Social Species in their Environments : Adaptation and Evolution "ESEAE" Team - iEES Paris

The aim of the ESEAE team is to understand how social life influences the mechanisms of evolution and adaptation of social species, their biodiversity, and their interactions with other species. Environmental changes are a central theme. Our biological models are mainly termites and ants. We use an integrative approach that focuses on morphology, physiology, behavior, development, ecology, molecular biology and population genetics. We use descriptive approaches, experiments and modeling.


Caption : From left to right: Temnothorax nylanderi ants © T.Colin. Nasutitermes ephratae termites © D.Sillam-Dussès. Expression of the engrailed gene (green: in situ hybridization) in an imaginary disc of the larvae of the ant Mystrium rogeri © M.Molet. Thorax of an ant worker, large muscles of the head and abdomen © A.Khalife

Axis 1. Social life and the adaptation to habitats

In social species, adaptation to the environment is achieved not only through individuals but also through the society. Recent changes in climate and in soil use (agriculture, forestry, pollution, urbanization) lead to the loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitats. This can affect biodiversity at every level. We study how these changes affect communities, populations, reproductive strategies and dispersal of insect societies.

Species found in natural and anthropized habitats are identified using morphological and molecular approaches. We describe their diversity and features. The effect of ecosystem disruption on communities is assessed through the study of species composition and richness, and their structuration in terms of trophic regimes. We also quantify genetic and morphological differentiation between urban and forest populations. We expose colonies to stressful environments in the laboratory in order to test whether urban colonies are better adapted. This is done in collaboration with Claudie DOUMS (MNHN).

We describe reproductive and dispersal strategies of colonies (number of mating, number and origin of reproductives, independent colony founding, fission, investment in growth and reproduction) in relation with environmental changes using molecular methods, landscape genetics, and agent-based modeling in spatially explicit environments.

In contrast with solitary organisms, individuals of social species do not fully face the external environment, because the latter is buffered by the society. The social environment could thus play a major role in the adaptation of social species to environmental changes. We manipulate the external and social environments as well as genetic diversity within colonies in order to quantify the contribution of these factors to colony fitness.


Axis 2. Diversity of life history traits

The diversity of colonial life cycles, adult phenotypes, and their production mechanisms are studied based on several examples :

Colony founding by fission is studied using agent-based modeling and experiments in semi-natural conditions.

We describe the biomecanics of weight transport and the evolutionary diversification of muscular and cuticular adaptations, using microtomography imaging in collaboration with Evan P. ECONOMO (Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology).

We assess the effects of miniaturization. We are also interested in the differences between large-headed soldiers and smaller workers. We consider central place foraging and nest defense.

A rearing method of ant larvae with few or no workers is under development in order to quantify the role of the social environment in the phenotypic diversity produced by colonies, in collaboration with Brian L. FISHER (California Academy of Sciences).

With an experimental device developed at the Bois de Vincennes, we manipulate colonial traits of ant societies, and measure the consequences of these manipulations on the fitness of society in nature. For example, we manipulated worker size diversity and mean worker size in order to quantify the adaptive value of size in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi.

Axe 3. Interactions within communities

The diversity and ecological success of social insects result in part from their interactions with other species, especially micro-organisms.

In termites, digestive endo- and exosymbionts are essential. The mechanisms that allow for the maintenance of such symbionts across generation based on horizontal transmission through the environment or vertical transmission through reproductives are characterized using pyrosequencing and behavioural ecology on our laboratory colonies.

A preliminary study of the interaction between ants and aphids is being carried out, with special focus on its plasticity. We manipulate the benefits gained by ants when they monopolize an aphid group or when they exploit it, in order to assess whether the interactions are mutualist or predatory.

We describe new examples of ecological interactions including predation, herbivory, parasitoidism and symbiosis among social insects and other species.


Axis 4. The termites, an original model to study ageing

The fact that ageing is partly genetically programmed explains why different mechanisms related to ageing can be found in the diversity of living things, from the Caenorhabditis elegans worm to the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster or the mouse, which are the most widely used laboratory models. In many organisms, longevity is negatively correlated with reproduction. Social insects represent a major exception to the classic fecundity/longevity trade-off and provide a suitable model for understanding the mechanisms involved. Our team, M. Vasseur-Cognet and her collaborators HS. Sul, W. De Beer, E. Bornberg-Bauer, T. Van Dooren and S. Séité, granted by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP), studies a new natural model, the Macrotermes queen termite. In this species, queens and kings can live more than 30 years while remaining highly fecund. Using an integrative biology approach, we study the impact of energetic metabolic reprogramming on the reproductive rate during the sequential stages of queen differentiation, and we compare the obtained data to those of short-lived nonreproductive female workers, long-lived reproductive kings and very short-lived queen species. Comparison of our results with other model organisms will help to identify the molecular components universally conserved or modified, and will highlight the signaling pathways involved in an increased longevity and/or reproduction.

