Y., Deroubaix J.F., Dia I., Mitroi V.^, Ndoye T., Faye S.L.B., Humbert J.F.* (2021) Choisir de lutter contre certaines pollutions plutôt que d’autres – Mise en visibilité et ignorance des facteurs de dégradation du Lac de Guiers. Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 15, 4,
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Revue d’Anthroplogie des ConnaissancesCoMiCDCFE
​Pédron J*, Schaerer S, Kellenberger I, Van Gijsegem F* (20021) Early Emergence of Dickeya solani Revealed by Analysis of Dickeya Diversity of Potato Blackleg and Soft Rot Causing Pathogens in Switzerland. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1187, 10.3390/microorganisms9061187
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​Audry, S., H. Ateba Bessa, J.-P. Bedimo Bedimo, J.-L. Boeglin, L. Boithias, J.-J. Braun, B. Dupre, M. Faucheux, C. Lagane, J.-C. Marechal, J. R. Ndam-Ngoupayou`, B. Nka Nnomo`, J. Nlozoa`, J.-C. Ntonga`, O. Ribolzi, J. Riotte, E. Rochelle-Newall* and L. Ruiz (2021). “The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset I: The Nyong River Basin, Cameroon.” Hydrological Processes: e14138. 10.1002/hyp.14138
Hydrological ProcessesCoMiCDCFE
​Riotte, J., Ruiz, L., Audry, S., Baud, B., Bedimo Bedimo, J.-P., Boithias, L., Braun, J.-J., Dupre, B., Faucheux, M., Lagane, C., Marechal, J.-C., Moger, H., Mohan Kumar, M.S.`, Parate, H., Ribolzi, O., Rochelle-Newall, E.*, Sriramulu, B.`, Varma, M.R.R.` and Sekhar, M`.  2021.  The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset III: hydro-geochemical monitoring of the Mule Hole catchment, south India. 2021. Hydrological Processes, e14196. 10.1002/hyp.14196
Hydrological ProcessesCoMiCDCFE
Olokotum M., Troussellier M., Escalas A., Hamlaoui S., Okello W., Semyalo R., Humbert J.F.*, Bernard C. (2021) High nutrient loading and climatic parameters influence the dominance and dissimilarity of toxigenic cyanobacteria in northern bays of Lake Victoria. Journal of Grat Lakes Research 47, 985–99610.1016/j.jglr.2021.04.021
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Journal of Great Lakes ResearchCoMiCDCFE
​Mathias Koffi Ahoutou, Rosine Yao Djeha, Eric Kouamé Yao, Catherine Quiblier, Julie Niamen-Ebrottié, Sahima Hamlaoui, Kevin Tambosco^, Jean-Louis Perrin, Marc Troussellier, Cécile Bernard, Luc Seguis, Marc Bouvy, Jacques Pédron*, Felix Koffi Konan, Jean-François Humbert*, Julien Kalpy Coulibaly (2021) Assessment of some key indicators of the ecological status of an African freshwater lagoon (Lagoon Aghien, Ivory Coast). Plos One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0251065
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Noémie Pascault, Olivier Rué, Valentin Loux, Jacques Pédron*, Véronique Martin, Jennifer Tambosco, Cécile Bernard, Jean‐François Humbert*, Julie Leloup* (2021) Insights into the cyanosphere: capturing the respective metabolisms of cyanobacteria and chemotrophic bacteria in natural conditions? Env. Mic. Reports. 10.1111/1758-2229.12944
Environmental Microbiology ReportsCoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE
​Michelet C., Zeppili D., Hubas C., Baldrighi E., Cuny P., Dirberg G., Militon C., Lamy D.*, Jézéquel R., Receveur J., Gilbert F., El Houssainy A., Dufour A., Heimbürger-Boavida L.-E., Bihannic I., Sylvi L., Vivier B., Michaud E. (2021) First assessment of the benthic meiofauna sensitivity to low human-impacted mangroves in french Guiana. Forests, 12:33810.3390/f12030338
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Laurie Boithias, Yves Auda, Stéphane Audry, Jean-Pierre Bricquet, Alounsavath Chanhphengxay`, Vincent Chaplot,  Anneke de Rouw*, Thierry Henry des Tureaux*, Sylvain Huon*, Jean-Louis Janeau*, Keooudone Latsachack`, Yann Le Troquer*, Guillaume Lestrelin, Jean-Luc Maeght, Pierre Marchand, Pierre Moreau, Andrew Noble, Anne Pando-Bahuon*, Kongkeo Phachomphon`, Khambai Phanthavong`, Alain Pierret*, Olivier Ribolzi, Jean Riotte, Henri Robain*, Emma Rochelle-Newall*, Saysongkham Sayavong`, Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung`, Norbert Silvera*, Nivong Sipaseuth`, Bounsamay Soulileuth`, Xaysatith Souliyavongsa`, Phapvilay Sounyaphong`, Sengkeo Tasaketh`, Chanthamousone Thammahacksa`, Jean-Pierre Thiebaux, Christian Valentin*, Olga Vigiak, Marion Viguier^, Khampaseuth Xayyathip`.(2021) The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset II: Land use, hydrology and sediment production monitoring in Houay Pano, northern Lao PDR. Hydrological Processes. 2021;35:e14126.10.1002/hyp.14126
Hydrological ProcessesBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​Mügler, C., O. Ribolzi, M. Viguier, J.-L. Janeau*, E. Jardé, K. Latsachack`, T. Henry-Des-Tureaux*, C. Thammahacksa`, C. Valentin*, O. Sengtaheuanghoung` and E. Rochelle-Newall* (2021). “Experimental and modelling evidence of splash effects on manure borne Escherichia coli washoff.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research: 1-12.10.1007/s11356-021-13011-8
Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
​David, G. M., P. López-García, D. Moreira, B. Alric, P. Deschamps, P. Bertolino, G. Restoux, E. Rochelle-Newall, E. Thébault, M. Simon and L. Jardillier “Small freshwater ecosystems with dissimilar microbial communities exhibit similar temporal patterns.” Molecular Ecology 10.1111/mec.15864
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Molecular EcologyCoMiCDCFE ; EERIDCFE
​Sisouvanh P’, Trelo-Ges V’., Isarangkool Na Ayutthaya S’., Pierret A.*, Nunan N*., Silvera N.*, Xayyathip K’., Hartmann C*. (2021) Can organic amendments improve soil physical characteristics and increase maize performances in contrasting soil water regimes? Agriculture, 11, 132.10.3390/agriculture11020132
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AgricultureCoMiCDCFE ; BioDISDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Nakhle P., Ribolzi O., Boithias L., Rattanavong S.’, Auda Y., Sayavong S.’, Zimmermann R.E., Soulileuth B.’, Pando A*., Tammahacksa C’., Rochelle-Newall E.*, Santinin W., Martinez J.-M., Gratiot N., Pierret A.* (2021) Effects of hydrological regime and land use on in-stream Escherichia coli concentration in the Mekong basin, Lao PDR, Scientific Reports – Nature 11:3460 10.1038/s41598-021-82891-0​
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Scientific ReportsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE
​David F,Meziane T, Marchad C, Rollang, G, Pham, A, Thanh-Nho N, Lamy D.* (2021) Prokaryotic abundance, cell size and extracellulare enzymatic activity in a human impacted and mangrove dominated tropical estuary (Can Gio, Vietnam). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 251: 107253, 0.1016/j.ecss.2021.107253 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107253
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Estuarine coastal and shelf scienceCoMiCDCFE
​Boithias, L., O. Ribolzi, G. Lacombe, C. Thammahacksa*, N. Silvera*, K. Latsachack*, B. Soulileuth*, M. Viguier, Y. Auda, E. Robert, O. Evrard, S. Huon*, T. Pommier, C. Zouiten, O. Sengtaheuanghoung` and E. Rochelle-Newall* (2021). “Quantifying the effect of overland flow on Escherichia coli pulses during floods: Use of a tracer-based approach in an erosion-prone tropical catchment.” Journal of Hydrology 594: 125935. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125935
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Journal of HydrologyCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Liechti N., Zimmermann R.E., Zopfi J., Robinson M., Pierret A*, Ribolzi O., Rattanavong S’., Davong V.’, Newton P.N., Wittwer M., Dance D.A.B. (2021) Whole-genome assemblies of 16 Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates from rivers in Laos. Microbiol Resour Announc 10:e01226-20,10.1128/MRA.01226-20​
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Microbiology Resources AnnouncementsCoMiCDCFE
Desquilbet M., Gaume L., Grippa M., Céréghino R., Humbert J.F.*, Bonmatin J.M., Cornillon P.A., Maes D., Van Dyck H., Goulson D. (2020) Comment on “Meta-analysis reveals declines in terrestrial but increases in freshwater insect abundances”. Science10.1126/science.abd8947
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​Ahi C. K., Mitroi V.^, Deroubaix, J.-F., Jonas, I. 2020. L’émergence des risques socio-environnementaux en lien avec les pratiques d’assainissement et les usages de l’eau de la lagune Aghien en Côte d’Ivoire. African Sociological Review, 24, 2, 119-145. African Sociological ReviewCoMiCDCFE
​Anh, H. Q., T. P. Q. Le`, N. Da Le, X. X. Lu, T. T. Duong`< /span>, J.Garnier, E. Rochelle-Newall*, S. Zhang, N.-H. Oh, C. Oeurng`, C. Ekkawatpanit, T. D. Nguyen, Q. T. Nguyen, T. D. Nguyen, T. N. Nguyen, T. L. Tran, T. Kunisue, R. Tanoue, S. Takahashi, T. B. Minh, H. T. Le, T. N. M. Pham and T. A. H. Nguyen (2020). “Antibiotics in surface water of East and Southeast Asian countries: A focused review on contamination status, pollution sources, potential risks, and future perspectives.” Science of The Total Environment: 14286510.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142865Science of the Total EnvironmentCoMiCDCFE
Portier P., Pédron J.*, Taghouti G., Dutrieux C., Barny MA.* (2020) Updated taxonomy of Pectobacterium genus in the CIRM-CFBP bacterial collection: when newly described species reveal “old” endemic population. Microorganism 8 :144110.3390/microorganisms8091441
Mitroi V.^, Ahi K.C.~, Bulot P.Y., Tra F., Deroubaix J.F., Ahoutou M.K., Quiblier C., Kone M., Kalpy J.C., Humbert J.F.* (2020) Can participatory approaches strengthen the monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms in developing countries? Results from a pilot study conducted in the Lagoon Aghien (IvoryCoast). Plos One 15, e023883210.1371/journal.pone.0238832
