
Arthur Fauviau

Thesis defense of Arthur FAUVIAU

« Abeilles sauvages et pollinisation en milieux urbanisés : approches expérimentales et méta-analytiques à grande échelle »

Arthur FAUVIAU, PhD Student of ITE Sorbonne Université, Team EERI of Department DCFE Invites you to the defense of his thesis: « Abeilles sauvages et pollinisation en milieux urbanisés : approches expérimentales et méta-analytiques à grande échelle » The jury will be composed of: Emmanuelle BAUDRY – Professeure Université Paris Sud Bertrand SCHATZ – Directeur de Recherche […]

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Müllerian mimicry among bees and wasps: a review of current knowledge and future avenues of research

A study in Biological Reviews led by researchers from the Institute of ecology and environmental sciences – Paris, the Institute of Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity and the Center for Ecology and Conservation Sciences makes the synthesis of published knowledge on Mullerian mimicry in aculeate wasps and bees. It argues that aculeates may be one of the most diverse groups of mimetic organisms and that the diversity of their mimetic interactions is currently underexplored.

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