Axis 5. Applications

In addition to fundamental research, some of our studies have direct applications.

We develop biological pest control methods that are both sustainable and environment-friendly. They are directed against some termite and ant species that are harmful for agriculture. They rely on baits that directly target the development of colonies instead of foragers only. Workers are tricked towards baits using specific artificial trail pheromones.

The termite gut microbiota is highly original and efficient at degrading lignin and cellulose, making it a key element to develop new biotechnologies with industrial partners.

We develop a cell line from an ant species that will be used to study cell cycle. Better knowledge of cell division has applications to study cancer. This is done in collaboration with Alain DEBEC (Institut Jacques Monod).

These five axes rely on our rearing infrastructures. Our tropical and temperate rooms allow us to keep live colonies of various termite and ant species.

Team news

Team publications

Only applies to publications from 2017 to present. To see all the publications go to the Publications page.

RéférenceLiensJournalEquipes et départements
​​Billen J, Monnin T* (2024) Functional morphology of the Dufour gland in the queenless ant Dinoponera quadriceps. Insectes Soc
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Insectes sociauxESEAEEcoEvo
García Ibarra F~, Jouquet P*, Bottinelli N*, Bultelle A*, Monnin T* (2023). Experimental evidence that increased surface temperature affects bioturbation by ants. Journal of Animal Ecology​
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Journal of Animal EcologyESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
Finand B~, Loeuille N*, Bocquet C^, Fédérici P*, Ledamoisel J°, Monnin T* (2023) Habitat fragmentation through urbanization selects for low dispersal in an ant species. Oikos e10325​ ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Sinotte V., Renelies-Hamilton J., Andreu-Sanchez S., Vasseur-Cognet M.*, Poulsen M. (2023) Selective enrichment of founding reproductive microbiomes allows extensive vertical transmission in a fungus-farming termite. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 290: 20231559​Proceedings of the Royal SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
​​Finand B~, Monnin T*, Loeuille N* (2023) Evolution of dispersal and the maintenance of fragmented metapopulations. Oikos e10490
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Galenza A., Moreno-Roman P., Su YH., Acosta-Alvarez L., Debec A., et al. Basal stem cell progeny establish their apical surface in a junctional niche during turnover of an adult barrier epithelium. Nat Cell Biol (2023).​​
10.1038/s41556-023-01116-wNature Cell BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
DioufM.*, Hervé V., Fréchault S.*, Josie Lambourdière J.,NdiayeA.B.`, Miambi E*., Bourceret B., Jusselme M.D.^,
Selosse M.-A.,Corinne Rouland-Lefèvre C*. (2023)Succession of the microbiota in the gut of reproductives of
Macrotermes subhyalinus (Termitidae) at colony foundation gives insights into symbionts transmission.Frontiers inEcology and Evolution
10.3389/fevo.2022.1055382Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionESEAEEcoEvo
Eyer P-A, Finand B~, Mona S, Khimoun A, d’Ettorre P, Fédérici P*, Leroy C, Cornette R, Chifflet-Belle P, Monnin T*, Doums C (2022) Integrative characterisation of genetic and phenotypic differentiation in an ant species complex with strong hierarchical population structure and low dispersal abilities. Heredity10.1038/s41437-022-00590-6
Planas-Sitjà I., Monnin T.*, Loeuille N.*, Cronin A.L. (2022) To disperse or compete? Coevolution of traits leads to a limited number of reproductive strategies. Oikos 9:e09972​10.1111/oik.09972
​Post F., Bornberg-Bauer E., Vasseur-Cognet M*, Harrison M.C (2022) More effective transposon regulation in fertile, long-lived termite queens than in sterile workers. Molecular Ecology, 1-2210.1111/mec.16753Molecular EcologyESEAEEcoEvo
Harrison M. C., Dohmen E., George S., Sillam-Dussès D., Séité S^., Vasseur-Cognet M.* (2022) Complex regulatory role of DNA methylation in caste- and age-specific expression of a termite. Open Biology, 12: 220047, 10.1098/rsob.220047Open BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Jouquet P.*, Bultelle A.*, Djouraev I.*, Caquineau S.*, Hervé V.*, Vasseur-Cognet M.* (2022) Termite graveyards. Hidden geochemical patches? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 170: 1-7, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108678
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Khalife A.~, Peeters C.*, Economo E.P. (2021) Minute workers and large soldiers in the subterranean ant Carebara perpusilla: Musculoskeletal consequences of Haller’s rule in the thorax. Arthropod Structure & Development, 69:10118810.1016/j.asd.2022.101188Arthropod Structure & DevelopmentESEAEEcoEvo
Finand B.~, Monnin T.*, Loeuille​ N.* (2022) Evolution of dispersal and the maintenance of fragmented metapopulations. bioRxiv10.1101/2022.06.08.495260
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​Csősz S., Báthori F., Molet M.*, Rádai Z. (2022) What would a parasitized ant look like if it were healthy: morphological reconstruction using algorithmic processing. Life, 12: 625,10.3390/life12050625LifeESEAEEcoEvo
​Aupanun S., Jaitrong W., Suttiprapan P., Peeters C.*, Ito F. (2022) Nest architecture, worker reproduction, and polygyny in the ponerine ant Harpegnathos venator. Insectes Sociaux,  69:185-195 10.1007/s00040-022-00857-5Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
​Jacquier L.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2022) Spring colonies of the ant Temnothorax nylanderi tolerate cadmium better than winter colonies, in both a city and a forest habitat. Ecotoxycology 31: 324-334, 10.1007/s10646-021-02515-1
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​Séité S.^, Harrison M.C., Sillam-Dussès D., Lupoli R., Van Dooren T.J.M.*, Robert A., Poissonnier L-A., Lemainque A., Renault D., Acket S., Andrieu M., Viscarra J., Sul H.S., de Beer Z.W., Bornberg-Bauer E. and Vasseur-Cognet M* (2022) Lifespan prolonging mechanisms and insulin upregulation without fat accumulation in long-lived reproductives of a higher termite. Communications Biology, Jan 13; Vol.5 (1): 44, 10.1038/s42003-021-02974-6
Communications BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Mizuno R., Likhitrakarn N., Suttiprapan P., Aupanun S., JaitrongW. Peeters C.* (2022) Field observations on nestmate recruitment to millipedes in the chainassembling ponerine ant Leptogenys cyanicatena (Formicidae: Ponerinae) in northern Thailand. Asian Myrmecology, 15:e01500310.20362/am.015003Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Yong G. Jaitrong W. Peeters C.* (2021) Nest structure of the bark-digging ant Rhopalomastix (Formicidae, Myrmicinae) and notes on its mutualistic associations with diaspidids in a Thai mango plantation. Asian Myrmecology, 13:e013005 10.20362/am.013005Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Iry Andrianjara~, Marianne Bordenave-Jacquemin*, Virginie Roy*, Cécile Cabassa*, Pierre Federici*, David Carmignac*, Yoan Marcangeli*, Germinal Rouhan, Mathilde Renard, François Nold, Jean-Christophe Lata*, Patricia Genet*, Séverine Planchais* (2021) Urban tree management: diversity of Tilia genus in streets and parks of Paris based on morphological and genetic characteristics, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127382
​Lavallée F, Chérel G, Monnin T* (2021) No coordination required for resources allocation during colony fission in a social insect? An individual-based model reproduces empirical patterns. Animal Cognition10.1007/s10071-021-01561-w
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Animal CognitionESEAEEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Jacquier L.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2021). Disentangling the roles of social and individual effects on cadmium tolerance in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1–12 10.1093/biolinnean/blab116
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Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
​Khalife A~, Peeters C* (2021) Food storage and morphological divergence between worker and soldier castes in a subterranean myrmicine ant, Carebara perpusilla. Journal of Natural History 54 (47-48):3131-3148 10.1080/00222933.2021.1890851JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORYESEAEEcoEvo
General D.E.M., Buenavente P.A.C., Peeters C.* (2021) The twists and turns of biological research: first record of an ergatoid queen in the ant genus Pheidole Westwood, 1839, and implications for dispersal and life history. Asian Myrmecology 12:e013002 ​10.20362/am.013002Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2021) Worker Size Diversity Has No Effect on Overwintering Success under Natural Conditions in the Ant Temnothorax nylanderi Insects,  1210.3390/insects12050379
