
plastique mer

Plastic pollution: towards a global treaty limiting production?

In Ottawa, negotiations aimed at signing an international treaty limiting plastic pollution moved in the right direction during a penultimate cycle, which ended Tuesday April 30. A summit placed under the aegis of the United Nations and attended by Marie-France Dignac and Jean-François Ghiglione, two researchers at Sorbonne University. The establishment is the first French university to be accredited by the United Nations Environment Program, allowing it to take part in international negotiations.

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Using urine to make sub-Saharan city region food systems more sustainable

Installing urine collection systems in sub-Saharan city regions would make those conurbations more sustainable. This was demonstrated by a study by four researchers from CIRAD, IRD, Boubakar Bâ University of Tillaberi (Niger) and Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), published on 3 May 2023 in the journal Regional Environmental Change.

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Can participatory approaches strengthen the monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms in developing countries? Results from a pilot study conducted in the Lagoon Aghien (Ivory Coast)

Based on the use of a smartphone application, the citizens of the three villages were invited to report water color changes, as these changes could reflect cyanobacteria proliferations.

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Microbial Communities in Continental ecosystems “CoMIC” Team

Team news Team publications Team members The CoMiC team studies microbial communities in continental terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in an interdisciplinary framework that combines microbiology, comparative genomics, metagenomics, chemistry, ecology, health, environmental sciences and social sciences. More specifically, our research focuses on (i) the vulnerability of microbial communities to disturbances and pollutants induced by human […]

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toiture végétalisée_Peluso Vincent

Making better use of the third dimension of agricultural land to sustainably intensify agricultural production

In this prospective article, an international consortium coordinated by researchers from the University of Copenhagen examines the prospects for using the “third dimension” of agricultural land, i.e. the possibility, without resorting to new land, of increasing the volume of soil exploited by the root system of crops, thereby increasing the resource base available for agricultural production while minimizing the undesirable externalities frequently associated with current agroecosystems.

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