
Papillon de la noctuelle coton Spodoptera littoralis_Michel RENOU_original_0

Pheromone-mediated command from the female to male clock induces and synchronizes circadian rhythms of the moth Spodoptera littoralis

To extract any adaptive benefit, the circadian clock needs to be synchronized to the 24-h day-night cycles. We have investigated if it is a general property of the brain’s circadian clock to recognize social interactions as external time givers. Sociosexual interactions with the opposite sex are universal, prevalent even in the lives of solitary animals. […]

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Meeting of the ADALEP network 2023

On October 24 and 25, the Ecosens department hosted the ADALEP (Adaptation of Lepidoptera) national network days on the INRAE Versailles-Saclay campus. Around two plenary conferences given by invited researchers from New Zealand (Invasomics Lab; Institute for Plant and Food Research). These days brought together more than twenty presentations on invasions, expansion fronts, adaptation and […]

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Antenne de papillon au microscope électronique à balayage

Neuroethology of olfaction “NeO” Team

Team news Team publications Team members Our experimental and modelling studies aim at understanding the mechanisms involved in the recognition of the olfactory signal and its translation in a behavioural response adapted to the environment and the physiological state of insects.These studies concern the processes of sensory coding, from the chemo-electrical transduction in the olfactory receptor […]

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