Here are all our contributions for the EGU General assembly 2021
J.-L. Janeau, IRD research engineer at iEES Paris (FEST and F2ZC teams), is co-organizer of an EGU21 session.
Keywords: agricultural landscapes, crop management, hydrological processes, agroecology, agroforestry, ecohydraulics, dispersal
HS2.10.7 Session| Ecohydrology in agroecosystems
Convener: Fabrice Vinatier 1 | Co-conveners: Seraphine Grellier 2, Jean-Louis Janeau3, Gabrielle Rudi 4
Ecohydrological processes are of primary importance in agroecosystems where fluxes of water are driven by vegetation, either cultivated in the fields or natural in the grasslands, semi-natural habitats and interstitial areas (open channels, riparian borders, inter-ranks of perennial crops) surrounding the cultivated crops. Human practices are a key lever to modify the composition and properties of vegetation in agroecosystems. While the understanding of these processes is important to improve agricultural management (e.g., reducing soil erosion and water stress), there is an increasing scientific demand to determine how vegetation can balance ecohydrological processes in agricultural production systems. This is necessary to support innovative and sustainable practices in fields such as agroforestry and agroecology. This session aims to bring together studies that consider different agroecosystem components in ecohydrological assessments. We invite contributions that focus on the impact (either positive or negative) of human intervention through different land uses and their associated agricultural practices on ecohydrological processes (e.g., plant transpiration and water use, influence of vegetation on stream flow, organisms fluxes through water) across scales (plant, plot, landscape and catchment) and methods (teledetection, proxydetection, experiments, remote sensing, and modelling).
Call for abstracts to the EGU 2021 General Assembly is now open (deadline: 13th of January 2021). We kindly encourage you to submit an abstract in this session (more information on: ?
1 INRAe, LISAH – 2 Université de Tours, CITERES – 3 IRD, IEES-Paris – 4 AgroParisTech, G-EAU
Cornelia Rumpel, CNRS Research director at iEES Paris (équipe FEST),is organizer of an EGU21 sessions :
BG3.26 | Soils and Global Change
Soils are linked to many ecosystem services and profoundly involved in global biogeochemical cycles and the water cycle. Global changes including climate change, biodiversity loss and disruption of biogeochemical cycles (1) affect soil processes and (2) are affected by soil processes through feedback mechanisms. This session invites contributions about experimental and modelling studies that investigate these impacts and interactions. Contributions focusing on organic as well as mineral soils in contrasting climatic regions are welcome. Special emphazie will be given to empirical and modeling studies of soil carbon and its response to warming, and ecosystem vulnerability in different soil types. We greatly encourage interdisciplinary efforts from experiments and observation networks collecting long term, geographically distributed data.
If you would like to submit an abstract for this session, go to:
BG3.9 | Global shift in boreal forests and wetlands carbon cycle
There is evidence that boreal forests of the taiga biome will be strongly affected by the current climate change. Increasing global temperatures may lead to the migration of the southern limit of taiga to the north, while the core areas of boreal forests would be affected by the changes in their environments. Moreover, fire frequency will likely increase leading to direct biomass and organic matter loss to greenhouse gasses and permafrost thaw. These changes lead to the alteration of all components of the taiga system and in particular affect the carbon budget of wet forests and peatlands. There is large uncertainty about the ability of this ecosystem to continue to provide ecosystem services under climate change. Some data suggest that wetland areas should decrease with progressively warmer climate, but there is no proof that it would be a universal process. Fire frequency is likely to increase and could lead to loss of biodiversity and legacy carbon. A switch in carbon cycling in boreal forests and wetlands from sink to source could be affecting atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations due to its large carbon stocks and would depend on the response of the critical zone to the environmental change. The session invites contributions investigating the changes occurring in biogeochemical cycling of carbon in the plant soil system of boreal forests and wetland areas at different scales. We are particularly interested in mechanistic studies addressing the underlying (soil) processes. Experimental and modelling studies about effects of the changes on a larger scale are also welcome.
If you would like to submit an abstract for this session, go to:
Naoise Nunan, CNRS Researcher at iEES Paris (équipe BioDiS) is co-organizer of an EGU21 session :
SSS4.1 The soil microhabitat: characterization and driving role in soil ecology
Soil, as a highly heterogeneous environment, comprises a myriad of microhabitats hosting an unparalleled biodiversity, including micro-, meso-, macrobiota and plant roots . Several physical and chemical parameters define the soil microhabitat: the geometry of the pore space, notably its connectivity, the water distribution at the microscale and the nature, distribution and association of organic compounds within the soil mineral matrix (organo-mineral associations, soil aggregates). Variations in these parameters result in micro-gradients in oxygen, moisture, nutrients and organic compounds, acting as ecological filters for soil biota, usually promoting the co-existence of contrasting ecological strategies. In addition, the soil microhabitat exerts significant constraints on the mobility of the soil biota, with major consequences for the interactions between soil organisms and repercussions on the structure of the soil food webs. Finally, microhabitats are highly variable in time, being constantly re-modelled by numerous factors such as the alternation of wet and dry cycles, the activity of the soil biota, especially plant roots and ecosystem engineers and the input of fresh organic matter.
In this session we would -like to invite contributions on: (i) deciphering the main drivers of the formation and spatiotemporal variability of the soil microhabitats, such as the release of EPS, the formation of biopores, etc., (ii) quantifying the role of the soil microhabitat in determining soil ecology, through field and experimental (microcosms, control of matric potential, isotopic tracing, etc.) or modeling approaches; (iii) describing the physico-chemical properties of the soil microhabitats, notably by developing novel tools (µCT, NanoSIMS, microscopy, etc.), or rebuilding artificial microhabitats for experimental reproducible works (Soil chips, etc.). Finally studies assessing the variability in soil activity within the soil matrix, notably focusing on microbial molecular analysis are also welcome.FOLLOW US
If you would like to submit an abstract for this session, go to: