

Workshop on soil organic carbon, sustainable land management & climate mitigation in souheast Asia – A diversity of situations for a diversity of strategies

Organized by Dr. Tran Minh Tien, from the Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute (SFI), Pascal Jouquet, from the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris (iEES Paris) and the Institute of Research for Development, France (IRD), a regional workshop was held at SFI, Hanoi, from May 27th to May 31st, on “Soil organic matter […]

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Membre de iEES Paris présents à l'EGU2023

iEES Paris at EGU 2023

EGU 2023 was held this year in Vienna, Austria from April 23-28. iEES Paris was strongly represented with the participation of 9 of our team members.

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