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Jacquier L.~, Molet M.*, Bocquet C.^, Doums C. (2021) Hibernation conditions contribute to the differential resistance to cadmium between urban and forest ant colonies. Animals 11 : 105010.3390/ani11041050
Borne F., Prigent S.R., Molet M.*, Courtier-Orgogozo V. (2021) Drosophila glue protects from predation. Proceedings of the royal society B: Biological sciences, 288: 2021008810.1098/rspb.2021.0088PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B – BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESESEAEEcoEvo
Eyer PA, Vargo EL, Peeters C* (2021) One tree, many colonies: colony structure, breeding system and colonization events of host trees in tunnelling Melissotarsus ants. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133 (1):237-248​ 10.1093/biolinnean/blab026
Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
Picot A~, Monnin T, Loeuille N (2021) Implications of (co)evolution of agriculture and resource foraging for the maintenance of species diversity and community structure. bioRxiv 10.1101/2021.03.02.433551
​Couic E., Alphonse V., Livet A., Giusti-Miller S.*, Bousserrhine N. Influence of Ecological Restoration on Mercury Mobility and Microbial Activities on Former Guyanese Mining Sites. in Applied Sciences. 2021, 11, 223110.3390/app11052231Applied SciencesESEAEEcoEvo
​Billen J, Peeters C* (2020)Glandular innovations for a tunnelling life: silk and associated leg glands in Melissotarsus and Rhopalomastix queen and worker ants. Arthropod Structure & Development 59:100979 10.1016/j.asd.2020.100979Arthropod Structure & DevelopmentESEAEEcoEvo
Rumpel, C.*, Ann, V.`, Bahri, H.`, Calabi Floody, M.`, Cheik, S.`, Doan, T.T.`, Harit, A.`,Janeau, J.L.*, Jouquet, P.*,Mora, M.L.`, Podwojewski, P.*, Minh, T.T.`, Ngo, Q.A.`, Rossi, P.L., Sanaullah, M.`, 2020. Research for development in the 21st century. Geoderma. 378 (15): 114558.10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114558GeodermaESEAEEcoEvo ; F2ZCSols_ZC ; FESTSols_ZC
Peeters C*, Keller RA, Khalife A~, Fischer G, Katzke J, Blanke A, Economo EP (2020)The loss of flight in ant workers enabled an evolutionary redesign of the thorax for ground labour. Frontiers in zoology 17 (1):1-13​10.1186/s12983-020-00375-9
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Frontiers in ZoologyESEAEEcoEvo
Marynowska M., Goux X., Sillam-Dusses D.,Rouland-Lefevre C., Halder R., Wilmes P., Gawron P., Roisin Y., Delfosse P. (2020) – Compositional and functional characterisation of biomass-degrading microbial communities in guts of plant fibre- and soil-feeding higher termites. BMC Microbiome, 08,96​10.1186/s40168-020-00872-3MicrobiomeESEAEEcoEvo
​Jacquier L.~, Doums C., Four-Chaboussant A.°, Peronnet R.*, Tirard C.*, Molet M.* (2020), Urban colonies are more resistant to a trace metal than their forest counterparts in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Urban Ecosystems10.1007/s11252-020-01060-9
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Urban EcosystemsESEAEEcoEvo
Jusselme MD.*, Cézard L.*, Pion F., Baumberger S., Robert A.*, Lapierre C., Diouf M.*, Mora P.,* Miambi E.* (2020) Changes in the Phenolic Fraction of Protobind 1000 and Bacterial Microbiota in the Gut of a Higher Termite, Nasutitermes Ephratae Open Access Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 5 ​10.23880/oajmb-16000169Open Access Journal of Microbiology & BiotechnologyESEAEEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Doums C., Molet M.* (2020) Manipulation of worker size diversity does not affect colony fitness under natural conditions in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 10410.1007/s00265-020-02885-2
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
S.Helaoui, M. Mkhinini, I. Boughattas, V. Alphonse, S. Giusti-Miller*, A. Livet, M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine, Assessment of Changes on Rhizospheric Soil Microbial Biomass, Enzymes Activities and Bacterial Functional Diversity under Nickel Stress in Presence of Alfafa Plants. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal Volume 29, 2020 – Issue 810.1080/15320383.2020.1771276Soil & Sediment ContaminationESEAEEcoEvo
