Séminaire de Thomas Koffel
“Impacts of niche construction, facilitation and mutualism on species coexistence”
Cette semaine au séminaire IEES, nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter i, maître de conférence à l’Université Lyon 1, au LBBE, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (https://thomaskoffel.wordpress.com/).
Le titre de son exposé est : Impacts of niche construction, facilitation and mutualism on species coexistence
Résumé :
In this talk, I will explore how positive interactions between organisms emerge and influence species traits, community structure and ecosystem functioning. I will focus on indirect interactions, i.e. mediated by environmental modification, such as nutrient accumulation in plant communities and cross feeding between bacteria. Using a variety of ecological examples, I will show how positive interactions affect species niches, in turn altering the outcome of competition, with important consequences on the functioning of these communities.
In the second part of the talk, I will move to the question of the evolutionary emergence and maintenance of these positive interactions in ecological communities. Using eco-evolutionary tools, I will present why these positive interactions are often counter-selected, a general consequence of the tragedy of the commons. I will conclude by discussing how explicitly accounting for spatial structure seems necessary for explaining the emergence of positive interactions in ecological communities.
Contact: Alice Ardichvili alice.ardichvili@sorbonne-universite.fr
Le séminaire aura lieu à 11h le jeudi 5 octobre 2023 (créneau habituel des séminaires de l’unité), en hybride :
Vous pourrez suivre le séminaire sur https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87511305904,
Meeting ID:875 1130 5904 ou bien dans la salle de réunion 417 du 4e étage, barre 44-45, à Jussieu.
Les diapos et l’exposé seront en anglais.