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​Song, L.’, Boithias, L., Sengtaheuanghoung, O.’, Oeurng C.’, Valentin C*., Souksavath B’., Sounyafong P.’, De Rouw A*., Soulileuth B.’, Silvera N.*, Lattanavongkhot B.’, Pierret A*., Ribolzi O. (2020) Understorey vegetation limits surface runoff and soil loss in teak plantation-based systems of Northern Lao PDR. Water10.3390/w12092327WaterCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
El Hayany B., El Fels L., Quenea K., Dignac M.-F.*, Rumpel C.*, Gupta V.K., Hafidi M. 2020. Microplastics from lagooning sludge to composts as revealed by Fluorescent staining- Image analysis, Raman spectroscopy and Pyrolysis-GC/MS. Journal of Environmental Management 275 111249.10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111249​
Journal of Environmental ManagementCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Pédron J.*, Guyon L., Lecomte A.°, Blottière L.^, Chandeysson C., Rochelle-Newall E.*, Raynaud X.*, Berge O., Barny MA*. (2020) Comparison of Environmental and Culture-Derived Bacterial Communities through 16S Metabarcoding: A Powerful Tool to Assess Media Selectivity and Detect Rare Taxa. Microorganisms 27:E112910.3390/microorganisms8081129
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MicroorganismsCoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE
​El Hayany B., El Fels L., Dignac M.-F.*, Quenea K., Rumpel C.*, Hafidi M. (2020) Pyrolysis-GCMS as a tool for maturity evaluation of compost from sewage sludge and green waste. Waste and biomass Valorization.10.1007/s12649-020-01184-1
Waste and Biomass ValorizationCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Panettieri M., Courtier-Murias D., Rumpel C.,* Dignac M.-F.*, Almendros G., Chabbi A. 2020. Land-use perturbations in ley grassland decouple the degradation of ancient soil organic matter from the storage of newly derived carbon inputs. SOIL Discussions, 1-31.10.5194/soil-2020-16​
SOIL DiscussionsCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
​Arrieta-Escobar J., Derrien D., Ouvrard S., Asadollahi-Yazdi E., Hassan A., Boly V., Tinet A.-J., Dignac M.-F.* 2020. 3D Printing: an emerging opportunity for soil science. Geoderma. 378 114588.10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114588
Le Mer G.~, Barthod J.~, Dignac M.-F.,* Barré P., Baudin F., Rumpel C.* 2020. Inferring earthworms’ impact on the stability of organo-mineral associations by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Organic Geochemistry, 104016.10.1016/j.orggeochem.2020.104016
Organic GeochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Wood S.A., Kelly L.T., Bouma-Gregson K., Humbert J.F.*, LaughinghouseH.D., Lazorchak J., McAllister T.G., McQueen A., Pokrzywinski K., Puddick J., Quiblier C., Reitz L.A., Ryan K.G., Vadeboncoeur Y., ZastepaA., Davis T.W. (2020) Toxic benthic freshwater cyanobacterial proliferations: Challenges and solutions for enhancing knowledge and improving monitoring and mitigation Freshwater Biology 65:1824–184210.1111/fwb.13532
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Freshwater BiologyCoMiCDCFE
Olokotum M., Mitroi V.^, Troussellier M., Semyalo R., Bernard C., Montuelle B., Okello W., Quiblier C., Humbert J.F. (2020) A review of the socioecological causes and consequences of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Victoria. Harmful Algae 96, 101829 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101829
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Harmful AlgaeCoMiCDCFE
Vidal A., Lenhart T., Dignac M.F*, Biron P.*, Höschen C., Barthod J., Vedere C., Vaury V.*, Bariac T.*, Rumpel C.* (2020): Promoting plant growth and carbon transfer to soil with with organic amendments produced with mineral additives. Geoderma 374:114454 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114454
Sayavong, S’., Kaewjampa, N’., Katawatin, R’., Boonthai Iwai C’., Moukomla S.’, Oszwald J., Pierret A*. (2020) Recent Co-occurring Expansion of Rubber Tree Plantations and Land Use/Land Cover Change in Luangnamtha District, Northern Laos. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 16(1), 85-101International Journal of GeoinformaticsCoMiCDCFE
Barthod J.~, Dignac M.-F.*, Le Mer G.~, Bottinelli N.*, Watteau F., Kögel-Knabner I., Rumpel C.* (2020) How do earthworms affect organic matter decomposition in the presence of clay-sized minerals? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 143:107730.​ 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107730
Soil Biology & BiochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
​Thorup-Kistensen K., Halberg N., Nicolaisen M., Eivind-Olsen J., Crews T.E., Hinsinger P., Kirkegaard J. Pierret A*., Bodin-Dresbøll D (2020) Digging Deeper for Agricultural Resources, the Value of Deep Rooting.Trends in Plant Science.10.1016/j.tplants.2019.12.007
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Trends in Plant ScienceCoMiCDCFE
Paradelo R., Lerch T.Z.*, Houot S., Dignac M.-F.* (2019) Composting modifies the patterns of incorporation of OC and N from plant residues into soil aggregates. Geoderma, 353: 415-422. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.07.025
