Margot Neyret

Seminar of Margot Neyret

“Integrating diverse ecological and social-ecological data: examples of ecological synthesis “

I will present two contrasted synthesis studies conducted in the Biodiversity Exploratories, a large-scale, long term platform in Germany for ecological and socio-ecological research.

1. Slow-fast trait synchrony at the level of whole communitiesAcrossthe tree of life, life history strategies form a continuum from slow- to fast-growing organisms in response to common drivers such as resource availability and disturbance. However, the synchronization of these strategies at the entire community level is untested. We combine trait data for >2800above- and belowground taxa from 14 trophic guilds in German grasslands spanning a disturbance and resource availability gradient. I will show that most guilds consistently respond to these drivers through both direct and trophically-mediated effects, resulting in a ‘slow-fast’ axis at the level of the entire community.Fast trait communities were also associated with faster rates of ecosystem functioning. These findings demonstrate that ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ strategies can be manifested at the level of whole ecosystems, opening new avenues of ecosystem-level functional classification.

2. Landscape strategies for multifunctionality and social equity

Increasing pressure on land resources necessitates landscape management strategies that simultaneously deliver multiple benefits to numerous stakeholder groups with competing interests. Accordingly, we developed an approach that combines ecological data on all types of ecosystem services with information describing the ecosystem service priorities of multiple stakeholder groups. We identified landscape scenarios that maximise overall ecosystem service supply relative to demand (multifunctionality) for the whole stakeholder community, while maintaining equitable distribution of ecosystem benefits across groups. I will discuss our results for rural Germany and their implications for identifying sustainable land-use transformations.

  • Orateur: Margot Neyret
  • Laboratoire: Senckenberg Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrums BiK-F
  • Url de l'orateur:

The event is finished.


Dec 08 2022


11 h 00

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iEES Paris


iEES Paris
Campus Pierre & Marie Curie, corridor 44 – 45, floor 4, conferences room – CC 237, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS
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Adaptation Adaptation, evolution and phenotype Africa ageing Agriculture Agroecology Animal ecophysiology Animals Anthropization Ants Arabidopsis thaliana Asia Bactéria Behaviours Biocontrol Biodiversity Biome Butterflies Carbon Cultures Cyanbacteria Dispersion Drosophila Drought and desertifications Earthworm Ecological engineering Ecophysiology Ecosystem functions and services Electrophysiology Environmental disturbances Erosion Fertility and reproduction Fire Freshwater aquatic environment Genomics Herbivores hormons Immune system Insects Interaction networks Lizards and reptiles Metabolomic micro-organisms Mineralogy Modeling and self-centered simulation Neurobiology Nitrogen Nutrients Olfaction and taste Parasitism Participatory science Pathogens Pesticides and endocrine disruptors Pests and invasive species Pheromones Physical and chemical properties Pigeons Plant ecophysiology Plants Pollinators Pollutants Porosity Proline proteomic Root system Savannah Size Sociality Sociology Soil Organic Matter - SOM Soils Springtails Stress Survival Sustainable development Temperature and climate change Termites Tits Transcriptomic Tropical environments and forests Urban environments Volatile organic compounds - VOCs Wasps Water cycle Watershed


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