Célini L.*, Roy V.*, Delabie J., Frechault S.*, Mora P.* (2020). Présence de Solenopsis globularia (F. Smith, 1858) et Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, 1881 (Formicidae : Myrmicinae) dans l’île de Saint Barthélemy aux Antilles Françaises. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 125 (2) : 145 162.​10.32475/bsef_2061Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de FranceBioDISDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
M. Mkhinini, I. Boughattas, V. Alphonse, A. Livet, S. Giusti-Miller*, M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine, Heavy metal accumulation and changes in soil enzymes activities and bacterial functional diversity under long-term treated wastewater irrigation in East Central region of Tunisia (Monastir governorate) – Agricultural Water Management – Volume 235, 31 May 2020, 10615010.1016/j.agwat.2020.106150Agricultural Water ManagementESEAEEcoEvo
Khimoun A., Doums C., Molet M.*, Kaufmann B., Péronnet R.*, Eyer P.A., Mona S. (2020) Urbanization without isolation: unexpected absence of genetic structure among cities and forests in the tiny acorn ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Biology Letters, 16.10.1098/rsbl.2019.0741
Biology LettersESEAEEcoEvo
Doums C, Monnin T* (2020) To have and not to have sex: when multiple evolutions of conditional use of sex elegantly solve the question in the ant genus Cataglyphis. Molecular Ecology 29:445-44710.1111/mec.15352
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Molecular EcologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Sinotte V. M., Renelies-Hamilton J., Taylor B. A., Ellegaard K. M., Sapountzis P., Vasseur-Cognet M*.  and Poulsen M. (2020) Synergies between division of labor and gut microbiomes of social insects. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 503:1-910.3389/fevo.2019.00503
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Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionESEAEEcoEvo
Mallard, F.,^ Le Bourlot, V., Le Coeur, C.°, Avnaim, M.*, Péronnet, R.*, Claessen, D., & Tully, T.* (2019). From individuals to populations: How intraspecific competition shapes thermal reaction norms. Functional Ecology.10.1111/1365-2435.13516
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Functional EcologyESEAEEcoEvo ; VPAEcoEvo
Diouf M.*, Sillam-DussesD.*,Alphonse V., FrechaultS.*, MiambiE.*, MoraP.* (2019) Mercury species in the nests and bodies of soil-feeding termites, Silvestritermes spp. (Termitidae, Syntermitinae), in French Guiana. Environmental Pollution 254 (2019) 11306410.1016/j.envpol.2019.113064
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Environmental PollutionESEAEEcoEvo
Honorio R.~, Châline N., Chameron S (2019). Pre-existing differences in putative fertility signals give workers the upper hand in ant reproductive hierarchies. Animal Behaviour, 157:129-14010.1016/j.anbehav.2019.09.007
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Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
Jusselme, M.D., Pruvost, C., Motard, E. Giusti-Miller, S., Frechault, S., Alphonse, V., Dajoz, I. & Mora, P. 2019. Increasing the ability of a green roof to provide ecosystem services by adding organic matter and earthworms. Applied Soil Ecology 143: 61-69.10.1016/j.apsoil.2019.05.028
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Applied Soil EcologyEERIDCFE ; EMSDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Picot A~, Monnin T*, Loeuille N* (2019) From apparent competition to facilitation: impacts of consumer niche construction on the coexistence and stability of consumer-resource communities. Functional Ecology 33:1746-175710.1111/1365-2435.13378
Functional EcologyEERIDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Bertucci M., Calusinska M., Goux X.,Rouland-Lefevre C., Untereiner B., Ferrer P., Gerin P.A., Delfosse P. (2019) – Carbohydrate Hydrolytic Potential and Redundancy of an Anaerobic digestion Microbiome Exposed to Acidosis, as Uncovered by Metagenomics. App. Env. microbiol., 85:e00895-19​10.1128/aem.00895-19
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C. Balland-Bolou-Bi,  E. Bolou-Bi, V. Alphonse, S. Giusti-Miller*,  MD Jusselme^, A. Livet, M. Grimaldi*,N. Bousserhine, Impact of microbial activity on the mobility of metallic elements (Fe, Al and Hg) in tropical soils – Geoderma – Volume 334, 15 January 2019, Pages 146-15410.1016/j.geoderma.2018.07.044
GeodermaESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