Humbert J.F.*, Quiblier C. (2019) The Suitability of Chemical Products and Other Short-Term Remedial Methods for the Control of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwater Ecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 17610.3389/fenvs.2019.00176
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Frontiers in Environmental ScienceCoMiCDCFE
Portier P, Pédron J*, Taghouti G`, Fischer-Le Saux M, Caullireau E, Bertrand C^, Laurent A, Chawki K, Oulgazi S`, Moumni M`, Andrivon D​, Dutrieux C, Faure D​, Hélias V, Barny MA* (2019) Elevation of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. odoriferum to species level as Pectobacterium odoriferum sp. nov., proposal of Pectobacterium brasiliense sp. nov. and Pectobacterium actinidiae sp. nov., emended description of Pectobacterium carotovorum and description of Pectobacterium versatile sp. nov.,isolated from streams and symptoms on diverse plants. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 69(10):3214-2310.1099/ijsem.0.003611
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyCoMiCDCFE
Lerch T.Z.*, Dignac M.-F.*, Thevenot M., Mguerchi C.°, Houot S. (2019) Chemical changes during composting of plant residues reduce their mineralisation in soil and cancel the priming effect. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 136: 107525. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107525
Soil Biology & BiochemistryBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE
Oulghazi S`, Pédron J*, Cigna J, Lau YY, Moumni M`, Van Gijsegem F*, Chan KG, Faure D (2019) Dickeya undicola sp. nov., a novel species for pectinolytic isolates from surface waters in Europe and Asia. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 69(8): 2440-244410.1099/ijsem.0.003497
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyCoMiCDCFE
Le H.T.~, Rochelle-Newall E.*, Ribolzi O., Janeau J.L.*, Huon S.*, Latsachack K.`, Pommier T. (2020). Land use strongly influences soil organic carbon and bacterial community loss in runoff in tropical Uplands. Land  Degradation Development  10.1002/ldr.3433
Land Degradation & DevelopmentCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Pédron J*, Van Gijsegem F* (2019) Diversity in the Bacterial Genus Dickeya Grouping Plant Pathogens and Waterways Isolates. OBM Genetics 2019, Volume 3, Issue 4.10.21926/obm.genet.1904098OBM GeneticsCoMiCDCFE
Duong, T. T.`, T. T. H. Hoang`, T. K. Nguyen`, T. P. Q. Le`, N. D. Le`, D. K. Dang`, X. Lu`, M. H. Bui`, Q. H. Trinh`, T. H. V. Dinh`, T. D. Pham` & E. Rochelle-newall, 2019. Factors structuring phytoplankton community in a large tropical river: Case study in the Red River (Vietnam). Limnologica 76:82-93 ​10.1016/j.limno.2019.04.003
​Clement, C~., Pierret A*., Maeght JL., Hartmann C*., Xayyathip K’., Soulileuth B’., Sounyafong P.’, Latsachack K’., Thammahacksa C’., Sengtaheuanghoung O’.  (2019) Linking tree‐rooting pro les to leaf phenology: a first attempt on Tectona Grandis Linn F. Trees 33, pages 1491–1504 (2019).10.1007/s00468-019-01876-9
​Zeitoun V., Auetrakulvit P’., Zazzo A., Pierret A*., Frere S., Forestier H. (2019) Discovery of an outstanding Hoabinhian site from the Late Pleistocene at Doi Pha Kan (Lampang province, northern Thailand), Archaeological Research in Asia, 18, 1-1610.1016/j.ara.2019.01.002
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Archaeological Research in AsiaCoMiCDCFE
Daviere A, Sotomski M, Audibert A, Carol P*, Hubert S, Lebreton S*, Louvet-Vallee S, Pedron J, PuyaubertJ, Kraepiel Y, Lacoste J.(2019) Synergistic toxicity between glyphosate and 2,4-dinitrophenol on budding yeast is not due to H2O2-mediated oxidative stress. Matters 5 (4), e201903000030 ​10.19185/matters.201903000030
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Mugler, C., Ribolzi, O., Janeau, J.L.*, Rochelle-Newall, E.*, Latsachack, K.`, Thammahacksa, C.`, Viguier, M., Jarde, E., Henri-Des-Tureaux*, T., Sengtaheuanghoung, O.`, Valentin, C.*, 2019. Experimental and modelling evidence of short-term effect of raindrop impact on hydraulic conductivity and overland flow intensity. Journal of Hydrology 570, 401-41010.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.046
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Journal of HydrologyCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Barot, S*., L. Abbadie*, A. Auclerc, C. Barthélémy, E. Bérille, P. Billet, P. Clergeau, J.-N. Consales, M. Deschamp-Cottin, A. David~, C. Devigne, V. Dham, Y. Dusza~, A. Gaillard, E. Gonzalez, M. Hédont, D. Labarraque, A.-M. Le Bastard, J.-L. Morel, Y. Petit-Berghem, E. Rémy, E. Rochelle-Newall* & M. Veyrières, 2019. Urban ecology, stakeholders and the future of ecology. Science of The Total Environment 667:475-48410.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.410
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Science of the Total EnvironmentCoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE
