Tour Eiffel

Urban Ecosystems: A dialog between Scientists and Paris City Managers

For more than 10 years, the City of Paris and the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris have been collaborating on various issues of urban ecology. From these multiform collaborations at the interface between fundamental research and concrete techniques for the management of urban environments, several advances have been made on both scientific knowledge of the functioning of the urban ecosystems and the development of more applied approaches and management tools for the city. In order to share and publicize the results of our research and our collaborations, we have set up a day of restitution (3th december 2019, Paris Campus des Cordeliers).

This day was organized as conferences intended for scientists, agents of the City of Paris and more generally managers of urban spaces, on the themes of urban soils, vegetation in the city or urban biodiversity. It was a moment of privileged exchanges that will allow us to build future collaborations. We brought together 90 participants from diverse backgrounds (AgroParisTech, ENPC, iEES Paris, INRA, MNHN, LSCE, Sorbonne Université, Plante et Cité, University of Paris, Ville de Paris). This event was funded by OSU ECCE TERRA, iEES Paris and Sorbonne University.

Key-words: urban ecosystems, biodiversity, pollution, urban areas, urban soils, city trees, urban animals

Tour Eiffel


  • Iry Andrianjara, Doctorante CIFRE Ville de Paris-iEES-Paris
  • Cécile Cabassa, Maître de Conférences Sorbonne Université, iEES-Paris
  • Patricia Genet, Maître de Conférences Université de Paris, iEES-Paris
  • Jean-Christophe Lata, Maître de Conférences-HDR Sorbonne Université, iEES-Paris
  • Catherine Muneghina, Assistante de Direction, iEES-Paris
  • François Nold, Directeur du Laboratoire d’Agronomie, DEVE / SSTV-AU / DESV – Ville de Paris
  • Séverine Planchais, Maître de Conférence Sorbonne Université, iEES-Paris
  • Mathilde Renard, Division Expertises Sol et Végétal, DEVE / SSTV-AU / DESV – Ville de Paris

Partners: iEES PARIS, OSU ECCE TERRA, Sorbonne Université et Ville de Paris

Members of iEES Paris: Iry AndrianjaraClotilde BiardCécile CabassaIsabelle DajozJulien GaspariniPatricia GenetRomain HonorioJean-Christophe LataJuliette LeymarieSéverine PlanchaisVincent Zaninotto/ Ex-Doctorant(e)s iEES : Ambre David, Yann Dusza, Charlotte Pruvost, Gabrielle Ringot

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