Seminar of Yannick Wurm

Genetics of adaptation in ant colonies and advances in assessing pollinator health

Ecological, behavioural and theoretical studies have informed our understanding of the impacts and tradeoffs of different environments. In contrast, we know relatively little about the genes and genetic architectures, underpinning response or adaption to new environments.
I will highlight several projects in our lab that shed light on the processes and mechanisms involved.
In particular, we uncovered that a supergene region of suppressed recombination controls social organisation in red fire ants. Using population genomics, phylogenetic and transcriptomic approaches I will share our current understanding of the forces involved in the evolution, maintenance and spread of this system.
Further, I will outline our work which aims to understand how a single genome can encode three types of individuals that differ substantially in morphology, physiology and lifespan.
Finally, we are developing new approaches to better measure pollinator health. I will highlight the need and utility of these approaches and how they can help to improve agricultural practices.
These projects provide valuable insights into the genetic mechanisms that give rise to diverse traits and characteristics and the limitations within which evolution operates

The event is finished.


Jun 22 2023


11 h 00

More Info

Lien zoom
iEES Paris


iEES Paris
Campus Pierre & Marie Curie, corridor 44 – 45, floor 4, conferences room – CC 237, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS
Lien zoom


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Adaptation Adaptation, evolution and phenotype Africa ageing Agriculture Agroecology Animal ecophysiology Animals Anthropization Ants Arabidopsis thaliana Asia Bactéria Behaviours Biocontrol Biodiversity Biome Butterflies Carbon Cultures Cyanbacteria Dispersion Drosophila Drought and desertifications Earthworm Ecological engineering Ecophysiology Ecosystem functions and services Electrophysiology Environmental disturbances Erosion Fertility and reproduction Fire Freshwater aquatic environment Genomics Herbivores hormons Immune system Insects Interaction networks Lizards and reptiles Metabolomic micro-organisms Mineralogy Modeling and self-centered simulation Neurobiology Nitrogen Nutrients Olfaction and taste Parasitism Participatory science Pathogens Pesticides and endocrine disruptors Pests and invasive species Pheromones Physical and chemical properties Pigeons Plant ecophysiology Plants Pollinators Pollutants Porosity Proline proteomic Root system Savannah Size Sociality Sociology Soil Organic Matter - SOM Soils Springtails Stress Survival Sustainable development Temperature and climate change Termites Tits Transcriptomic Tropical environments and forests Urban environments Volatile organic compounds - VOCs Wasps Water cycle Watershed


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