Mathieu Millan

Séminaire de Mathieu Millan

“On the relationships between plant architecture, ontogeny andecological functions in savanna woody species”

Open ecosystems, such as savannas, are shaped and maintained by disturbances, for example fire and herbivory. In such ecosystems, plants are exposed to regular biomass loss, preventing the regular course of growth. Thus, it is difficult to understand how they build their bodies, how and when they invest their biomass in their different parts, when they reach their flowering onset, and how their population dynamics works. As the growth process is often interrupted and altered, the use of size-related traits, such as classic plant height and stem diameter, has limited utility in understanding the processes involved in coping with disturbances. An alternative tool to size classes is the use of developmental stages,like seedling, sapling, adult, senescent, etc. In this presentation, I will show how plant architecture (whole plant approach based on morphogenetics and plant morphology) helps define such developmental stages (called ontogenetic stages) and how the developmental status of individuals mediates size-related trait scaling relationships. Additionally, I will discuss how it allows us to predict flowering thresholds (flowering onset and large flower production). I will then discuss the benefits of including plant development in functional ecology and how to incorporate this ontogenetic stage-based approachto improve our understanding of woody species population and community dynamics in open ecosystems.

L'événement est terminé.


Mar 28 2024


11 h 00
iEES Paris


iEES Paris
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, Barre 44 – 45, 4e étage , salle de conférences– CC 237, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS


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Adaptation évolution et phénotype Afrique Agriculture Agroécologie Animaux Anthropisation Arabidopsis thaliana Asie Azote Bactéries Bassins versants Biocontrôle Biodiversité Carbone Collemboles Comportements Composés organiques volatils - COVs COVID-19 Cultures Cyanobactéries Cycle de l'eau Dispersion Drosophiles Développement durable Ecophysiologie Ecotoxicologie Electrophysiologie Erosion Feu Fonctions et services écosystémiques Fourmis Fécondité et reproduction Galeries Guêpes Génomique Herbivores Hormones Ingénieries écologiques Insectes Lézards et reptiles Matière organique des sols - MOS Micro-organismes Milieu aquatique en eau douce Milieux et forêts tropicaux Milieux urbains Minéralogie Modélisations et stimulations individu-centrées MT180 Mésanges Métabolomique Neurobiologie Nutriments Olfaction et gustation Papillons Parasitisme Pathogènes Perturbations environnementales Pesticides et perturbateurs endocriniens Phéromones Plantes Politique Pollinisateurs Pollutions Porosité Proline Propriétés physiques et chimiques Protéomique Ravageurs et espèces envahissantes Réseaux d'interactions Savane Sciences participatives Socialité Sociologie Sols Stress Survie Système immunitaire Système racinaire Sécheresse et désertifications Taille Température et changements climatiques Termites Transcriptomique Vers de terre Vieillissement


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