The financial means of our research - iEES Paris

Financial means

iEES Paris is financed by its supervisory authorities and by obtaining funds from calls for projects. It establishes short and medium term partnerships with public authorities, private companies and non-governmental organizations. The annual budget of iEES Paris is around € 2.5 million. It is made up of € 600,000 in endowments paid by its supervisory bodies (Sorbonne University, University Paris Est Créteil, University of Paris, CNRS, IRD, INRAE), and € 1.9 million obtained by its staff through calls for projects (agencies national and international funding such as ANR, communities, companies, etc.). 

Human resources

Research is carried out by the 159 permanent staff of iEES Paris, its 60 doctoral and post-doctoral students, and 140 annual interns, organized into 13 research teams.

Technical means

The specific technical resources are managed by the teams, those useful to a larger part of the iEES staff are grouped together on technical platforms.