
Bee extinction: Why we’re saving the wrong bees

Think honey bees are disappearing? Or that the more hives we have the better? Think again. Here’s why they’re the bad boys of the bee world, and what we should be focusing on instead.

A documentary by DW Planet A, with the participation of Isabelle Dajoz, Professor at the University of Paris Cité within the EERI team of the DCFE department of IEES Paris

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plastique mer

Plastic pollution: towards a global treaty limiting production?

In Ottawa, negotiations aimed at signing an international treaty limiting plastic pollution moved in the right direction during a penultimate cycle, which ended Tuesday April 30. A summit placed under the aegis of the United Nations and attended by Marie-France Dignac and Jean-François Ghiglione, two researchers at Sorbonne University. The establishment is the first French university to be accredited by the United Nations Environment Program, allowing it to take part in international negotiations.

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Using urine to make sub-Saharan city region food systems more sustainable

Installing urine collection systems in sub-Saharan city regions would make those conurbations more sustainable. This was demonstrated by a study by four researchers from CIRAD, IRD, Boubakar Bâ University of Tillaberi (Niger) and Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), published on 3 May 2023 in the journal Regional Environmental Change.

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Müllerian mimicry among bees and wasps: a review of current knowledge and future avenues of research

A study in Biological Reviews led by researchers from the Institute of ecology and environmental sciences – Paris, the Institute of Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity and the Center for Ecology and Conservation Sciences makes the synthesis of published knowledge on Mullerian mimicry in aculeate wasps and bees. It argues that aculeates may be one of the most diverse groups of mimetic organisms and that the diversity of their mimetic interactions is currently underexplored.

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Membre de iEES Paris présents à l'EGU2023

iEES Paris at EGU 2023

EGU 2023 was held this year in Vienna, Austria from April 23-28. iEES Paris was strongly represented with the participation of 9 of our team members.

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Florence Débarre, CNRS bronze medal !

The bronze medal rewards initial research that has established a researcher as a specialist in their field. This distinction is a form of encouragement to pursue research that is already well underway and proving successful.

Florence Débarre, CNRS researcher at iEES Paris, is one of the 2022 CNRS talents rewarded for her research in evolutionary ecology and epidemiology and its implications for better understanding the evolution of the COVID19 virus.

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