Lepère C., Domaizon I., Humbert J.F.*, Jardillier L., Hugoni M., Debroas D. (2019) Diversity, spatial distribution and activity of fungi in freshwater ecosystems. PeerJ10.7717/peerj.6247
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Pédron J*, Bertrand C^, Taghouti G, Portier P, Barny MA*. (2019) Pectobacterium aquaticum sp. nov., isolated from waterways. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 69(3): 745-751​10.1099/ijsem.0.003229
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International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyCoMiCDCFE
​Zeitoun V., Bourdon E., Latsachack K.O.’, Pierret A*, Singthong S’, Baills H., Forestier H. (2019) Discovery of a new open-air Hoabinhian site in Luang Prabang province (Lao PDR). Dating and technological study of the lithic assemblage. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 18, 142-157.10.1016/j.crpv.2018.05.003
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Comptes rendus PalevolCoMiCDCFE
Hmimina G., Hulot F.D., Humbert J.F.*, Quiblier C., Tambosco K., Lemaire B.J., Vinçon-Leite B., Audebert L., Soudani K. (2019) Linking phytoplankton pigment composition and optical properties: A framework for developing remote-sensing metrics for monitoring cyanobacteria. Water Research 148, 504-51410.1016/j.watres.2018.09.055
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Water ResearchCoMiCDCFE
Alič Š, Pédron J*, Dreo T, Van Gijsegem F* (2019) Genomic characterisation of the new Dickeya fangzhongdai species regrouping plant pathogens and environmental isolates. BMC Genomics. 20(1): 3410.1186/s12864-018-5332-3
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Essarts YR des, Pédron J*, Blin P, Dijk EV, Faure D, Gijsegem FV* (2019) Common and distinctive adaptive traits expressed in Dickeya dianthicola and Dickeya solani pathogens when exploiting potato plant host. Environmental Microbiology.21(3), 1004–101810.1111/1462-2920.14519
Environmental MicrobiologyCoMiCDCFE
Watteau F., Dignac M.-F.*, Bouchard A., Revallier A., Houot S. 2018. Microplastic detection in soil amended with municipal solid waste composts as revealed by transmission electronic microscopy and Pyrolysis/GC/MS. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2: 8110.3389/fsufs.2018.00081
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Frontiers in Sustainable Food SystemsCoMiCDCFE
Ribolzi, O., Lacombe, G., Pierret, A.*, Robain, H.*, Sounyafong, P.`, de Rouw, A.*, Soulileuth, B.`, Mouche, E., Huon, S.*, Silvera, N.*, Latxachak, K.O.`, Sengtaheuanghoung, O.`, Valentin, C.* Interacting land use and soil surface dynamics control groundwater outflow in a montane catchment of the lower Mekong basin. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 268, 90–102​10.1016/j.agee.2018.09.005
Agriculture Ecosystems & EnvironmentCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Dance D.A.B., Knappik M., Dittrich S., Viengmon D., Silisouk J.’, Vongsouvath M.’, Rattanavong S.,’ Pierret A.*, Newton P.N.,  Amornchai P’, Vanaporn Wuthiekanun’, Langla S., Limmathurotsakul D’. (2018) Evaluation of consensus method for the culture of Burkholderia pseudomallei in soil samples from Laos. Wellcome Open Research.10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14851.2
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Wellcome Open ResearchCoMiCDCFE
Le, H.T.~`, E. Rochelle-Newall*, Y. Auda, O. Ribolzi, O. Sengtaheuanghoung`, E. Thebault*, B. Soulileuth`, and T. Pommier, Vicinal land use change strongly drives stream bacterial community in a tropical montane catchment. FEMS microbiology ecology, 2018. 94(11). 10.1093/femsec/fiy155
FEMS Microbiology EcologyCoMiCDCFE ; EERIDCFE
Isidora Echenique-Subiabre I.~, Tenon M., Humbert J.F.*, Quiblier C. (2018) Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Development and Potential Toxicity of Phormidium Biofilms in the Tarn River, France. Toxins 10, 41810.3390/toxins10100418
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Faye P`, Bertrand C^, Pédron J*, Barny MA* (2018) Draft genomes of “Pectobacterium peruviense” strains isolated from fresh water in France. Stand Genomic Sci. 13: 2710.1186/s40793-018-0332-0
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Standards in Genomic Sciences CoMiCDCFE
Barthod J.~, Rumpel C.*, Calabi-Floody M., Mora M-L., Bolan N., Dignac M-F.* (2018) Adding worms during composting with red mud and fly ash reduces CO2 emissions and increases plant available nutrient contents. Journal of Environmental Management, 222: 207-21510.1016/j.jenvman.2018.05.079
Journal of Environmental ManagementCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Echenique-Subiabre I.~, Zancarini A.^, Heath M.W., Wood S.A., Quiblier C., Humbert J.F.* (2018) Multiple processes acting from local to large geographical scales shape bacterial communities associated with Phormidium (cyanobacteria) biofilms in French and New Zealand rivers. Scientific Reports 8, 1441610.1038/s41598-018-32772-w
