
Science, Technology and Innovations in support of the implementation of the Great Green Wall

The Great Green Wall is Africa’s response to the climate change adaptation and mitigation and goes hand in hand with all the 17 Goals of the UN Sustainable Development. In this Special Edition, Les Echos de la Grande Muraille Verte gives voice to the science, technology and innovations that are investigated and developed as solutions […]

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trophées de l'innovation

Ratha Muon nominated for the 2024 Innovation Awards

The names of the nine nominees have been revealed by the science and innovation juries. Discover their profiles and projects. Three winners, one per region, will be rewarded for their impactful and innovative projects. Among them, Ratha Muon PhD student from iEES Paris. The selected projects focus on research themes that address societal challenges supported […]

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plastique mer

Plastic pollution: towards a global treaty limiting production?

In Ottawa, negotiations aimed at signing an international treaty limiting plastic pollution moved in the right direction during a penultimate cycle, which ended Tuesday April 30. A summit placed under the aegis of the United Nations and attended by Marie-France Dignac and Jean-François Ghiglione, two researchers at Sorbonne University. The establishment is the first French university to be accredited by the United Nations Environment Program, allowing it to take part in international negotiations.

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Workshop on soil organic carbon, sustainable land management & climate mitigation in souheast Asia – A diversity of situations for a diversity of strategies

Organized by Dr. Tran Minh Tien, from the Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute (SFI), Pascal Jouquet, from the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris (iEES Paris) and the Institute of Research for Development, France (IRD), a regional workshop was held at SFI, Hanoi, from May 27th to May 31st, on “Soil organic matter […]

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A contrasting seasonality of wind erosivity and wind erosion between Central and Western SaheL

Wind erosion is a major phenomenon in the Sahel, and can affect soil fertility. Studies of Sahelian aeolian erosion or erosivity are scarce and have been mainly focused on the Central Sahel. Since February 2020, the number of saltating particles and the horizontal flux of aeolian sediment were monitored in Bambey (Senegal) in combination with […]

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Membre de iEES Paris présents à l'EGU2023

iEES Paris at EGU 2023

EGU 2023 was held this year in Vienna, Austria from April 23-28. iEES Paris was strongly represented with the participation of 9 of our team members.

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deep soil meeting

Deep soil 100, data synthesis workshop

“Global Deep Soil 2100” is a network bringing together experimenters, modellers and data users on experiments analyzing the warming of all ecosystems. A workshop to deepen the compilation, meta-analysis and modeling of data was organized at Sorbonne University as a hybrid meeting on four continents. It brought together 50 participants and was organized as an […]

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Paysage sahélien, région de Bambey, Sénégal, en septembre 2022

Persistence and success of the Sahel desertification narrative

When the Sahel is mentioned today, this semi-arid African region between the Sahara and Sudanian Africa is often associated with the notion of desertification. But what do the latest advances in environmental science tell us about this desertification? To what extent is the “narrative” of Sahel desertification based on scientific results, or on other mechanisms, of a more political nature?

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