I. Boughattas, S.Hattab, V. Alphonse, A. Livet, S. Giusti-Miller*, H. Boussetta,  M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine – Use of earthworms Eisenia andrei on the bioremediationof contaminated area in north of Tunisia and microbial soil enzymes as bioindicator of change on heavy metals speciation – Journal of Soils and Sediments – January 2019, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp 296–309.10.1007/s11368-018-2038-8Journal of Soils and SedimentsESEAEEcoEvo
Yong G, Matile-Ferrero D, Peeters C* (2019)Rhopalomastix is only the second ant genus known to live with armoured scale insects (Diaspididae). Insectes Sociaux 66:273-282​10.1007/s00040-019-00686-z
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Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
​Khalife A~, Keller RA, Billen J, Garcia FH, Economo EP, Peeters C* (2018)Skeletomuscular adaptations of head and legs of Melissotarsus ants for tunnelling through living wood. Frontiers in Zoology 15 (1):30 10.1186/s12983-018-0277-6
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Frontiers in ZoologyESEAEEcoEvo
Moutou-Tchitoula DP., Nguimbi E., Giusti-Miller S E.*, Mora P.*, Kobawila S C., Miambi E.* (2018) Assessment of dominant bacterial strains isolated from Ntoba mbodi, an indigenous African alkaline-fermented food, and their potential enzyme activitiesAfrican Journal of Microbiology Research, 12:779-787 10.5897/AJMR2018.8875African Journal of Microbiology ResearchESEAEEcoEvo
F. Lanouar, I. Boughattas, M. Mkhinini, V. Alphonse, S. Giusti-Miller*, A. Livet, M. Banni, N. Bousserrhine – Effect of Aloe Vera wastes on physico-chemical properties and microbiological activity in soils. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, Vol-3, Issue-4, Jul-Aug- 201810.22161/ijeab/3.4.21International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and BiotechnologyESEAEEcoEvo
E. Couic, M. Grimaldi*, V. Alphonse, C. Balland-Bolou-Bi, A. Livet,  S. Giusti-Miller*, M. Sarrazin, N. Bousserrhine, Mercury behaviour and C, N, and P biogeochemical cycles during ecological restoration processes of old mining sites in French Guiana – Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry – 2018 Apr 25;20(4):657-672.10.1039/C8EM00016F
Environmental Science-Processes & ImpactsESEAEEcoEvo ; FESTSols_ZC
​Diouf M.*, Miambi E.*, Mora P.*, Frechault S.*, Robert A.*, Rouland-Lefèvre C.*, Hervé V. (2018) Variations in the relative abundance of Wolbachia in the gut of Nasutitermes arborum across life stages and castes, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Volume 365, Issue 7, April, fny04610.1093/femsle/fny046
FEMS Microbiology LettersESEAEEcoEvo
Béhague J.^, Fisher B. L., Péronnet R.*, Rajakumar R., Abouheif E., Molet M.* (2018) Lack of interruption of the gene network underlying wing polyphenism in an early-branching ant genus, Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 10.1002/jez.b.22794JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY PART
M. MKinini, I. Boughattas, S Hattab, H Boussetta, V Alphonse, A Livet, S Giusti-Miller*, M Banni, N Bousserrhine, Bacterial Functional Diversity and Enzymatic Activities in the Presence of Earthworms Eisenia Andrei Short Term Treated Wastewater Reuse Impact on Soil Microbial Biomass, In book: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions – 201810.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_96Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding RegionsESEAEEcoEvo
Fougeyrollas R.~, Dolejšová K., Křivánek J., Sillam-Dussès D.*, Roisin Y., Hanus R., Roy V. *(2018) Dispersal and mating strategies in two neotropical soil-feeding termites, Embiratermes neotenicus and Silvestritermes minutus (Termitidae, Syntermitinae). Insectes Sociaux, 65, 251-262.10.1007/s00040-018-0606-y
Insectes SociauxBioDISDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Monnin T*, Helft F, Leroy C, d’Ettorre P, Doums C (2018) Chemical characterization of young virgin queens and mated egg-laying queens in the ant Cataglyphis cursor: random forest classification analysis for multivariate datasets. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44:127-136​10.1007/s10886-018-0923-7
Journal of Chemical EcologyESEAEEcoEvo
Doums C, Fédérici P*, Schiffet-Belle P, Monnin T* (2018) Worker thelytoky allows requeening of orphaned colonies but increases susceptibility to reproductive cheating in an ant. Animal Behaviour 135:109-11910.1016/j.anbehav.2017.11.013
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Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