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Scientific reportsCoMiCDCFE
Van Gijsegem F*, Bitton F, Laborie A-L, Kraepiel Y*, Pédron J* (2018) Characterization of the early response of Arabidopsis thaliana to Dickeya dadantii infection using expression profiling. bioRxiv 415380; 10.1101/415380
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Sengtaheuanghoung O., Ribolzi O., Rochelle-Newall E. J.*, Boithias L., Evrard O., Henri-des-Tureaux T.*, Huon S.*, Janeau J.-L*., Latsachack K*., Lefèvre I., Mouche E., Robain H.*, de Rouw A.*, Xayyathip K.*, Silvera N.*, Sisouvanh P~., Soulileuth B.*, Sounyafong P*., Thammahacksa C*., Viguier M., Lacombe G., Valentin C. & Pierret. A.*, Interactions between land use, fluxes of water and sediments, and the spread of bacterial contaminants in the uplands of northern Lao PDR. In: Nations, F. A. O. (ed) Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution 2018, Rome, Italy, 2018. FAO, p 976.FAO EditionsBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Nkwain Y.F., Demyan M. S., Rasche F., Dignac M.-F.*, Schulz E., Kätterer T., Müller T., Cadisch G. (2018) Coupling pyrolysis with mid-infrared spectroscopy (Py-MIRS) to fingerprint biochemical quality of soil organic matter. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 133: 176-18410.1016/j.jaap.2018.04.004
Journal of Analytical and Applied PyrolysisCoMiCDCFE
Fouilland, E., A. Trottet, C. Alves-de-Souza, D. Bonnet, T. Bouvier, M. Bouvy, S. Boyer, L. Guillou, E. Hatey, H. Jing, C. Leboulanger, E. Le Floc’h, H. Liu, S. Mas, B. Mostajir, J. Nouguier, D. Pecqueur, E. Rochelle-Newall*, C. Roques, C. Salles, M.-G. Tournoud, C. Vasseur & F. Vidussi, 2017. Significant Change in Marine Plankton Structure and Carbon Production After the Addition of River Water in a Mesocosm Experiment. Microbial Ecology 74(2):289-30110.1007/s00248-017-0962-6
Microbial EcologyCoMiCDCFE
Le, T. P. Q., N. D. Le, V. N. Dao, E. Rochelle-Newall*, T. M. H. Nguyen~, C. Marchand, T. T. Duong & T. X. B. Phung, 2018. Change in carbon flux (1960–2015) of the Red River (Vietnam). Environmental Earth Sciences 77(18):658 10.1007/s12665-018-7851-2
Environmental Earth SciencesCoMiCDCFE
Zimmermann R. E., Ribolzi O., Pierret A,* Rattanavong S.’, Robinson M. T., Newton P. N., Davong V.’, Auda Y., Zopfi J., Dance D. A. B. (2018) Rivers as carriers and potential sentinels for Burkholderia pseudomallei in Laos. Scientific Reports – Nature, 2018, 8, p. art. 8674 [7p.]. ISSN 2045-2322.10.1038/s41598-018-26684-y​
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE
Alic S, Van Gijsegem F,  Pédron J*,  Ravnikar M and  Dreo T (2018) Diversity within the novel Dickeya fangzhongdai sp., isolated from infected orchids, water and pears. Plant Pathology 67: 1612-1620.​10.1111/ppa.12866
Plant PathologyCoMiCDCFE
Rochelle-Newall E.*, Niboyet A.*, Jardillier L., Fiorini S., Chollet S., Llavata M., de Santis E., Barot S.*, Lacroix G.* (2018)Impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on terrestrial-aquatic carbon transfer and a downstream aquatic microbial community. Aquatic Sciences, 80, Article Number: 2710.1007/s00027-018-0577-0
Nguyen, T. M. H.~, G. Billen, J. Garnier, T. P. Q. Le, Q. L. Pham, S. Huon* & E. Rochelle Newall*, 2018. Organic carbon transfers in the subtropical Red River system (Viet Nam): insights on CO2 sources and sinks. Biogeochemistry 138(3):277-295. ​10.1007/s10533-018-0446-x
BiogeochemistryCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Barthod J.~, Rumpel C.*, Dignac M-F.* (2018) Composting with additives to improve organic amendments. A review.​ Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38:17​ 10.1007/s13593-018-0491-9
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Agronomy for Sustainable DevelopmentCoMiCDCFE ; FESTSols_ZC
Pédron J*, Chapelle E, Alunni B, Van Gijsegem F* (2018) Transcriptome analysis of the Dickeya dadantii PecS regulon during the early stages of interaction with Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Plant Pathol. 19(3): 647-663​10.1111/mpp.12549
Molecular Plant PathologyCoMiCDCFE
​Lacombe G., Valentin C*, Sounyafong P.’, De Rouw A*, Soulileuth B.’, Silvera N*, Pierret A*, Sengtaheuanghoung O.’, Ribolzi O (2018). Linking crop structure, throughfall, soil surface conditions, runoff and soil detachment : 10 land uses analyzed in Northern Laos. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 616, p. 1330-1338. ISSN 0048-9697.10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.185
Science of the Total EnvironmentCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Pierret A.*, Lacombe G. (2018) Hydrologic regulation of plant rooting depth : breakthrough or observational conundrum ?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115 (12), p. E2669-E2670. ISSN 0027-8424.10.1073/pnas.1801721115PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICACoMiCDCFE
