
University Paris Est Créteil
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris
94010 Créteil cedex

Contact Information

Call: +(33) 01 45 17 15 07


Research Interests

  • Digestive symbiosis
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Microbiome
  • N-cycling processes
  • Natural Biomass Utilization Systems (NBUS)
  • Termites

MIAMBI Edouard

Termites are the most abundant soil macrofauna in tropical environments and are characterized by various diets (soil-feeders, grass-feeders, wood-feeders, fungus-cultivating termites). They play a crucial role in the functioning of tropical ecosystems, particularly the mineralization of carbon and nitrogen, thanks to the microbial symbionts present in their gut. In addition, the digestive metabolism of termites leads to the production of greenhouse gases such as methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O).

My research activities focus on the role of the termite gut microbiota in the symbiotic digestion of living (trees, grasses, crops) and less decomposed plant organic matter (litter, humus). Particular emphasis is put on determining the mechanisms, taking into account the interactions between the symbionts and the host. Current works focus on determining (i) the factors contributing to the variations in N2O emissions according to termite feeding guilds and (ii) the degradation of lignocellulose compounds by termites. I am also involved in other research activities carried by our team, notably (i) the modalities of symbionts acquisition by termites and (ii) the impacts of mercury pollution on termites.

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