​Peeters C* (2017)Independent colony foundation in Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): First workers lay trophic eggs to feed queen’s larvae. Sociobiology 64 (4):417-422 10.13102/sociobiology.v64i4.2092SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
Auer L., Lazuka A., Sillam-Dussès D., Miambi E.*, O’Donohue M., Hernandez-Raquet G. (2017) Uncovering the potential of termite gut microbiome for lignocellulose bioconversion in anaerobic batch bioreactors. Frontiers in microbiology, 8:262310.3389/fmicb.2017.02623
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Frontiers in MicrobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
Majeed MZ., Miambi E.*, Barois I., Bernoux M., Brauman A. (2018) Characterization of N2O emissions and associated microbial communities from the ant mounds in soils of a humid tropical rainforest Folia microbiologica, 63: 381-389. ​10.1007/s12223-017-0575-yFolia microbiologicaESEAEEcoEvo
Peeters C.*, Ito F., Wiwatwitaya D., Keller RA., Hashim R., Molet M.* (2017) Striking polymorphism among infertile helpers in the arboreal ant Gesomyrmex. Asian Myrmecology, 9: 1-1510.20362/am.009015Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
Diouf M.*, Hervé V., Mora P.*, Robert A.*, Frechault S.*, Rouland-Lefèvre C.*, Miambi E.* (2018) Evidence from the gut microbiota of swarming alates of a vertical transmission of the bacterial symbionts in Nasutitermes arborum (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 111: 573-587 ​10.1007/s10482-017-0978-4
Marynowska M, Goux x., Sillam-Dusses D.,Rouland-Lefevre C., Roisin Y., Delfosse P., Calusinska M. (2017).Optimization of a metatranscriptomic approach to study the lignocellulolytic potential of the higher termite gut microbiome. Bmc genomics10.1186/s12864-017-4076-9BMC GenomicsESEAEEcoEvo
Massot M*., Legendre S., Fédérici P*., Clobert J. 2017. Climate warming: a loss of variation in populations can accompany reproductive shifts. Ecol lett. 20: 1140-4710.1111/ele.12811
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Ecology LettersCReAEcoSens ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Diouf M.,Rouland-Lefevre C. (2017). Chapter 1 :The Fungus-Growing Termites (Termitidae–Macrotermitinae): Biology, Damages on Tropical Crops and Specific Management. In : Termites and Sustainable Management, Vol. 2, Springer Ed., ISBN978-3-319-68725-4​10.1007/978-3-319-68726-1_1Termites and Sustainable ManagementESEAEEcoEvo
​Peeters C*, Foldi I, Matile-Ferrero D, Fisher BL (2017)A mutualism without honeydew: what benefits for Melissotarsus emeryi ants and armored scale insects (Diaspididae)? PeerJ 5, e3599 10.7717/peerj.3599PeerJESEAEEcoEvo
​Molet M.*, Péronnet R.*, Couette S., Canovas C.°, Doums C. (2017) Effect of temperature and social environment on worker size in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Journal of Thermal Biology, 67: 22-2910.1016/j.jtherbio.2017.04.013
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Journal of Thermal BiologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Peeters C*, Aron S (2017)Evolutionary reduction of female dispersal in Cataglyphis desert ants. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122 (1):58-70 10.1093/biolinnean/blx052Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
Colin T.°, Doums C., Péronnet R.*, Molet M.* (2017) Decreasing worker size diversity does not affect colony performance during laboratory challenges in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71: 9210.1007/s00265-017-2322-4
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Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Peeters C*, Yong G (2017) Synchronized group retrieval of honeydew by Prenolepis ants in Singapore. Asian Myrmecology 9:e009009 10.20362/am.009009Asian MyrmecologyESEAEEcoEvo
Peeters C*, Molet M*, Lin C-C, Billen J (2017) Evolution of cheaper workers in ants: comparative study of exoskeleton thickness. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121 (3):556-563​10.1093/biolinnean/blx011Biological Journal of the Linnean SocietyESEAEEcoEvo
​Fougeyrollas R.~, Křivánek J., Roy V.*, Dolejšová K., Frechault S.*, Roisin Y., Hanus R., Sillam-Dussès D. (2017). Asexual queen succession mediates an accelerated colony life cycle in the termite Silvestritermes minutus. Molecular Ecology, 26, 3295–330810.1111/mec.14095
Molecular EcologyBioDISDCFE ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Boulay R, Aron S, Cerdá X, Doums C, Graham P, Hefetz A, Monnin T* (2017) Social life in arid environments: the case study of Cataglyphis ants. Annual Review of Entomology. 62:305-32110.1146/annurev-ento-031616-034941