Toussaint A., Van Gijsegem F.* (2017) Extension of the transposable bacterial virus family: two genomic organisations among phages and prophages with a Tn552-related transposase. Research in Microbiology, 169: 9 10.1016/j.resmic.2017.11.002
Research in MicrobiologyCoMiCDCFE
Rochelle Newall, E*., L. Boithias, C. Bouet*, O. Malam-Issa*, A. Pierret*, O. Ribolzi & E. Roberts, 2017. Accès à l’eau, usage des terres et dégradation des sols: un triptyque qui favorise l’émergence des maladies diarrhéiques. In Loireau, M. & N. Ben Khatra (eds) Désertification et Système Terre, de la (re)connaissance à l’action//Liason Energie-Francophonie. vol 106. Institut de la Francophonie pour le Developpement Durable et l’Organisation International de la Francophonie, Quebec, Canada, 83-85. ​
Liaison Energie-FrancophonieCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Biscornet L, Dellagi K, Pagès F, Bibi J, de Comarmond J, Mélade J, Govinden G, Tirant M, Gomard Y, Guernier V*, Lagadec E, Mélanie J, Rocamora G, Le Minter G, Jaubert J, Mavingui P, Tortosa P. Human leptospirosis in Seychelles: a prospective study confirms the heavy burden of the disease but suggests that rats are not the main reservoir. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Aug 28;11(8):e0005831.10.1371/journal.pntd.0005831
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Plos Neglected Tropical DiseasesCoMiCDCFE
Morris C., Barny MA.*, Berge O., Kinkel LL.,  and Lacroix C.(2017) Frontiers for research on the ecology of plant pathogenic bacteria: Fundamentals for sustainability. Mol plant pathol : 18(2)10.1111/mpp.12508
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Molecular Plant PathologyCoMiCDCFE
Ribolzi O., Evrard O., Huon S.*, de Rouw A.*, Silvera N.*, Latsachack K.O.`, Soulileuth B.`, Lefèvre I., Pierret A.*, Lacombe G., Sengtaheuanghoung O.`, Valentin C.* (2017) From shifting cultivation to teak plantation: effect on overland flow and sediment yield in a montane tropical catchment. Scientific Reports, 7: 398710.1038/s41598-017-04385-2
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Zancarini A.^, Echenique-Subiabre I.~, Debroas D., Taïb N., Quiblier C., Humbert J.F.* (2017)Deciphering biodiversity and interactions between bacteria andmicroeukaryotes within epilithic biofilms from the Loue River, France. Scientific Reports 7, 434410.1038/s41598-017-04016-w
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE
Kim, M.`, L. Boithias, K. H. Cho`, N. Silvera, C. Thammahacksa, K. Latsachack*, E. Rochelle-Newall*, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, A. Pierret*, Y. A. Pachepsky & O. Ribolzi, 2017. Hydrological modeling of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in a tropical mountain catchment. Water Research 119:102-113 10.1016/j.watres.2017.04.038
Water ResearchCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Le, T. P. Q., V. N. Dao°, E. Rochelle-Newall*, J. Garnier, X. Lu, G. Billen, T. T. Duong, C. T. Ho, H. Etcheber, T. M. H. Nguyen~, T. B. N. Nguyen, B. T. Nguyen, N. Da Le & Q. L. Pham, 2017. Total organic carbon fluxes of the Red River system (Vietnam). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42:1329-1341 10.1002/esp.4107EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMSCoMiCDCFE
Manivanh, L`., A. Pierret*, S. Rattanavong`, O. Kounnavongsa, Y`. Buisson, I. Elliott, J.-L. Maeght*, K. Xayyathip`, J. Silisouk`, M. Vongsouvath`, R. Phetsouvanh`, P. N. Newton, G. Lacombe, O. Ribolzi, E. Rochelle-Newall* & D. A. B. Dance, 2017. Burkholderia pseudomallei in a lowland rice paddy: seasonal changes and influence of soil depth and physico-chemical properties. Scientific Reports 7:3031 10.1038/s41598-017-02946-z
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
Lerch T.Z.*, Chenu C., Dignac M.-F.*, Barriuso E., Mariotti A. (2017) Biofilm vs planktonic lifestyle: consequences on pesticide 2,4-D biodegradation by Cupriavidus necator JMP134.  Frontiers in Microbiology 8 : 9010.3389/fmicb.2017.00904
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Frontiers in MicrobiologyBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE
MANIVANH, L.’, PIERRET A.*, RATTANAVONG, S.’, KOUNNAVONGSA, O.’, BUISSON, Y., ELLIOTT, I., MAEGHT, J.-L.*, XAYYATHIP, K., SILISOUK, J.’, VONGSOUVATH, M.’, PHETSOUVANH, R.’, NEWTON, P.N., LACOMBE, G., RIBOLZI, O., ROCHELLE-NEWALL*, E., DANCE, D.A.B. (2017) Burkholderia pseudomallei in a lowland rice paddy: seasonal changes and influence of soil depth and physico-chemical properties. Scientific Reports – Nature, 2017, 7, p. art. 3031 [11 p.].10.1038/s41598-017-02946-z​
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE
IMDIRAKPHOL S.’, ZAZZO A., AUETRAKULVIT P.’, TIAMTINKRIT C.’, PIERRET A.*, FORESTIER H., ZEITOUN V. (2017) The perforated stones of the Doi Pha Kan burials (Northern Thailand): A Mesolithic singularity? Comptes rendus Palevol (2017) Volume 16, Issue 3, April–May 2017, Pages 351-36110.1016/j.crpv.2016.12.003