Annual Review of EntomologyESEAEEcoEvo
​Yéo K, Delsinne T, Konaté S, Alonso L, Aïdara D, Peeters C* (2017) Diversity and distribution of ant assemblages above and below ground in a West African forest-savannah mosaic (Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire). Insectes Sociaux 64:155-164 10.1007/s00040-016-0527-6Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
Londe S~, Molet M*, Fisher BL, Monnin T* (2016) Reproductive and aggressive behaviours of queen-worker intercastes in the ant Mystrium rogeriand caste evolution.Animal Behaviour120:67-7610.1016/j.anbehav.2016.07.026
Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
Cronin AL, Monnin T*, Sillam-Dussès D*, Aubrun F~., Fédérici P*, Doums C (2016) Qualitative bias in offspring investment in a superorganism is linked to dispersal and nest inheritance. Animal Behaviour119:1-910.1016/j.anbehav.2016.06.018
Animal BehaviourESEAEEcoEvo
Cronin AL, Loeuille N*, Monnin T* (2016) Strategies of offspring investment and dispersal in a spatially structured environment: a theoretical study using ants. BMC Ecology 16:410.1186/s12898-016-0058-z
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Cronin A.L., Chifflet-Belle P., Fédérici P*., Doums C. 2016. High inter-colonial variation in worker nestmate relatedness and diverse social structure in a desert ant from Mongolia. Insectes Sociaux. 63:87–9810.1007/s00040-015-0439-xInsectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
Frantz A*., Fédérici P*., Legoupi J*., Jacquin L., Gasparini G*. 2016. Sex-associated differences in trace metals concentrations in and on the plumage of a common urban bird species. Ecotoxicology. 25: 22–29 10.1007/s10646-015-1562-1
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EcotoxicologyEPEEcoEvo ; ESEAEEcoEvo
Helft F,~ Doums C, Monnin T* (2016) No evidence of pre-copulatory mate choice by gynes in the facultatively parthenogenetic ant Cataglyphis cursor. Insectes sociaux 63:199-20110.1007/s00040-015-0444-0
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Insectes SociauxESEAEEcoEvo
​Diouf M.*, Roy V.*, Mora P.*, Frechault S.*, Lefebvre T., Hervé V., Rouland-Lefèvre C.*, Miambi E.* (2015) Profiling the Succession of Bacterial Communities throughout the Life Stages of a Higher Termite Nasutitermes arborum (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) Using 16S rRNA Gene Pyrosequencing. PLOS ONE 10(10): e014001410.1371/journal.pone.0140014
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Doums C., Ruel C., Clémencet J., Fédérici P*., Cournault L., Aron S. 2013. Fertile diploid males in the ant Cataglyphis cursor: a potential cost of thelytoky? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 67: 1983-199310.1007/s00265-013-1606-6
Behavioral Ecology and SociobiologyESEAEEcoEvo

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BULTELLE AngéliqueTIRDÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 516
DIOUF MichelMCUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : P4 222
DUCANCEL JoshuaDoctorantEPHEÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 504
FEDERICI PierreIECNRSÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 414
FRECHAULT SophieIEUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : 224
GIUSTI-MILLER StéphanieIEUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P4 – 2e étage – bureau : 224
GRESSLER MarieDoctoranteS-UÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 4e étage – bureau : 413
MAZURAS NicolasIEUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P4 – 2e étage – bureau : 224
MIAMBI EdouardMCUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : 220
MOLET MathieuPUS-UÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 510
MONNIN ThibaudDRCNRSÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvo ; Équipe de Communication du Pôle AdministratifCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-45 – 5e étage – bureau : 504
MORA PhilippePUUPECÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P – 2e étage – bureau : 214
TAUPENOT AntoineDoctorantS-UÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoCampus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 5e
Tour 44-34 – 5e étage – bureau : 508
VASSEUR-COGNET MireilleCRINSERMÉquipe ESEAE du Département EcoEvoUniv. Paris Est Créteil
bâtiment P4 – 2e étage – bureau : 222

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