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Comptes rendus PalevolCoMiCDCFE
KIM, J.H., FOURCAUD, T., JOURDAN, C., MAEGHT*, J.-L., MAO, Z., METAYER, J., MEYLAN, L., PIERRET A*., RAPIDEL, B., ROUPSARD, O., de ROUW, A.*, VILLATORO SANCHEZ, M., WANG, Y., STOKES, A. (2017) Vegetation drives slope stability and its variability through hydrological impacts. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44: 4897-4907. 10.1002/2017gl073174
Geophysical Research LettersCoMiCDCFE ; F2ZCSols_ZC
​Dignac, M.-F.*, Derrien, D., Barré, P., Barot, S.*, Cécillon, L., Chenu, C., Chevallier, T., Freschet, G.T., Garnier, P., Guenet, B., Hedde, M., Klumpp, K., Lashermes, G., Maron, P.-A., Nunan, N.*, Roumet, C., Basile-Doelsch, I., 2017. Increasing soil carbon storage: mechanisms, effects of agricultural practices and proxies. A review.Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37
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Agronomy for Sustainable DevelopmentBioDISDCFE ; CoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE
Van Gijsegem F.*, Pédron J.*, Patrit O., Simond-Côte E., Maia-Grondard A., Pétriacq P., Gonzalez R., Blottière L.^, Kraepiel Y.* (2017) Manipulation of ABA content in Arabidopsis thaliana modifies sensitivity and oxidative stress response to Dickeya dadantii and influences peroxidase activity. Front. Plant Sci.: 8 : 45610.3389/fpls.2017.00456
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Frontiers in Plant ScienceCoMiCDCFE ; EMSDCFE
Guellati F.Z., Touati H., Tambosco K., Quiblier C., Humbert J.F.*, Bensouilah M. (2017) Unusual cohabitation and competition between Planktothrix rubescens and Microcystis sp. (cyanobacteria) in a subtropical reservoir (Hammam Debagh) located in Algeria. Plos One 12(8): e018354010.1371/journal.pone.0183540
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Plos oneCoMiCDCFE
​Debroas D., Domaizon I., Humbert J.F.*,Jardillier L., Lepère C., Oudart A. and Taïb X. (2017) Overview of freshwater microbial eukaryotesdiversity: a first analysis of publicly available metabarcoding data. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 93, 410.1093/femsec/fix023
FEMS Microbiology EcologyCoMiCDCFE
Panettieri, M.; Rumpel, C.*; Dignac, M. -F.*; Chabbi, A. (2017) Does grassland introduction into cropping cycles affect carbon dynamics through changes of allocation of soil organic matter within aggregate fractions? SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 576, 251-26310.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.073
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Pancrace P., Barny MA.*, Ueoka R., Calteau A., Scalvenzi T., Pédron J.*, Barbe V., Piel J., Humbert JF.*, Gugger M (2017) Insights into the Planktothrix genus: Genomic and metabolic comparison of benthic and planktic strains. Scientific reports.7, 4118110.1038/srep41181
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Scientific ReportsCoMiCDCFE

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Team members

Nom PrénomCorpsEmployeurDépartement et ÉquipeAdresseTéléphoneMél
BAKHOS MelissaDoctoranteS-UÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFE ; Équipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 512
BARNY Marie-AnneDRINRAEÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 408
(+33) 01-44-27-32-94marie-anne.barny@sorbonne-universite.fr
CANTO Pierre-YvesAICNRSÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFE ; Plateau techniqueCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 414
(+33) 01-44-27-32-53pierre-yves.canto@sorbonne-universite.fr
COLOMBINI GabinPost-doctorantIRDÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFE ; Équipe FEST du Département Sols_ZCCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 510
(+33) 01-44-27-34-03gabin.colombini@sorbonne-universite.fr
DIGNAC Marie-FranceDRINRAEÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 504
(+33) 01-44-27-51-71marie-france.dignac@inrae.fr
GASQUE MéganeDoctoranteIRDÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 0
GUERNIER Vanina CRIRDÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 408
(+33) 01-44-27-32-94vanina.guernier@ird.fr
HUMBERT Jean-FrançoisDRINRAEÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 511
(+33) 01-44-27-41-67jean-francois.humbert@sorbonne-universite.fr
KARAMBIRI YasminaDoctoranteS-UÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 920
LAMY DominiqueMCS-UÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 410
(+33) 01-44-27-41-67dominique.lamy@sorbonne-universite.fr
MACEIRAS MarionIES-UÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 502
PÉDRON JacquesMCS-UÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 410
(+33) 01-44-27-41-67jacques.pedron@sorbonne-universite.fr
ROCHELLE-NEWALL EmmaDRIRDÉquipe CoMiC du Département DCFECampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 404
(+33) 01-44-27-38-26emma.rochelle-newall@ird.fr

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